Eyeball: checking RDF/OWL for common problems

Eyeball is a Jena contrib for checking RDF models (including OWL) for common problems. It is user-extensible using plugins. The available documentation for this Eyeball, E2.1, is: You can download Eyeball from the Eyeball package page.

one-minute introduction


If you haven't already, download Eyeball from the Eyeball package page and unzip it into a directory of your choice. The download is rather large, because Eyeball 2.1 includes the Jena jars so that it runs stand-alone.

If you have Ant installed, run the Eyeball test suite:

ant test

If it doesn't say that the tests passed, let us know; there's a problem.

Ensure all the jars in the Eyeball lib directory are on your classpath. (You might find this list helpful.)

trying it out

Pick one of your RDF files; we'll call it FOO for now. Run the command-line command:

java jena.eyeball -check FOO

You will likely get a whole bunch of messages about your RDF. The messages are supposed to be self-explanatory, so you may be able to go ahead and fix some problems straight away. If you get a Java error about NoClassDefFoundError, you've forgotten to set the classpath up or use the -cp myClassPath option to Java.

(You may also want to try the experimental Eyeball GUI, but you'll still need to start it from the command line.)

If the messages aren't self-explanatory, or you want more details, you'll want to move on to the brief guide.