Once you've made a selection, the fun begins. You can change, move, remove, and clone elements. You can also create new elements via a simple syntax.

For complete documentation of jQuery manipulation methods, visit http://api.jquery.com/category/manipulation/.

There are any number of ways you can change an existing element. Among the most common tasks you'll perform is changing the inner HTML or attribute of an element. jQuery offers simple, cross-browser methods for these sorts of manipulations. You can also get information about elements using many of the same methods in their getter incarnations. We'll see examples of these throughout this section, but specifically, here are a few methods you can use to get and set information about elements.


Changing things about elements is trivial, but remember that the change will affect all elements in the selection, so if you just want to change one element, be sure to specify that in your selection before calling a setter method.


When methods act as getters, they generally only work on the first element in the selection, and they do not return a jQuery object, so you can't chain additional methods to them. One notable exception is $.fn.text; as mentioned below, it gets the text for all elements in the selection.


Get or set the html contents.


Get or set the text contents; HTML will be stripped.


Get or set the value of the provided attribute.


Get or set the width in pixels of the first element in the selection as an integer.


Get or set the height in pixels of the first element in the selection as an integer.


Get an object with position information for the first element in the selection, relative to its first positioned ancestor. This is a getter only.


Get or set the value of form elements.

There are a variety of ways to move elements around the DOM; generally, there are two approaches:

  • Place the selected element(s) relative to another element

  • Place an element relative to the selected element(s)

For example, jQuery provides $.fn.insertAfter and $.fn.after. The $.fn.insertAfter method places the selected element(s) after the element that you provide as an argument; the $.fn.after method places the element provided as an argument after the selected element. Several other methods follow this pattern: $.fn.insertBefore and $.fn.before; $.fn.appendTo and $.fn.append; and $.fn.prependTo and $.fn.prepend.

The method that makes the most sense for you will depend on what elements you already have selected, and whether you will need to store a reference to the elements you're adding to the page. If you need to store a reference, you will always want to take the first approach -- placing the selected elements relative to another element -- as it returns the element(s) you're placing. In this case, $.fn.insertAfter, $.fn.insertBefore, $.fn.appendTo, and $.fn.prependTo will be your tools of choice.

jQuery offers a trivial and elegant way to create new elements using the same $() method you use to make selections.

Note that in the attributes object we included as the second argument, the property name class is quoted, while the property names text and href are not. Property names generally do not need to be quoted unless they are reserved words (as class is in this case).

When you create a new element, it is not immediately added to the page. There are several ways to add an element to the page once it's been created.

Strictly speaking, you don't have to store the created element in a variable -- you could just call the method to add the element to the page directly after the $(). However, most of the time you will want a reference to the element you added, so you don't need to select it later.

You can even create an element as you're adding it to the page, but note that in this case you don't get a reference to the newly created element.


The syntax for adding new elements to the page is so easy, it's tempting to forget that there's a huge performance cost for adding to the DOM repeatedly. If you are adding many elements to the same container, you'll want to concatenate all the html into a single string, and then append that string to the container instead of appending the elements one at a time. You can use an array to gather all the pieces together, then join them into a single string for appending.

var myItems = [], $myList = $('#myList');

for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
    myItems.push('<li>item ' + i + '</li>');
