It is also possible to deploy the web application using the
mechanisms provided by the application server being used. But before
deploying it is necessary to do some massaging to the WAR file that will
allow Liferay Portal to notice that a new portlet application has been
deployed. The
should be
used to do this. It is recommended that you use this tool within an ant
build script. Following is an example target that might be used to
invoke it. It has been taken from the portlets directory of the Liferay
extension environment. Adapt the paths as needed.
<target name="deploy"> <java classname="" classpathref="project.classpath" fork="true" newenvironment="true"> <!-- Required Arguments --> <jvmarg value="-Ddeployer.base.dir=./" /> <jvmarg value="-Ddeployer.dest.dir=${app.server.deploy.dir}" /> <jvmarg value="${app.server.type}" /> <jvmarg value="-Ddeployer.portlet.taglib.dtd=${project.dir}/web-sites/" /> <jvmarg value="-Ddeployer.unpack.war=true" /> <!-- Optional Arguments --> <jvmarg value="-Ddeployer.tomcat.lib.dir=${}" /> <!-- Dependent Libraries --> <arg value="${project.dir}/lib/util-bridges.jar" /> <arg value="${project.dir}/lib/util-java.jar" /> <arg value="${project.dir}/web-sites/" /> <!-- Specific WARs --> <arg line="${deploy.specific.wars}" /> </java> </target>