This tutorial explains how to configure and run the Red Hat Application Server server. In addition, it explains how to run the examples provided in the Red Hat Application Server distribution. It is assumed that a JDK is already installed. For installation details, refer to the Red Hat Application Server Installation Guide.
This introduction gives an overview of Red Hat Application Server. For those who want to immediately start using Red Hat Application Server without going through the overview, you can go to Chapter 2 Quick Start.
Chapter 3 Configuring Your Environment helps you set up all the software needed for a complete J2EE environment, including a Web server, Servlet, and EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) servers.
Chapter 4 Getting Started With JOnAS is a quick reference to JOnAS that guides you through the most common tasks you will have to perform.
The remaining chapters are specific to EJB application development. Each chapter treats a different programming concept and illustrates it with a specific example. The Alarm application is a "putting it all together" example that gives an overview of a complete application using JOnAS.