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ANSI Common Lisp   20 Files   20.2 Dictionary of Files
20.2.7 rename-file Function
rename-file filespec new-name    defaulted-new-name, old-truename, new-truename
Arguments and Values:
filespec - a pathname designator.

new-name - a pathname designator other than a stream.

defaulted-new-name - a pathname

old-truename - a physical pathname.

new-truename - a physical pathname.

rename-file modifies the file system in such a way that the file indicated by filespec is renamed to defaulted-new-name.

It is an error to specify a filename containing a wild component, for filespec to contain a nil component where the file system does not permit a nil component, or for the result of defaulting missing components of new-name from filespec to contain a nil component where the file system does not permit a nil component.

If new-name is a logical pathname, rename-file returns a logical pathname as its primary value.

rename-file returns three values if successful. The primary value, defaulted-new-name, is the resulting name which is composed of new-name with any missing components filled in by performing a merge-pathnames operation using filespec as the defaults. The secondary value, old-truename, is the truename of the file before it was renamed. The tertiary value, new-truename, is the truename of the file after it was renamed.

If the filespec designator is an open stream, then the stream itself and the file associated with it are affected (if the file system permits).

;; An example involving logical pathnames.
 (with-open-file (stream "sys:chemistry;lead.text"
                         :direction :output :if-exists :error)
   (princ "eureka" stream)
   (values (pathname stream) (truename stream)))
 #P"SYS:CHEMISTRY;LEAD.TEXT.NEWEST", #P"Q:>sys>chem>lead.text.1"
 (rename-file "sys:chemistry;lead.text" "gold.text")
Exceptional Situations:
If the renaming operation is not successful, an error of type file-error is signaled.

An error of type file-error might be signaled if filespec is wild.

See Also:
truename, pathname, logical-pathname, Section 20.1 File System Concepts, Section 19.1.2 Pathnames as Filenames
Allegro CL Implementation Details:
See excl:rename-file-raw.

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