Red Hat Application Server: JOnAS User Guide | ||
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For this example, it is assumed that you want to customize the deployment of the AccountImpl bean in the JOnAS example examples/src/eb by changing the name of the database table used for the persistence of the AccountImpl.
The current directory is $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src/eb. Do the following:
Edit jonas-ejb-jar.xml and modify the value of the <jdbc-table-name> element included in the <jdbc-mapping> element corresponding to AccountImpl entity.
Compile all the .java files present in this directory:
javac -d ../../classes |
Perform the deployment:
Build an EJB-JAR file named ejb-jar.jar with all the corresponding classes and the two deployment descriptors:
mkdir -p ../../classes/META-INF cp ejb-jar.xml ../../classes/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml cp jonas-ejb-jar.xml ../../classes/META-INF/jonas-ejb-jar.xml cd ../../classes jar cvf eb/ejb-jar.jar META-INF/ejb-jar.xml META-INF/jonas-ejb-jar.xml eb/Account.class eb/AccountExplBean.class eb/AccountHome.class eb/AccountImplBean.class |
From the source directory, run the GenIC generation tool that will generate the final ejb-jar.jar file with the interposition classes:
GenIC -d ../../classes ejb-jar.jar |
Install the EJB-JAR in the $JONAS_ROOT/ejbjars directory:
cp ../../classes/eb/ejb-jar.jar $JONAS_ROOT/ejbjars/ejb-jar.jar |
The JOnAS application Server can now be launched using the command:
service jonas start |
The steps just described for building the new ejb-jar.jar file explain the deployment process. It is generally implemented by an ANT build script.
If Apache ANT is installed on your machine, type ant install in the $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src directory to build and install all ejb-jar.jar files for the examples.
To write a build.xml file for ANT, use the ejbjar task, which is one of the optional EJB tasks defined in ANT (see The ejbjar task contains a nested element called jonas, which implements the deployment process described above (interposition classes generation and EJB-JAR file update).
Generally, the $JONAS_ROOT/lib/common/ow_jonas_ant.jar file has the most up-to-date version of the EJB task containing an updated implementation of the jonas nested element. See Chapter 27 Ant EJB Tasks: Using EJB-JAR for information on the jonas nested element.
For example, $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src/alarm/build.xml contains this code snippet:
<!-- ejbjar task --> <taskdef name="ejbjar" classname="org.objectweb.jonas.ant.EjbJar" classpath="${jonas.root}/lib/common/ow_jonas_ant.jar" /> <!-- Deploying ejbjars via ejbjar task --> <target name="jonasejbjar" description="Build and deploy the ejb-jar file" depends="compile" > <ejbjar basejarname="alarm" srcdir="${classes.dir}" descriptordir="${src.dir}/beans/org/objectweb/alarm/beans" dependency="full"> <include name="**/alarm.xml"/> <support dir="${classes.dir}"> <include name="**/ViewProxy.class"/> </support> <jonas destdir="${dist.ejbjars.dir}" jonasroot="${jonas.root}" mappernames="${mapper.names}" protocols="${protocols.names}" /> </ejbjar> </target> |