This chapter describes the basic use of web services between JOnAS and WebLogic Server. It assumes that the reader does not require any explanation about Axis-specific tasks (Axis deployment with WSDD, etc.). Before deployment in Axis, verify that the deploy.wsdd file matches the site machine configuration (the jndiURL parameter in particular: <parameter name="jndiURL" value="rmi://localhost:1099"/>).
JOnAS incorporates all the necessary libraries, including:
JAX-R: Reference Implementation from Sun
JAX-M: Reference Implementation from Sun
JAX-P: Xerces XML parser (version 2.4.0)
AXIS: Soap implementation from Apache (with all dependent libs: jaxrpc.jar, etc.)
JAX-M and JAX-R are parts of the Web Services Development Pack from Sun.
WebLogic incorporates all the necessary libraries. The libraries for using the webservice are contained in webserviceclient.jar.