// DirectoryResource.java
// $Id: DirectoryResource.html,v 1.2 1999/10/27 22:10:34 ylafon Exp $
// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html

package org.w3c.tools.resources ;

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

import org.w3c.tools.resources.indexer.*;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.event.*;

 * A simple, and reasonably efficient directory resource.
public class DirectoryResource extends ContainerResource {
     * Attribute index - The index for our directory attribute.
    protected static int ATTR_DIRECTORY = -1 ;
     * Attribute index - The last time we physically visited the directory.
    protected static int ATTR_DIRSTAMP = -1 ;
     * Attribute index - The indexer to use for that directory, if any.
    protected static int ATTR_INDEXER = -1;
     * Attribute index - The index of wether we are extensible.
    protected static int ATTR_EXTENSIBLE = -1 ;

    static {
	Attribute a   = null ;
	Class     cls = null ;
	// Get a pointer to our class.
	try {
	    cls = Class.forName("org.w3c.tools.resources.DirectoryResource") ;
	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    ex.printStackTrace() ;
	    System.exit(1) ;
	// The directory attribute.
	a = new FileAttribute("directory"
			      , null
			      , Attribute.COMPUTED|Attribute.DONTSAVE);
	ATTR_DIRECTORY = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;
	// The last time we visited the directory
	a = new DateAttribute("dirstamp"
			      , null
			      , Attribute.COMPUTED) ;
	ATTR_DIRSTAMP = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;
	// Our indexer name (optional).
	a = new StringAttribute("indexer"
				, null
				, Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
	ATTR_INDEXER = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;
	// Are we extensible (can we create resources on the fly):
	a = new BooleanAttribute("extensible"
				 , Boolean.TRUE
				 , Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
	ATTR_EXTENSIBLE = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

     * Get the indexer out of the given context.
     * @return A ResourceIndexer instance, guaranteeed not to be <strong>
     * null</strong>.
    protected ResourceReference getIndexer(ResourceContext c) {
	IndexerModule   m = (IndexerModule) c.getModule(IndexerModule.NAME);
	ResourceReference rr = m.getIndexer(c);
	return rr;
    public void setValue(int idx, Object value) {
	super.setValue(idx, value);
	if ( idx == ATTR_INDEXER ) {
	    String indexer = getString(ATTR_INDEXER, null);	    
	    if ( indexer != null ) {
		ResourceContext c = null;
		IndexerModule   m = null;
		c = getContext();
		m = (IndexerModule) c.getModule(IndexerModule.NAME);
		m.registerIndexer(c, indexer);
     * Get the physical directory exported by this resource.
     * @return A non-null File object giving the directory of this resource.
    public File getDirectory() {
	return (File) getValue(ATTR_DIRECTORY, null) ;

     * Get the absolute time at which we examined the physicall directory.
     * @return The date (as a long number of ms since Java epoch), or
     * <strong>-1</strong> if we never examined it before.

    public long getDirStamp() {
	return getLong(ATTR_DIRSTAMP, -1) ;

     * Get the extensible flag value.
     * A DirectoryResource is extensible, if it is allowed to create new
     * resources out of the file system knowledge on the fly.
     * <p>Setting this flag might slow down the server. It unfortunatelly
     * defaults to <strong>true</strong> until I have a decent admin
     * program.
     * @return A boolean <strong>true</strong> if the directory is
     *    extensible.
    public boolean getExtensibleFlag() {
	return getBoolean(ATTR_EXTENSIBLE, true) ;

     * A resource is about to be removed
     * This handles the <code>RESOURCE_REMOVED</code> kind of events.
     * @param evt The event describing the change.
    public void resourceRemoved(StructureChangedEvent evt) {

     * Create a DirectoryResource and the physical directory too.
     * @param name the name of the resource.
     * @return A ResourceReference instance.
    public ResourceReference createDirectoryResource(String name) {
	// Create an empty file:
	File    file          = new File(getDirectory(), name) ;
	boolean created       = false ;
	boolean exists_before = false ;

	try {
	    if (file.exists()) {
		if (! file.isDirectory())
		    created = false;
		    exists_before = true;
	    } else {
		created = true;
	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    created = false;
	if (! created)
	    return null;

	ResourceReference rr = createDefaultResource(name);
	if (rr == null) {
	    if (!exists_before)
	    return null;

	try {
	    Resource r = rr.lock();
	    if (! (r instanceof DirectoryResource)) {
		try {
		} catch (MultipleLockException ex) {
		    //manual delete
		if (!exists_before)
		return null;
	} catch (InvalidResourceException ex) {
	    if (!exists_before)
	    return null;
	} finally {
	return rr;

     * Create a Resource and the physical file too.
     * @param name the name of the resource.
     * @return A ResourceReference instance.
    public ResourceReference createResource(String name) {
	return createResource(name, null);

     * Create a Resource and the physical file too.
     * @param name the name of the resource.
     * @param req the protocol request.
     * @return A ResourceReference instance.
    public ResourceReference createResource(String name, 
					    RequestInterface req) 
	// Create an empty file:
	File    file    = new File(getDirectory(), name) ;
	boolean created = false ;

	if ( ! file.exists() ) {
	    try {
		(new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw")).close() ;
		created = true ;
	    } catch (Exception ex) {
		created = false ;
	if (! created) 
	    return null;

	ResourceReference rr = createDefaultResource(name, req);
	if (rr == null)
	return rr;

     * Index a Resource. Call the indexer.
     * @param name The name of the resource to index.
     * @param defs The defaults attributes.
     * @return A resource instance.
     * @see org.w3c.tools.resources.indexer.SampleResourceIndexer
    private Resource index(String name, Hashtable defs) {
	return index(name, defs, null);

     * Index a Resource. Call the indexer.
     * @param name The name of the resource to index.
     * @param defs The defaults attributes.
     * @param req The protocol request.
     * @return A resource instance.
     * @see org.w3c.tools.resources.indexer.SampleResourceIndexer
    protected Resource index(String name, 
			     Hashtable defs, 
			     RequestInterface req) 
	// Prepare a set of default parameters for the resource:
	defs.put("identifier", name);
	ResourceContext context = getContext();
	// Try to get the indexer to create the resource:
	Resource    resource = null;
	ResourceReference rr_indexer  = null;
	ResourceReference rr_lastidx  = null;
	while ( context != null ) {
	    // Lookup for next indexer in hierarchy:
	    do {
		rr_indexer = getIndexer(context);
		context = context.getParent();
	    } while ((rr_indexer == rr_lastidx) && (context != null));
	    // Is this a usefull indexer ?
	    if ((rr_lastidx = rr_indexer) != null ) {
		try {
		    ResourceIndexer indexer = 
		    resource = indexer.createResource(this,
						      defs) ;
		    if ( resource != null ) 
		} catch (InvalidResourceException ex) {
		    resource = null;
		} finally {
	return resource;

    public synchronized ResourceReference createDefaultResource(String name) {
	return createDefaultResource(name, null);
     * Try creating a default resource having the given name.
     * This method will make its best effort to create a default resource
     * having this name in the directory. If a file with this name exists,
     * it will check the pre-defined admin extensions and look for a match.
     * If a directory with this name exists, and admin allows to do so, it
     * will create a sub-directory resource.
     * @param name The name of the resource to try to create.
     * @param req The incomming request
     * @return A Resource instance, if possible, <strong>null</strong>
     *    otherwise.
    protected synchronized 
	ResourceReference createDefaultResource(String name,
						RequestInterface req) 
	// Don't automagically create resources of name '..' or '.'
	if (name.equals("..") || name.equals("."))
	    return null ;

	Hashtable defs = new Hashtable(10) ;
	Resource resource = index(name, defs, req);
	// Did we finally create a resource ?
	ResourceReference rr = null;
	if ( resource != null ) {
	    // Register this child in our store:
	    rr = addResource(resource, defs) ;
	    markModified() ;
	return rr ;

     * Initialize and register a new resource into this directory.
     * @param resource The uninitialized resource to be added.
    protected ResourceContext updateDefaultChildAttributes(Hashtable attrs) {
	ResourceContext context = null;
	context = super.updateDefaultChildAttributes(attrs);
	String name = (String) attrs.get("identifier");
	if (( name != null ) && (getDirectory() !=  null)) {
	    attrs.put("directory", new File(getDirectory(), name));
	    return context;
	} else {
	    return null;

     * Reindex recursivly all the resources from this DirectoryResource.
    public synchronized void reindex() {
	if (getExtensibleFlag()) {
	    Enumeration       e    = enumerateAllResourceIdentifiers();
	    String            name = null;
	    ResourceReference rr   = null;
	    Resource          r    = null;
	    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
		name = (String) e.nextElement();
		rr = lookup(name);
		if (rr != null) {
		    try {
			r = rr.lock();
			// forbid cycles
			if (r == this)
			if (r instanceof DirectoryResource) {
			    //launch reindex
			    DirectoryResource dir = (DirectoryResource) r;
			    //reindex directory itself
			    //the new diretory must have the same context
			    Hashtable defs = new Hashtable(10);
			    defs.put("context", dir.getContext());
			    //indexing ...
			    Resource newdir = index(name, defs);
			    // do we want it to keep its indexer?
			    if (newdir == null) {
			    } else {
				if (! (newdir instanceof DirectoryResource)) {
				    throw new RuntimeException(
					       "Reindex Error : "+
					       name+" can't be reindexed. "+
					       "The reindexed resource is "+
					       "no more a DirectoryResource.");
				DirectoryResource reindexed = 
				    (DirectoryResource) newdir;
				String indexer = 
				    reindexed.getString(ATTR_INDEXER, "");
				if (indexer.equals("")) {
				    indexer = 
					dir.getString(ATTR_INDEXER, null);
				    reindexed.setValue(ATTR_INDEXER, indexer);
				} else {
				    dir.setValue(ATTR_INDEXER, indexer);
				//move children to the reindexed directory
				reindexed.setValue(ATTR_KEY, dir.getKey());
				addResource(reindexed, defs);
				// Now replace the old DirectoryResource 
				// by the new one
				try {
				} catch (MultipleLockException ex) {
				    throw new RuntimeException(
							   "Reindex Error : "+
			} else if (! (r instanceof AbstractContainer)) {
			    Hashtable resdefs = new Hashtable(10);
			    Resource resource = index(name, resdefs);
			    if (resource != null) {
				try {
				} catch (MultipleLockException ex) {
				    throw new RuntimeException(
							    "Reindex Error : "+
				addResource(resource, resdefs);
		    } catch (InvalidResourceException ex) {
		    } finally {

     * Enumerate all available children resource identifiers. 
     * This method <em>requires</em> that we create all our pending resources.
     * @return An enumeration of all our resources.
    protected synchronized Enumeration enumerateAllResourceIdentifiers() {
	File directory = getDirectory() ;
	if ( directory != null ) {
	    synchronized(this) {
		String lst[] = directory.list() ;
		if ( lst != null ) {
		    for (int i = 0 ; i < lst.length ; i++) {
			if (lst[i].equals(".") || lst[i].equals(".."))
			    continue ;
			if (lookup(lst[i]) == null)
			    createDefaultResource(lst[i]) ;
	return super.enumerateResourceIdentifiers(true); 

     * Enumerate all available children resource identifiers. 
     * This method <em>requires</em> that we create all our pending resources
     * if we are in the extensible mode...too bad !
     * @return An enumeration of all our resources.
    public synchronized Enumeration enumerateResourceIdentifiers(boolean all) {
	// If extensible, update if needed:
	if (all && getExtensibleFlag() ) {
	    File directory = getDirectory() ;
	    if ( directory != null ) {
		synchronized(this) {
		    long dirstamp  = directory.lastModified() ;
		    if ( dirstamp > getDirStamp() ) {
			String lst[] = directory.list() ;
			if ( lst != null ) {
			    for (int i = 0 ; i < lst.length ; i++) {
				if (lst[i].equals(".") || lst[i].equals(".."))
				    continue ;
				if (lookup(lst[i]) == null)
				    createDefaultResource(lst[i]) ;
			setLong(ATTR_DIRSTAMP, dirstamp) ;
	return super.enumerateResourceIdentifiers(all);

     * Lookup the resource having the given name in this directory.
     * @param name The name of the resource.
     * @return A resource instance, or <strong>null</strong>.
    public ResourceReference lookup(String name) 
	ResourceReference rr = null;
	// Try our store:
	rr = super.lookup(name);
	if (rr != null)
	    return rr;
	// If allowed, than try a default fallback:
	return getExtensibleFlag() ? createDefaultResource(name) : null ;

     * Delete this directory resource, for ever.
     * This method will delete the directory resource, and its associated 
     * store, <strong>along</strong> with any of the sub-resources it contains.
     * Deleting the root directory of your server might take sometime...
     * <p>Once the resource is deleted, it isx1 removed from its inital store
     * and will not be unpickleable any more.
    public synchronized void delete() 
	throws MultipleLockException
	// Remove all the defined resources in this directory
	// Set the extensible flag to false, otherwise, the directory grows
	// as we shrink it :-)
	setBoolean(ATTR_EXTENSIBLE, false);

     * Was return false (don't khow why)
    public synchronized boolean verify() {
	return getDirectory().exists();

     * Initialize this directory resource with the given set of attributes.
     * @param values The attribute values.
    public void initialize(Object values[]) {
	super.initialize(values) ;
	// Get our parent resource and compute our directory:
	File dir = null ;
	if ( ! definesAttribute(ATTR_DIRECTORY) ) {
	    // Get our parent:
	    ResourceReference rr = getParent();
	    if (rr != null) {
		try {
		    Resource parent = rr.lock();
		    if (parent.definesAttribute("directory")) {
			File pdir = (File) parent.getValue("directory", null);
			if ( pdir != null ) {
			    // Compute and set our directory attribute:
			    dir = new File(pdir, getIdentifier()) ;
			    setValue(ATTR_DIRECTORY, dir) ;
		} catch (InvalidResourceException ex) {
		} finally {
	} else {
	    dir = getDirectory();
	// Register our specific indexer, if any:
	ResourceContext c = getContext();
	String indexer = getString(ATTR_INDEXER, null);

	if (( indexer != null ) && (!indexer.equals(""))) {
	    IndexerModule   m = (IndexerModule)c.getModule(IndexerModule.NAME);
	    m.registerIndexer(c, indexer);
