有许多从同时直接或间接地为BLFS作出了贡献。本页列出了所有我们想得到的人。我们也可能会漏掉一些人,如果你觉得这是个问题,可以给我们发信。对于LFS社区为该项目提供的帮助,我们十分感谢。如果你在名单之内并希望能列出你的email地址,请你发信到 [email protected] 。我们会乐于把它加上。一般情况下,我们并不列出email地址,如果你想让它列出,请在与我们联系时加以声明。
主编: Larry Lawrence <[email protected]>
副主编: Bruce Dubbs, Mark Hymers, Billy O'Connor and Tushar Teredesai
第一章:由 Gerard Beekmans 以LFS的介绍部分为基础创作,再由 Mark Hymers 为 BLFS 修改。
第二章: 关于 /usr 和 /usr/local 的讨论: Andrew McMurry.
第二章: 超越 BLFS: Tushar Teredesai.
第三章: /etc/inputrc: Chris Lynn.
第三章: 自定义登录提示和 vimrc: Mark Hymers.
第三章: 产生随机数的脚本: Larry Lawrence.
第三章: 创建自定义启动盘:Mike Bedwell.
第三章:Bash Shell 初始化文件 James Robertson.
第四章: 防火墙: Henning Rohde with thanks to Jeff Bauman.
第十一章:Which Mark Hymers with many thanks to Seth Klein and Jesse Tie-Ten-Quee.
第二十六章:XFree86 Bruce Dubbs.
第二十八章: 对窗口管理器的介绍: Bruce Dubbs.
第二十九章:KDE: Bruce Dubbs.
第三十二章:GNOME: Larry Lawrence.
aalib, Alsa, ffmpeg, MPlayer, opendivx, sane, transcode, xvid and xsane: Alex Kloss
AbiWord, at-spi, ATK, audiofile, avifile, bc, bonobo-activation, bug-buddy, cdrdao, cdrtools, cpio, curl, dhcp, enlightenment, eog, esound, fcron, fluxbox, FNLIB, gail, galeon, gconf-editor, gdbm, gedit, gimp, GLib2, gmp, gnat, gnome-applets, gnome-desktop, gnome-games, gnome-icon-theme, gnome-libs, gnome-media, gnome-mime-data, gnome-panel, gnome-session, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-terminal, gnome-themes, gnome-utils, gnome-vfs, gnome2-user-docs, gnumeric, GTK+2, gtk-doc, gtk-engines, gtk-thinice-engine, eel, imlib, intltool, lame, libao, libart_lgpl, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgail-gnome, libglade2, libgnome, libgnomecanvas, libgnomeprint, libgnomeprintui, libgnomeui, libgtkhtml, libgtop, libIDL, libogg, librep, librsvg, libvorbis, libwnck, libxml2, libxslt, linc, LPRng, Lunux_PAM, metacity, MPlayer, mutt, nautilus, nautilus-media, oaf, OpenJade, OpenSP, OpenSSH, ORBit, ORBit2, pan, Pango, pccts, pcre, pkgconfig, postfix, procmail, Python, QT, rep-gtk, ruby, sawfish, scrollkeeper, sgml-common, sgml-dtd, shadow, startup-notification, unzip, vorbis-tools, vte, wget, XFce, xine, xml-dtd, yelp and zip: Larry Lawrence
CDParanoia, mpg123, SDL and XMMS: Jeroen Coumans
alsa, cvs, dhcpcd, gpm, hdparm, libjpeg, libmng, libpng, libtiff, libungif, links, lynx, openssl, tcsh, which, zsch, zlib: Mark Hymers
daemontools, traceroute and ucspi-tcp: Jeff Bauman
db and lcms: Jeremy Jones and Mark Hymers
aspell, balsa, bind, bonobo, bonbo-conf, cvs server, db-3.3.11, db-3.1.17, emacs, evolution, exim, expat, gal, gnome-print, GnuCash, gtkhtml, guppi, guile, guppi, g-wrap, leafnode, lesstif, libcapplet, libesmtp, libfam, libghttp, libglade, pine, portmap, PostgreSQL, pspell, qmail, qpopper, readline, reiserfs, Samba, sendmail, slib, slrn, soup, tex, tcp-wrappers, and xinetd: Billy O'Connor
ESP Ghostscript: Matt Rogers
fetchmail and wvdial: Paul Campbell
alsa-oss, inetutils, gdk, GLib, GTK+ and libxml: James Iwanek
iptables: Henning Rohde
joe, nano, nmap, slang, w3m and whois: Timothy Bauscher
MySQL: Jesse Tie-Ten-Quee
gcc2lib, j2sdk, mozilla, nas, openoffice and STLport: Tushar Teredesai
Gerard Beekmans for generally putting up with us and for running the whole LFS project.
Bruce Dubbs for writing the kde.txt hint from which we gathered much useful information.
Lee Harris for writing the gpm.txt hint on which our gpm instructions are based.
Marc Heerdink for writing the gpm2.txt hint on which our gpm instruction are based.
Jeremy Jones (otherwise known as mca) for hacking Makefiles and general assistance.
J_Man for submitting a gpm-1.19.3.diff file on which our gpm instructions are based.
Scot Mc Pherson for writing the gnome-1.4.txt hint from which was gathered useful information and for warning us that Gnome2 was a toy.
Tushar Teredesai for writing the Compiling Java 2 SDK from Scratch hint on which j2sdk is based and for writing the docbook hint used throughout the typesetting chapter.
Oliver Brakmann for developing the dhcpcd patch for FHS complience.
DJ Lucas for contibuting to dhcpcd patch and many contributions while dhcp section was being developed.
Billy O'Connor for building gnome2 so many times (I thought my four was a lot) and being very helpful with his comments on that section.
Ted Riley for writing the Linxu-PAM + CrackLib + Shadow hint on which reinstalling shadow to use PAM is based.
Fernando Arbeiza for doing great quality assurance on Shadow utilizing PAM. The machine access he saved may have been yours.