Red Hat Application Server: JOnAS User Guide | ||
Prev | Chapter 39. How to Migrate the New World Cruises Application to JOnAS | Next |
To call a web service, first generate Axis classes. The generated classes will allow a web service to be called using the static method.
For this step, download the file AirService.wsdl that corresponds to the SUN web service description or use the URL containing this file.
Then use the command:
java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2java <file_name> |
This command generates four Java files: the service interface. the service implementation
AirServiceServantInterface: the endpoint interface the stub class
To call the SUN web service, instantiate the service implementation. Then call the method getAirService() to get the end point, and call the appropriate method.
AirService airService=new AirServiceLocator(); AirServiceServantInterface interface=airService getAirService(); Object result=interface.<method>; |
The file contains the web application that uses the SUN web service.
It includes several JSP files that must be modified to use the Axis classes.
As an example, make the following replacements in the index.jsp file:
// Get our port interface AirPack.AirClientGenClient.AirService service = new AirPack.AirClientGenClient.AirService_Impl(); AirPack.AirClientGenClient.AirServiceServantInterface port = service getAirServiceServantInterfacePort(); // Get the stub and set it to save the HTTP log. AirPack.AirClientGenClient.AirServiceServantInterface_Stub stub = (AirPack.AirClientGenClient.AirServiceServantInterface_Stub) port; httpLog = new; stub._setTransportFactory (new com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.HttpClientTransportFactory(httpLog)); // Get the end point address and save it for the error page. String endPointAddress = (String) stub._getProperty(stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY); request.setAttribute("ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY", endPointAddress); |
// Get our port interface AirService_pkg.AirService service = new AirService_pkg.AirServiceLocator(); AirService_pkg.AirServiceServantInterface port = service getAirServiceServantInterfacePort(); |
Additionally, the exception:
throw new com.sun.xml.rpc.client.ClientTransportException(null, new Object[] {e}); |
is replaced by:
throw new Exception(e); |
Finally, create the web application (jonas-web.xml) and reuse the web.xml that is in Then, build the web application, which contains:
META-INF/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF WEB-INF/ WEB-INF/jonas-web.xml WEB-INF/lib/ WEB-INF/lib/CruiseManager.jar WEB-INF/classes/ WEB-INF/classes/AirService_pkg/ WEB-INF/classes/AirService_pkg/AirServiceServantInterface.class WEB-INF/classes/AirService_pkg/AirServiceServantInterfaceBindingStub.class WEB-INF/classes/AirService_pkg/AirService.class WEB-INF/classes/AirService_pkg/AirServiceLocator.class PalmTree.jpg aboutus.jsp air_icon.gif airbook.jsp airclient.jsp airdates.jsp airdone.jsp airlist.jsp clear.gif crubook.jsp crudone.jsp cruise_icon.gif cruises.jsp flights.jsp index.jsp nwcl_banner.gif nwcl_banner_a.gif nwcl_styles.css WEB-INF/web.xml |