While most existing jQuery plugins are stateless — that is, we call them on an element and that is the extent of our interaction with the plugin — there’s a large set of functionality that doesn’t fit into the basic plugin pattern.

In order to fill this gap, jQuery UI has implemented a more advanced plugin system. The new system manages state, allows multiple functions to be exposed via a single plugin, and provides various extension points. This system is called the widget factory and is exposed as jQuery.widget as part of jQuery UI 1.8; however, it can be used independently of jQuery UI.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the widget factory, we'll build a simple progress bar plugin.

To start, we’ll create a progress bar that just lets us set the progress once. As we can see below, this is done by calling jQuery.widget with two parameters: the name of the plugin to create and an object literal containing functions to support our plugin. When our plugin gets called, it will create a new plugin instance and all functions will be executed within the context of that instance. This is different from a standard jQuery plugin in two important ways. First, the context is an object, not a DOM element. Second, the context is always a single object, never a collection.

The name of the plugin must contain a namespace; in this case we’ve used the nmk namespace. There is a limitation that namespaces be exactly one level deep — that is, we can't use a namespace like nmk.foo. We can also see that the widget factory has provided two properties for us. this.element is a jQuery object containing exactly one element. If our plugin is called on a jQuery object containing multiple elements, a separate plugin instance will be created for each element, and each instance will have its own this.element. The second property, this.options, is a hash containing key/value pairs for all of our plugin’s options. These options can be passed to our plugin as shown here.


In our example we use the nmk namespace. The ui namespace is reserved for official jQuery UI plugins. When building your own plugins, you should create your own namespace. This makes it clear where the plugin came from and whether it is part of a larger collection.

When we call jQuery.widget it extends jQuery by adding a method to jQuery.fn (the same way we'd create a standard plugin). The name of the function it adds is based on the name you pass to jQuery.widget, without the namespace; in our case it will create jQuery.fn.progressbar. The options passed to our plugin get set in this.options inside of our plugin instance. As shown below, we can specify default values for any of our options. When designing your API, you should figure out the most common use case for your plugin so that you can set appropriate default values and make all options truly optional.

Now that we can initialize our progress bar, we’ll add the ability to perform actions by calling methods on our plugin instance. To define a plugin method, we just include the function in the object literal that we pass to jQuery.widget. We can also define “private” methods by prepending an underscore to the function name.

To call a method on a plugin instance, you pass the name of the method to the jQuery plugin. If you are calling a method that accepts parameters, you simply pass those parameters after the method name.


Executing methods by passing the method name to the same jQuery function that was used to initialize the plugin may seem odd. This is done to prevent pollution of the jQuery namespace while maintaining the ability to chain method calls.

One of the easiest ways to make your plugin extensible is to add callbacks so users can react when the state of your plugin changes. We can see below how to add a callback to our progress bar to signify when the progress has reached 100%. The _trigger method takes three parameters: the name of the callback, a native event object that initiated the callback, and a hash of data relevant to the event. The callback name is the only required parameter, but the others can be very useful for users who want to implement custom functionality on top of your plugin. For example, if we were building a draggable plugin, we could pass the native mousemove event when triggering a drag callback; this would allow users to react to the drag based on the x/y coordinates provided by the event object.

Callback functions are essentially just additional options, so you can get and set them just like any other option. Whenever a callback is executed, a corresponding event is triggered as well. The event type is determined by concatenating the plugin name and the callback name. The callback and event both receive the same two parameters: an event object and a hash of data relevant to the event, as we’ll see below.

If your plugin has functionality that you want to allow the user to prevent, the best way to support this is by creating cancelable callbacks. Users can cancel a callback, or its associated event, the same way they cancel any native event: by calling event.preventDefault() or using return false. If the user cancels the callback, the _trigger method will return false so you can implement the appropriate functionality within your plugin.