Chapter 11. Documentation

This chapter describes additional sources of information about Red Hat Application Server.

11.1. Documentation

For more information about JOnAS, please read the documentation that comes with the Red Hat Application Server distribution.


Note that the latest release JOnAS documentation can always be found online.

11.1.1. Release Documentation

The Red Hat Application Server documentation consists of this tutorial, the Installation Guide, which explains how to install Red Hat Application Server, and the Red Hat Application Server User Guide, which contains the following sections:

  • Configuration Guide explains how to configure JOnAS. You will learn how to deal with the JOnAS configuration files in order to set up the JOnAS and the communication environment, the registry launch, and the JOnAS services (EJB, Web Container, EAR, JDBC, Security, Transaction, Messaging, Management, JCA resources, and Mail).

  • J2EE Application Programmer's Guide shows in great details how to develop Session, Entity, or Message-Driven Beans with JOnAS. It shows in particular how to manage the security and transactional behavior, how to configure JDBC datasources, how to define the EJB deployment descriptors, and how to package the written beans.

  • JOnAS Commands Reference Guide is a reference guide to the JOnAS commands: newbean, registry, CheckEnv, jonas, GenIC, JmsServer, jonasAdmin, and RAConfig.

  • JOnAS and JORAM: Distributed Message Beans

  • Howto: Using WebSphere MQ JMS Guide

  • Configuring JDBC Resource Adapters