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  ANSI Common Lisp   18 Hash Tables   18.2 Dictionary of Hash Tables

18.2.5 hash-table-rehash-size Function

hash-table-rehash-size hash-table    rehash-size

Arguments and Values:
hash-table - a hash table.

rehash-size - a real of type (or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)).

Returns the current rehash size of hash-table, suitable for use in a call to make-hash-table in order to produce a hash table with state corresponding to the current state of the hash-table.

 (setq table (make-hash-table :size 100 :rehash-size 1.4))
 #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/100 2556371>
 (hash-table-rehash-size table)  1.4

Exceptional Situations:
Should signal an error of type type-error if hash-table is not a hash table.

See Also:
make-hash-table, hash-table-rehash-threshold

If the hash table was created with an integer rehash size, the result is an integer, indicating that the rate of growth of the hash-table when rehashed is intended to be additive; otherwise, the result is a float, indicating that the rate of growth of the hash-table when rehashed is intended to be multiplicative. However, this value is only advice to the implementation; the actual amount by which the hash-table will grow upon rehash is implementation-dependent.

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