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This section shows sample code for using a PullPushAdapter. The example has been shortened for readability (error handling has been removed).

    public class PullPushTest implements MessageListener {
        Channel          channel;
        PullPushAdapter  adapter;
        byte[]           data="Hello world".getBytes();
        String           props; // fetch properties

        public void receive(Message msg) {
            System.out.println("Received msg: " + msg);

        public void start() throws Exception {
            channel=new JChannel(props);
            adapter=new PullPushAdapter(channel);
            for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
                System.out.println("Sending msg #" + i);
                channel.send(new Message(null, null, data));

        public static void main(String args[]) {
            try {
                new PullPushTest().start();
            catch(Exception e) { /* error */ }

First a channel is created and connected to. Then an instance of PullPushAdapter is created with the channel as argument. The constructor of PullPushAdapter starts its own thread which continually reads on the channel. Then the MessageListener is set, which causes all messages received on the channel to be sent to receive(). Then a number of messages are sent via the channel to the entire group. As group messages are also received by the sender, the receive() method will be called every time a message is received. Finally the PullPushAdapter is stopped and the channel closed. Note that explicitly stopping the PullPushAdapter is not actually necessary, a closing the channel would cause the PullPushAdapter to terminate anyway.

Note that, compared to the pull-style example, push-style message reception is considerably easier (no separate thread management) and requires less code to program.

Bela Ban 2002-11-16