Migrating from Jena1 to Jena 2
Jena 2 supports the Jena 1 API. However a number of changes have been made
that will cause existing code not to run out of the box. The Jena team expect
that there will be tools to help with the migration of Jena 1 code, but they
don't exist yet, as we are not encouraging folks to migrate.
The changes are conceptually minor, mostly just renaming things into a more
sensible pattern. Exceptions are reification and a bug fix on the I/O API.
What Must be changed:
package renaming
The old mesa.rdf part of the package names has been eliminated.
- com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model -> com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model
- com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.vocabulary -> com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary
logging uses Commons logging
The old logging package in .util.Log has been removed. Jena
now uses
Commons logging
and, optionally, log4j for its logging.
Any users who used the old logging package should switch to log4j.
new model factory:
Models in Jena 1 were created using new on the model class. With Jena 2 there
is factory for creating new models com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory. Use
that instead of new. If for some reason you cannot do that, the memory model
class has moved to com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.
DAMLSelector has gone
DAMLSelector has been eliminated; SimpleSelector on a DAML (or OWL) model will
do an almost equivalent job, because those models infer the necessary
transitive triples.
I/O bug fix
Changes in the RDF/XML parser now mean that (the frequent) character encoding
problems related to use of java.io.FileReader are reported. Changes in the
RDF/XML output means that the not-so-very-portable character encoding used in
a java.io.FileWriter is explicit in the XML document. See the IO mini HowTo for more explanation.
- java.io.Reader -> java.io.InputStream etc.
- java.io.Writer -> java.io.OutputStream etc.
reification changes
Statements are no longer Resources. Instead Statements can be converted into
Resources using the asResource() method. These new Resources are
ReifiedStatement objects. See the API
proposal document for the moment.
The Statement.set(X) methods have been removed. In its place we have
the Statement.changeObject(X) methods. These methods update the model
in the same way, but they do not alter the Statement object - they
construct a new one and return it. This avoids certain technical difficulties
which arose from having mutable Statement objects.
What Should be Changed
new SimpleSelector
SelectorImpl was the only case (other than creating models - see above) where
applications had to use a specific implementation class rather than a class
defined in the API. A new SimpleSelector class has been added into the API
package. This is a clone of the old SelectorImpl class. The old class still
exists in the com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl package so existing code won't
break with the right import, but moving to the new class is encouraged. The
old one will eventually be deprecated.
*Impl classes
Some folks have used some of the implementation classes directly instead of
using the factory methods provided in, e.g. Model. We are tidying up the
javadoc so that the implementation classes are no longer so visible. Rather
than renaming the import, it would be better to switch to using the factory
methods. However, the *Impl classes still exist, and if you need a quick fix,
many of them can be found in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.
getProperty does not throw exceptions
Previously (right up to and including J2Beta1, in fact), the methods
Model::getProperty(Resource, Property)
would throw an exception
if no statement with the given resource and property were found in the model.
In Jena2.0, if no statement is found, they will deliver null
The original behaviour has been retained in the new methods
Model::getRequiredProperty(Resource, Property)
iterators now implement java.util.iterator
which means the .next() method returns an Object rather than a typed object.
You need to either cast the return from the .next() method to the appropriate
type or use the .nextType() (where Type is Resource, Literal,
Ns, RDFNode or Statement depending on the iterator) to avoid casting.
The old RDFException is still available, but only to support legacy code. See
the jena2-api-changes document for more details. Jena now throws
unchecked exceptions, so various uses of try-catch to catch non-Runtime
Jena Exceptions and convert them to runtime exceptions can be removed.
Dublin Core Vocabulary
For maximum backwards comapatibility change uses of "DC" to "DC_10".
The class "DC" will now track the latest Dublinc Core vocabulary. The classes
DC_10 and DC_11 are the actual voabularies for v1.0 and v1.1 respectively.