16.4. Accessing an EJB from a Servlet or JSP Page

Starting with JOnAS 2.6 with its web container service, it is possible to access an enterprise Java bean and its environment in a J2EE-compliant way.

The following sections describe:

  1. How to access the Remote Home interface of a bean.

  2. How to access the Local Home interface of a bean.

  3. How to access the environment of a bean.

  4. How to start transactions in servlets.


All the following code examples are taken from the The EarSample example provided in the JOnAS distribution.

16.4.1. Accessing the Remote Home Interface of a Bean:

In this example the servlet gets the Remote Home interface OpHome registered in JNDI using an EJB reference, then creates a new instance of the Session Bean:

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;

//remote interface
import org.objectweb.earsample.beans.secusb.Op;
import org.objectweb.earsample.beans.secusb.OpHome;

  Context initialContext = null;
  try {
    initialContext = new InitialContext();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    out.print("<li>Cannot get initial context for JNDI: ");
    out.println(e + "</li>");
// Connecting to OpHome through JNDI
  OpHome opHome = null;
  try {
    opHome = (OpHome) 
    PortableRemoteObject.narrow(initialContext.lookup \
      ("java:comp/env/ejb/Op"), OpHome.class);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("<li>Cannot lookup java:comp/env/ejb/Op: " 
       + e + "</li>");
  // OpBean creation
  Op op = null;
  try {       
    op = opHome.create("User1"); 
  } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("<li>Cannot create OpBean: " + e + "</li>");

Note that the following elements must be set in the web.xml file tied to this web application:


16.4.2. Accessing the Local Home of a Bean:

The following example shows how to obtain a local home interface OpLocalHome using an EJB local reference:

//local interfaces
import org.objectweb.earsample.beans.secusb.OpLocal;
import org.objectweb.earsample.beans.secusb.OpLocalHome;

  // Connecting to OpLocalHome thru JNDI
    OpLocalHome opLocalHome = null;
    try {
      opLocalHome = (OpLocalHome) 
    } catch (Exception e) {
      out.println("<li>Cannot lookup java:comp/env/ejb/OpLocal: " 
          + e + "</li>");

This is found in the web.xml file:


16.4.3. Accessing the Environment of the Component

In this example, the servlet seeks to access the component's environment:

String envEntry = null;
  try {
    envEntry = (String) 
  } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("<li>Cannot get env-entry on JNDI " + e + "</li>");

This is the corresponding part of the web.xml file:

  <env-entry-value>This is a string from env-entry</env-entry-value>

16.4.4. Starting Transactions in Servlets

The servlet wants to start transactions via the UserTransaction:

import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

    // We want to start transactions from client: get UserTransaction
     UserTransaction utx = null;
     try {
         utx = (UserTransaction) 
     } catch (Exception e) {
         out.println("<li>Cannot lookup java:comp/UserTransaction: " 
         + e + "</li>");

     try { 

     } catch (Exception e) {
         out.println("<li>exception during 1st Tx: " + e + "</li>");