Chapter 19. Launching J2EE Client Applications

This chapter is for the Client Component provider; that is, the person in charge of developing the client components on the client side.

19.1. Launching Clients

The J2EE client application can be:

All the files required to launch the client container are in the JONAS_ROOT/lib/client.jar file. This jar includes a manifest file with the name of the class to launch. To launch the client container, simply type:

java -jar $JONAS_ROOT/lib/client.jar -?

This launches the client container and display usage information about this client container.

To launch the client container on a remote computer, copy the client.jar and invoke the client container by typing:

java -jar path_to_your/client.jar

The client that must be launched by the client container is given as an argument of the client container. For example:

java -jar client.jar myApplication.ear


java -jar client.jar myClient.jar