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  ANSI Common Lisp   19 Filenames   19.4 Dictionary of Filenames

19.4.6 pathname-host, pathname-device, pathname-directory, pathname-name, pathname-type, pathname-version Function


pathname-host pathname &key case    host

pathname-device pathname &key case    device

pathname-directory pathname &key case    directory

pathname-name pathname &key case    name

pathname-type pathname &key case    type

pathname-version pathname    version

Arguments and Values:
pathname - a pathname designator.

case - one of :local or :common. The default is :local.

host - a valid pathname host.

device - a valid pathname device.

directory - a valid pathname directory.

name - a valid pathname name.

type - a valid pathname type.

version - a valid pathname version.

These functions return the components of pathname.

If the pathname designator is a pathname, it represents the name used to open the file. This may be, but is not required to be, the actual name of the file.

If case is supplied, it is treated as described in Section Case in Pathname Components.

 (setq q (make-pathname :host "KATHY"
                        :directory "CHAPMAN" 
                        :name "LOGIN" :type "COM"))
 (pathname-host q)  "KATHY"
 (pathname-name q)  "LOGIN"
 (pathname-type q)  "COM"

 ;; Because namestrings are used, the results shown in the remaining
 ;; examples are not necessarily the only possible results.  Mappings
 ;; from namestring representation to pathname representation are 
 ;; dependent both on the file system involved and on the implementation
 ;; (since there may be several implementations which can manipulate the
 ;; the same file system, and those implementations are not constrained
 ;; to agree on all details). Consult the documentation for each
 ;; implementation for specific information on how namestrings are treated
 ;; that implementation.

 ;; VMS
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring "[FOO.*.BAR]BAZ.LSP"))
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring "[FOO.*.BAR]BAZ.LSP") :case :common)

 ;; Unix
 (pathname-directory "foo.l")   NIL
 (pathname-device "foo.l")  :UNSPECIFIC
 (pathname-name "foo.l")  "foo"
 (pathname-name "foo.l" :case :local)  "foo"
 (pathname-name "foo.l" :case :common)  "FOO"
 (pathname-type "foo.l")  "l"
 (pathname-type "foo.l" :case :local)  "l"
 (pathname-type "foo.l" :case :common)  "L"
 (pathname-type "foo")  :UNSPECIFIC
 (pathname-type "foo" :case :common)  :UNSPECIFIC
 (pathname-type "foo.")  ""
 (pathname-type "foo." :case :common)  ""
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring "/foo/bar/baz.lisp") :case :local)
 (:ABSOLUTE "foo" "bar")
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring "/foo/bar/baz.lisp") :case :local)
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring "../baz.lisp"))
 (:ABSOLUTE "foo" "BAR" :UP "Mum")
 (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (PARSE-NAMESTRING "/foo/BAR/../Mum/baz") :case :common)
 (:ABSOLUTE "FOO" "bar" :UP "Mum")
 (:ABSOLUTE "foo" :WILD "bar")
 (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (PARSE-NAMESTRING "/foo/*/bar/baz.l") :case :common)

 ;; Symbolics LMFS
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring ">foo>**>bar>baz.lisp"))
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring ">foo>*>bar>baz.lisp"))
 (:ABSOLUTE "foo" :WILD "bar")
 (pathname-directory (parse-namestring ">foo>*>bar>baz.lisp") :case :common)
 (pathname-device (parse-namestring ">foo>baz.lisp"))  :UNSPECIFIC

Affected By:
The implementation and the host file system.

Exceptional Situations:
Should signal an error of type type-error if its first argument is not a pathname.

See Also:
pathname, logical-pathname, Section 20.1 File System Concepts, Section 19.1.2 Pathnames as Filenames

Allegro CL Implementation Details:

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© Franz Inc. 1998-2012 - File last updated 02-24-2012