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  ANSI Common Lisp   7 Objects   7.7 Dictionary of Objects

7.7.4 reinitialize-instance Standard Generic Function

reinitialize-instance instance &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys    instance

Method Signatures:
reinitialize-instance (instance standard-object) &rest initargs

Arguments and Values:
instance - an object.

initargs - an initialization argument list.

The generic function reinitialize-instance can be used to change the values of local slots of an instance according to initargs. This generic function can be called by users.

The system-supplied primary method for reinitialize-instance checks the validity of initargs and signals an error if an initarg is supplied that is not declared as valid. The method then calls the generic function shared-initialize with the following arguments: the instance, nil (which means no slots should be initialized according to their initforms), and the initargs it received.

Side Effects:
The generic function reinitialize-instance changes the values of local slots.

Exceptional Situations:
The system-supplied primary method for reinitialize-instance signals an error if an initarg is supplied that is not declared as valid.

See Also:
initialize-instance, shared-initialize, update-instance-for-redefined-class, update-instance-for-different-class, slot-boundp, slot-makunbound, Section 7.3 Reinitializing an Instance, Section 7.1.4 Rules for Initialization Arguments, Section 7.1.2 Declaring the Validity of Initialization Arguments

Initargs are declared as valid by using the :initarg option to defclass, or by defining methods for reinitialize-instance or shared-initialize. The keyword name of each keyword parameter specifier in the lambda list of any method defined on reinitialize-instance or shared-initialize is declared as a valid initialization argument name for all classes for which that method is applicable.

Allegro CL Implementation Details:

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