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  ANSI Common Lisp   23 Reader   23.2 Dictionary of Reader

23.2.7 readtable-case Accessor

readtable-case readtable    mode

(setf (readtable-case readtable) mode)

Arguments and Values:
readtable - a readtable.

mode - a case sensitivity mode.

Accesses the readtable case of readtable, which affects the way in which the Lisp Reader reads symbols and the way in which the Lisp Printer writes symbols.

See Section Examples of Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Reader and Section Examples of Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Printer.

Exceptional Situations:
Should signal an error of type type-error if readtable is not a readtable. Should signal an error of type type-error if mode is not a case sensitivity mode.

See Also:
*readtable*, *print-escape*, Section 2.2 Reader Algorithm, Section 23.1.2 Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Reader, Section Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Printer

copy-readtable copies the readtable case of the readtable.

Allegro CL Implementation Details:

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