- Kaboodle, Music Players
- KControl, The KDE Control Center
- KDE Control Center, The KDE Control Center
- KDE News Resource, More Resources
- KDE User Mailing List, Mailing Lists
- KDE wiki, More Resources
- kde-linux Mailing List, Mailing Lists
- kdm, Logging in Graphically
- Keybindings, Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts
- KHelpCenter, User Manuals
- Kicker, Kicker, the KDE Panel
- Klipper, More Advanced Clipboard Use
- KMail, Getting Started with Email
- Konqueror
- File
Management, The File Manager
- Handbook, Introduction
- Magnifier, KMagnifier
- Mailing Lists, Mailing Lists
- Maximizing
Windows, Resizing Windows
- Horizontally, Resizing Windows
- Vertically, Resizing Windows
- Minimize, Hiding Windows
- Mouse
- clicking
automatically, KMouseTool
- Moving
Files, Icons
- Moving Windows, Moving Windows
- Multiple Desktops, Using Multiple Desktops
- Music, Playing Music
- Selection, The Selection
- Shade, Hiding Windows
- Shared Folders, How to share files with kpf
- Shortcuts, Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts
- Sidebar, The Navigation Panel (aka “The Sidebar”)
- Sound, Playing Music
- Sounds, Configuring Notifications
- Speech, KMouth
- startkde, Logging in via the Command Line
- startx, Logging in via the Command Line
- Sticky
Windows, Windows and Virtual Desktops