Liferay Portal 4 - Development in the Extension Environment

Joseph Shum

Alexander Chow

Redmond Mar

Jorge Ferrer

Ed Shin


Revision History
Revision 1.0December 20th, 2006
Revision 1.1June 27th, 2007

Adapted to Liferay 4.3

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Set up
1. Requirements
1.1. JDK 1.6.0, JDK 1.5.0 or JDK 1.4.2
1.2. Jikes 1.22 or Jikes 1.21
1.3. Ant 1.7.0
1.4. Subversion (optional)
2. Creating the Extension Environment
3. Configuring the Environment
3.1. Advanced customization of the environment
4. Installing the Application Server
5. Upgrading the Environment
3. Usage
1. /ext
2. /ext/classes
3. /ext/downloads
4. /ext/ext-impl
5. /ext/ext-lib
6. /ext/ext-service
7. /ext/ext-web
8. /ext/lib
9. /ext/modules
10. /ext/portlets
11. /ext/servers
12. /ext/sql
13. /ext/themes
14. /ext/tools
4. Conclusion