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The Protocol Stack

As discussed above, JavaGroups provides two channel implementations: an Ensemble-based channel and its own channel based on a Java protocol stack. The latter is a protocol stack containing a number of protocol layers in a bidirectional list. All messages sent and received over the channel have to pass through the protocol stack. Every layer may modify, reorder, pass or drop a message, or add a header to a message. A fragmentation layer might break up a message into several smaller messages, adding a header with an id to each fragment, and re-assemble the fragments on the receiver's side.

The composition of the protocol stack, i.e. its layers, is determined by the creator of the channel: a property string defines the layers to be used (and the parameters for each layer). This string might be interpreted differently by each channel implementation; in JChannel it is used to create the stack, depending on the protocol names given in the property.

Knowledge about the protocol stack is not necessary when only using channels in an application. However, when an application wishes to ignore the default properties for a protocol stack, and configure their own stack, then knowledge about what the individual layers are supposed to do is needed. Although it is syntactically possible to stack any layer on top of each other (they all have the same interface), this wouldn't make sense semantically in most cases.

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Bela Ban 2002-11-16