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  ANSI Common Lisp   16 Strings   16.2 Dictionary of Strings

16.2.1 string System Class

Class Precedence List:
string, vector, array, sequence, t

A string is a specialized vector whose elements are of type character or a subtype of type character. When used as a type specifier for object creation, string means (vector character).

Compound Type Specifier Kind:

Compound Type Specifier Syntax:
(string [size])

Compound Type Specifier Arguments:
size - a non-negative fixnum, or the symbol *.

Compound Type Specifier Description:
This denotes the union of all types (array c (size)) for all subtypes c of character; that is, the set of strings of size size.

See Also:
Section 16.1 String Concepts, Section 2.4.5 Double-Quote, Section Printing Strings

Allegro CL Implementation Details:

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