Common Graphics and the IDE on GTK

Release Notes

Welcome to this preliminary release of Common Graphics and the IDE on GTK. Note that some features are not yet implemented, and known bugs remain with what has been implemented. These matters are described here, along with incompatibilities with the Microsoft Windows version, plus some general issues to keep in mind.

Links in this document will take you to pages on the Franz web site for the 8.0 release, assuming you are connected to the Internet. Most of these links were generated from exported symbol names in the text, so some links are not relevant to their context.

The existing documentation for CG and the IDE (see doc/cgide.htm) was written for the existing Windows platform. The release notes below describe cases where the behavior on the new GTK platform differs, so refer to these notes when CG behavior does not match the CG documenation or the behavior on Windows.

Please send bug reports and other feedback to [email protected]. (Please put `Linux IDE' in the email subject line so we will know you are referring to this product.)

To start the IDE, first do a (require :ide), unless you are using an image that already contains the IDE. Then evaluate (ide:start-ide). Then investigate the Help menu at the rightmost end of the menu bar, and experiment with commands on other menus.


1.0 Features We Still Need To Implement
2.0 Features We Probably Cannot Implement
3.0 General Issues And Incompatibilities With The Windows Version
4.0 Some Known Bugs

1.0 Features We Still Need To Implement

1.1 Some widgets are not yet implemented.
1.2 There is no text formatting for a multi-line text edit widget.
1.3 Printing (hardcopy) is not implemented.
1.4 A standalone app may not yet have a splash pixmap or application icon.
1.5 Drag and drop is not supported yet.
1.6 Menu tooltips are not implemented yet.
1.7 The system menu on a child window title-bar is not yet implemented.
1.8 The scaling-stream class is not implemented yet.
1.9 Carets are not implemented yet.
1.10 Palettes are not implemented yet.
1.11 Scroll-box is not implemented.

2.0 Features We Probably Cannot Implement

2.1 Some drawing functions appear to be not feasibly implementable.
2.2 There is no system tray icon support.
2.3 do-keypress and do-click are not implemented.
2.4 network-machines, network-shares, and connect-to-networked-machine are not implemented.
2.5 save-selection-when-unfocused and show-selection-when-unfocused.
2.6 (setf text-edit-margins) works only on multi-line controls.
2.7 There is no "undo" facility in the text edit control.
2.8 The generic function user-scroll is not called on GTK.
2.9 (setf cursor-position) is not implemented.

3.0 General Issues And Incompatibilities With The Windows Version

3.1 CG needs to know where the GTK foreign function interface lives.
3.2 Font face names are different than on Windows.
3.3 Use font-line-height rather than font-size to determine real text height.
3.4 Using many fonts in GTK can slow things down greatly.
3.5 We have tested only on SuSE and Fedora Linux.
3.6 There is a single CG Event Handler process.
3.7 The single CG event-handling thread must NEVER call process-wait.
3.8 Non-parent owner windows do not work well on GTK.
3.9 Top-level windows are bigger than requested due to the window manager frame.
3.10 Top-level window frame buttons depend on window manager compliance.
3.11 set-foreground-window simply calls select-window
3.12 Do not use the exported variable *use-window-manager-frames*
3.13 CG avoids using certain keyboard shortcuts that are grabbed by Linux & Gnome.
3.14 System clipboard support is limited to plain text.
3.15 The IDE uses a single parent window, rather than an owner window.
3.16 Use *cg-timer-resolution* to adjust a timer efficiency tradeoff.
3.17 CG on GTK does not work on StarNet X-Win32.
3.18 There is no console window on Linux/Unix, unlike on Windows.
3.19 The IDE's preferences file is saved in your home directory.
3.20 A standalone app that's run from the IDE takes over the emacs listener.
3.21 You must use pixmap objects rather than their lower-level components.
3.22 You can't stretch a pixmap that has a mask.
3.23 Unavailable-color-mapper and pressed-color-mapper are supported only by multi-picture-button.
3.24 Icons are not distinct from pixmaps.
3.25 Windows pixmaps may be used.
3.26 Modal CG dialogs currently do not disable other windows.
3.27 You must declare a menu-item as checkable before you can check it.
3.28 The list-view control has only "report" view, and will not display images.
3.29 Button widgets may clip text or run into other widgets.
3.30 A tab-control cannot have multiple rows of tabs.
3.31 Other tab-control limitations.
3.32 Trackbar limitations.
3.33 Rubber-banding on the screen can leave droppings.
3.34 The wrapping property doesn't work in check-boxes and radio-buttons.
3.35 You can't turn off all of the radio-buttons in a cluster.
3.36 Click-off doesn't work for radio-buttons.
3.37 The HTML widget needs to know where the Mozilla GTK libraries are.
3.38 Limitations of the new HTML widget and browser.
3.39 Validate-window always validates the entire window.
3.40 You can't call get-pixmap on the screen.
3.41 key-is-down-p and key-was-down-p do not work completely as documented.
3.42 clipping-box is not quite compatible.
3.43 Pop-up-menu ignores the mouse-button argument.
3.44 Some GTK widgets can't have an arbitrary background or foreground color.
3.45 You can't remove the keyboard focus completely.
3.46 The double-buffered property has no effect on GTK.
3.47 You can't change the parent of a window from a window to the screen.
3.48 A transparent-pane may not have child windows.
3.49 The font dialog ignores several arguments.
3.50 Item-list widgets cannot have multiple columns.
3.51 How to find incompatibilities in your CG code.

4.0 Some Known Bugs

4.1 The images on some buttons sometimes go bad.
4.2 CG Event Handler process might still hang in certain cases.
4.3 Picture-button background color may not match the parent when it should.
4.4 Some widget labels in the IDE may be clipped.
4.5 Widget scrollbars are still visible when not needed.
4.6 Clicks on static widgets go to the parent window.
4.7 Dismissing the inspector's "Invalid Value" dialog can wipe out the value.
4.8 Simple-click-toggle (of a multi-item-list) isn't working completely.
4.9 You can't test whether the alt key is down.
4.10 The new-or-existing-directory dialog doesn't handle /net directories
4.11 Control-H won't backspace in a single-line text control.
4.12 The animation option of "drawable" widgets is not smooth.
4.13 The Return key in the listener history drop-down pastes the wrong item.
4.14 Sometimes an IDE listener ends up with the prompt scrolled out of view.
4.15 The values returned by fontmetrics are not useful.
4.16 You can't jump to an item-list value by typing the first letter.
4.17 Inspector shortcuts like alt-U aren't working on type-in rows.
4.18 The inspector's history list doesn't undrop on a second click.
4.19 The apropos dialog's list of packages takes too long to scroll.
4.20 The IDE's pull-down menus are spaced oddly.
4.21 There are numerous GTK warnings to pursue.

1.0 Features We Still Need To Implement

1.1 Some widgets are not yet implemented.

The rich-edit and header-control widgets are not yet implemented. (The header-control is low priority, so tell us if you need it.)

1.2 There is no text formatting for a multi-line text edit widget.

There is no rich-text (formatted text) capability yet in the multi-line text control. We have not yet delved into GTK's text formatting functionality.

This means no colorization in the IDE editor yet (see colorize-source-code). We can probably implement the functions for modifying the text color, fonts, and paragraph styles as on Windows, but will not be able to support reading the widget contents as a rich text string or placing a rich text string into the control.

1.3 Printing (hardcopy) is not implemented.

The implementor currently has no clue how to print on Linux/Unix.

1.4 A standalone app may not yet have a splash pixmap or application icon.

We have not yet come across the way to establish an icon for a standalone app that would be shown in places like the alt-tab window and the file manager. Splash pixmaps may need to be implemented in the base lisp similar to the way they are on Windows. See splash-file and icon-file.

1.5 Drag and drop is not supported yet.

Drag-and-drop appears to basically work, but there is a problem with changing the mouse cursor image as the user drags to places where a drop is either allowed or not. We are currently stumped by this one.

1.6 Menu tooltips are not implemented yet.

These are tooltips that appear just below pull-down menus, as in the IDE menu-bar on Windows. Probably doable, but low priority since this is a nonstandard feature. See show-help-strings-as-tooltips.

1.7 The system menu on a child window title-bar is not yet implemented.

The icon at the left end of a child window's title-bar is just an icon currently and doesn't show a menu when you click on it. This is somewhat low priority due to those menu commands being redundant with the frame buttons.

You can change the icon with (setf icon) though.

1.8 The scaling-stream class is not implemented yet.

These are streams that map arbitrary user drawing coordinates to pixels. We aren't aware of people using this feature, except for printer streams, where they are built in (though we haven't implemented printing on gtk).

Calling (setf stream-units-per-inch) on GTK will currently error.

1.9 Carets are not implemented yet.

A caret is a single flashing cursor-like thing in the currently selected window.

1.10 Palettes are not implemented yet.

A palette is necessary only when running the windowing system in 256 colors, and use of true color is nearly universal now, so this is low priority.

1.11 Scroll-box is not implemented.

This is low priority because we aren't aware of people using it. It is like a special case of copy-stream-area.

2.0 Features We Probably Cannot Implement

2.1 Some drawing functions appear to be not feasibly implementable.

These include flood-fill, draw-bezier-curve, begin-drawing-path, end-drawing-path, pixel, and stretch-mode. There's no direct support in GTK that could pass the requests directly to the video display driver, and implementing the drawing pixel by pixel would be very slow.

2.2 There is no system tray icon support.

As far as we know, there is no support for this in GTK / Gnome. See tray-item.

2.3 do-keypress and do-click are not implemented.

There is probably no way to do this on GTK.

2.4 network-machines, network-shares, and connect-to-networked-machine are not implemented.

We haven't looked into the feasibility of this.

2.5 save-selection-when-unfocused and show-selection-when-unfocused.

There is no option in the GTK edit control for the save-selection-when-unfocused and show-selection-when-unfocused properties of multi-line-editable-text and text-edit-pane. The control always behaves as if both these properties are true.

2.6 (setf text-edit-margins) works only on multi-line controls.

It is not implemented for the (single-line) editable-text widget.

2.7 There is no "undo" facility in the text edit control.

There is no undo in a text-edit-pane, including the IDE editor. The Windows control supports this internally but the GTK control presently does not. It's probably not feasible to implement this in CG because CG isn't aware of everything that happens inside the control.

You can use the File | Revert to Saved command in the IDE Editor to back up to the point where you most recently saved a file.

2.8 The generic function user-scroll is not called on GTK.

We document that user-scroll is called for application side effects whenever the user makes an interactive scrolling gesture, but on GTK it is not possible to find the user-scroll arguments to pass, so it is not called at all on GTK.

If you supplied a user-scroll method to override the default scroll increments and call either scroll-to or scroll directly, then instead of doing that you could supply methods for the new generic function scroll-increment, which will be called on all platforms whenever the user interactively does a page scroll (scrollbar body) or line scroll (scrollbar arrow) on a non-widget window.

2.9 (setf cursor-position) is not implemented.

There is apparently no way to programmatically move the mouse cursor in GTK. This is probably an X philosophy restriction.

3.0 General Issues And Incompatibilities With The Windows Version

Here are some issues that you may generally need to keep in mind when writing CG code for GTK. These are mainly things that cannot work quite as they do on Microsoft Windows or as currently documented.

3.1 CG needs to know where the GTK foreign function interface lives.

If you load the CG fasl files and it does not find and the rest of the GTK foreign function interface in a "gtk" subdirectory of the directory that contains the lisp executable, then a break will happen that tells you to set excl:*gtk-root* to the GTK FFI directory.

3.2 Font face names are different than on Windows.

If you are using existing CG code from the Windows platform on CG, then CG will map some common Windows font face names to GTK font face names automatically. The mapping may not produce a desirable font, though, so you may need to conditionalize your font face names using #+mswindows and #+gtk.

Note that GTK appears to use its own fonts rather then the X server's fonts, and many of them do not look very good at some sizes, especially smaller sizes. (The non-bold fonts are too thin, while the bold fonts have uneven stroke width.) It may take a fair amount of trial-and-error to find pleasing fonts.

You can evaluate (font-faces (screen *system*)) to find the GTK font face names.

Some GTK font faces may not work at all, and GTK may print a warning if you use them. We don't see a way to programmatically determine this in CG.

Here is the current automatic mapping from some Windows font names to GTK names, currently held in the internal variable *windows-font-face-to-gtk*.

Arial             --> Sans
Arial Black       --> Lucida
Times New Roman   --> Serif
Ms Serif          --> Serif
Ms Sans Serif     --> Sans
Courier New       --> Courier
System            --> Sans
Fixedsys          --> Courier

All other face names that aren't found will default to "Sans", which is a variable-width sans-serif font.

The font-family of any font is totally ignored on GTK.

You can't count on all GTK installations having any particular font. For example, we have one machine that does not have "Adobe Courier" while another does not have "Courier". So an application that you distribute should probably search the list returned by (font-faces (screen *system*)) for the first suitable font face that's found on that machine.

3.3 Use font-line-height rather than font-size to determine real text height.

On GTK, text may draw at a different pixel height than the font-size that was requested for a font. To determine how much space to allow for text, call font-line-height rather than font-size. Font-line-height should work fine on Windows as well, where font-size would also work. There is also the new function font-pixel-height, which is like font-line-height except excluding the blank "leading" on the top and/or bottom of the text. Font-line-height is probably more useful.

Font sizes may now be non-integers. This was done mostly to allow non-integer CG font pixel sizes to map to integral point sizes, where the fonts seem to look nicer on GTK.

This next problem applies only to GTK 2.4; this should no longer be a concern in CG under GTK 2.6 and later: In order for fonts to draw at the requested pixel size on GTK, you must go to the window manager's Control Center (or equivalent) and change "Fonts | Details | Resolution / dots per inch" to the proper magic value. (In Gnome 2.0 this is instead under Start Menu | Preferences.) The GTK docs say only that 96 is typically the appropriate value for a display (monitor). Our experimentation indicates that a font resolution of 96 is appropriate when the screen resolution is 1280 by 1024, and 75 is good when the screen resolution is 1024 by 768. But keep in mind that your end users may use different settings, so it's best to call font-line-height to see how big the fonts will really be drawn.

Some widgets that are children of GTK dialogs (such as the File dialog) or of children of complex GTK widgets will use default GTK fonts rather than CG defaults. The size of these fonts can depend on your Control Center font choices or on your ~/.gtkrc file.

3.4 Using many fonts in GTK can slow things down greatly.

If an application uses many different fonts, the redisplay of windows can slow down greatly. From the behavior that we see, our impression is that the X server is caching all of the pixel data of the fonts that have most recently been used, and if all of the fonts that an application frequently uses do not fit into the X server's cache, then a lot of time is spent reloading font data that has been replaced by more recently used fonts.

On the developer's machine, for example, about 16 fonts will typically fit (though it depends on the particular fonts being used), and so if a window uses 16 fonts then there is no problem, but if it uses 17 fonts, then every time it draws the next font it must load it again due it having been displaced by the previously drawn font, and this can cause the redisplay to take a few seconds.

So an application should minimize the variety of fonts that it uses simultaneously. Note that a different size or boldness of the same font face, for example, is still a different font.

3.5 We have tested only on SuSE and Fedora Linux.

If you test on some other x86 Linux, we would be especially interested in hearing how it goes. It should work as long as you have GTK 2.4 or later.

3.6 There is a single CG Event Handler process.

On Windows, events arrive in the process that created the window for the event, and so events generally are handled in the creation-process of a Window. This does not work on virtual threads platforms, which includes our Linux/Unix lisps currently, because there is a single event queue for the single real OS thread, which leads to confusion if multiple lisp processes read from the single queue. So on virtual threads platforms CG uses a single process (called "CG Event Handler") to handle all events. This should not be a porting issue for most applications, but would be if you depend on code to run in particular CG processes.

For these reasons, find-or-make-application-window does not make a separate copy of the window in each lisp process in which the function is called.

The event handler process will be the value of *single-cg-event-handling-process*. This variable will be nil on "real threads" platforms, or when CG is not initialized.

If you are calling process-pending-events in processes other than the CG event handler and confusion results due to multiple processes alternately handling events from the single queue, then you might try calling process-pending-events-if-event-handler instead, which does nothing unless the calling process is the single event handler process.

3.7 The single CG event-handling thread must NEVER call process-wait.

On virtual threads it is not feasible for event-handling to continue being done inside a process-wait, and so all event handling will hang if the event-handling process calls process-wait. This is an important issue because most application code generally runs in this process, because application code is generally triggered by mouse clicks and keystrokes that are handled as events.

We have exported the function cg-process-wait that you could call in a CG application in place of calling process-wait. (It is not clear if this is the final solution that we will offer.) In most cases this function simply calls process-wait, but when called in the single CG event-handling process on a virtual threads platform it will instead enter its own loop where it calls process-pending-events, then the wait function, and then (sleep 0.1) repeatedly until the wait function returns true. It also handles any tasks that were queued by calls to post-funcall-in-cg-process.

You might alternately want to pass tasks that might call process-wait to another process by calling post-funcall-in-cg-process. The IDE uses that function to pass tasks between the CG event handler process and the IDE listener processes, for example.

3.8 Non-parent owner windows do not work well on GTK.

If you create a non-child window that has an owner window, GTK will keep the owned window in front of the owner and will shrink the owned window with the owner, as it should. But it will allow windows of other applications to come between the owned window and its owner in the occlusion stack, and the window manager will have a separate taskbar button for each top-level owned window.

Therefore, we recommend converting the non-child owned windows (other than modal dialogs) in your applications into child windows. We have done this to the IDE by turning its owner window into a parent window. (You could turn it back into an owner window by setting the use-ide-parent-window configuration option to nil before starting up the IDE, but it may not work well on GTK.)

Another reason not to use separate top-level windows is that there seems to be no way to programmatically move the keyboard focus to a different top-level window, unless the all-knowing window manager is in the mood to move it there.

3.9 Top-level windows are bigger than requested due to the window manager frame.

In X the window manager officially gets to control where it puts a new top-level window. It will generally put them where you ask, but will wrap a border of unknown size around the window. In CG, the window will generally appear with the top left corner of the window manager frame at the requested top left position, but the window will be larger than the requested exterior by the size of the window manager frame.

Thereafter, retrieving or changing the exterior or interior of a top-level window may work according to the CG design, though it is very tricky to make this work accurately due to the X philosophy where an application is not supposed to care where the exteriors of its top-level windows are. Child windows, on the other hand, are completely under CG's control.

3.10 Top-level window frame buttons depend on window manager compliance.

A top-level window may not have the set of frame buttons (for maximizing, minimizing, and closing) that you requested if the window manager does not obey CG's request to add or remove particular buttons.

A top-level window will never have the "question mark" help button. CG implements this button for child windows (to emulate this Microsoft Windows feature), but cannot do so in window manager frames for top-level windows.

3.11 set-foreground-window simply calls select-window

In GTK there is nothing that corresponds to the functionality that set-foreground-window uses on Windows to bring an application's thread to the foreground. So on GTK, set-foreground-window simply calls select-window, and foreground-window simply calls selected-window on the screen.

Calling select-window on a window in an application that is not the currently selected application may produce different results with different window managers. On the developer's machine, it brings the application to the front, but does not move the keyboard focus to it, and so the user must still use either a mouse click or an alt-tab gesture to give the application the keyboard focus.

3.12 Do not use the exported variable *use-window-manager-frames*

It was intended that an application could set *use-window-manager-frames* to nil to cause top-level windows to use Common Graphics title bars and borders rather than window manager title bars and borders, perhaps to avoid the unpredictability of arbitrary window managers. But this option leads to focusing problems that do not appear to be resolvable, so we expect to unexport this variable in the next release.

3.13 CG avoids using certain keyboard shortcuts that are grabbed by Linux & Gnome.

Most of the keystrokes that combine a function key with the alt key (plus perhaps other shift keys) are grabbed either by Linux or by Gnome's default shortcuts, and CG cannot intercept them. For compatibility with existing CG code, CG will automatically map these keystrokes to other ones whenever they are specified as keyboard shortcuts.

The general rule is that if a menu-bar shortcut includes both a function key and the alt key, then the corresponding numeral key is used on GTK instead of the function key. So alt-F1 will be converted automatically to alt-1, for example. As special cases, F10 maps to the zero key, F11 to the minus key, and F12 to the equals key.

This affects the IDE menu-bar, where for example the Run | Trace Dialog command becomes alt-8, while the Run | Trace command is still F8. Check the shortcuts printed in the menu-bar menus as needed.

If you happen to suspend the X server accidentally with a keystroke like control-alt-F8, you can get it back with control-alt-F7.

Also, Gnome uses control-alt-D by default to iconize all applications, so Build Project Distribution is control-alt-Q on GTK.

GTK appears to grab the F10 key as a special case to show the leftmost menu on the title-bar of the top-level window, if any. To handle the F10 key (with no shift keys), you must add a method to the generic function handle-f10.

3.14 System clipboard support is limited to plain text.

Only the :text format of the function clipboard-object is supported for passing information on the system clipboard between lisp and other applications. The :pixmap format may be supportable in the future, but the :rich-text format (or formatted text in general) does not appear to be supportable.

Arbitrary lisp objects may still be passed on the lisp clipboard within a lisp application by calling push-lisp-clipboard and pop-lisp-clipboard.

3.15 The IDE uses a single parent window, rather than an owner window.

The main reason is that non-parent owner windows do not work well on GTK, as explained elsewhere in this document.

The IDE status-bar has moved to the bottom of the IDE when an IDE parent window is used.

Development-main-window will return the main IDE child pane on which the IDE tool dialogs live. The parent of this window is the top-level IDE window. The new exported function top-ide-window returns the parent. The new exported function main-ide-window returns the child, and may replace the more awkward function development-main-window.

The main IDE area is scrollable when the IDE parent window is used. There are keyboard shortcuts on the View | Manage Windows menu to scroll it quickly with the keyboard.

The Background Window does not appear on the View menu when using a single IDE parent window, and in its place is a Maximize IDE command to make the IDE fill the screen. The maximization state will be saved in your prefs file so that the IDE starts up maximized if it was maximized when you last exited.

3.16 Use *cg-timer-resolution* to adjust a timer efficiency tradeoff.

Due to the way event-handling must be done on GTK, there is a tradeoff between how quicky CG timers can be handled and how much time is consumed by switching to the CG event-handling process to check for timer events. The variable *cg-timer-resolution* can be adjusted to adjust this tradeoff. The default value is 0.1. This means that CG will check for timer events every tenth of a second, and otherwise sit in a call to mp:wait-for-input-available to wait for GTK events as other processes run. The variable could be set to a smaller value if you need CG timer events to be handled more frequently than that, though this makes other processes less responsive. Or it could be set to a larger value if you aren't using timers to perhaps make other processes more efficient.

3.17 CG on GTK does not work on StarNet X-Win32.

X-Win32 does not appear to work adequately on the various popular GTK applications that we tested, and CG is no exception. We tested version 6.1, patch level 1.

3.18 There is no console window on Linux/Unix, unlike on Windows.

To have a listener outside of the IDE, start up a lisp in emacs and call start-ide to run the IDE from there.

There is no command on the View menu to show the console.

3.19 The IDE's preferences file is saved in your home directory.

In keeping with unix style, save-options-to-user-specific-file defaults to true on Linux/Unix, and so IDE preferences will normally be saved in the file ~/, where foo is the name of the machine on which lisp is running. Including the machine name allows a different options file to be saved for each machine on which you run lisp, where things such as pathnames and screen resolution may be different.

3.20 A standalone app that's run from the IDE takes over the emacs listener.

When you generate a standalone app from a project in the IDE (see build-project), and run the new standalone app directly from the IDE when the modal dialog offers to do so, then the standalone app is a subprocess of the IDE and inherits its standard i/o streams from the IDE. This means that when a break occurs in the standalone app, it will print to the same emacs buffer that the IDE's Initial Lisp Listener process uses. Both processes would normally then be reading from this single emacs buffer, though the IDE would probably take precedence and prevent you from debugging the standalone app.

To avoid that scenario, the IDE makes the Initial Lisp Listener process go into a wait state until the standalone app exits, so that all interaction in its emacs listener buffer will be with the standalone app. When the standalone app exits, the emacs buffer will revert to being a listener in the development lisp.

This does NOT apply to running the standalone app from outside the IDE, such as from a unix terminal.

3.21 You must use pixmap objects rather than their lower-level components.

The separate texture, texture-info, and pixmap-handle objects have been deprecated for several releases in favor of the newer single pixmap object. On GTK it was not feasible to make the older separate objects work completely, so you should convert any remaining textures in your apps into pixmaps.

If you call copy-pixels-to-stream on a texture, an error will be signaled to show you where your code needs to call copy-to-stream instead. (Actually you can still call copy-pixels-to-stream with a pixmap-handle and a texture-info, but not with a texture and a texture-info.)

The function rotate-texture is no longer supported on ANY platform. You must instead call rotate-pixmap.

3.22 You can't stretch a pixmap that has a mask.

If a pixmap has a mask and you draw it at a size other than the size at which it is defined, then the masking will not be done. We don't see a feasible way to implement this on GTK.

For picture-buttons we internally create and cache a stretched mask to make this work, so perhaps we could work out a way to do this when drawing pixmaps so that the slowness of creating the mask at the stretched size would happen only the first time a pixmap is drawn at a particular size.

3.23 Unavailable-color-mapper and pressed-color-mapper are supported only by multi-picture-button.

The picture-button and static-picture widgets are implemented as standard GTK buttons, where it isn't feasible to support the unavailable-color-mapper and pressed-color-mapper properties. We would need to implement these widgets from scratch to support them.

The multi-picture-button, however, which is implemented in lisp, does support these properties.

3.24 Icons are not distinct from pixmaps.

Extract-icon-from-file works on the same kinds of files as load-pixmap, and ignores its icon-number and size arguments. It returns a pointer that is equivalent to a pixmap handle. Create-icon-handle simply returns its pixmap argument, for compatibility with Windows CG code. Count-icons-in-file always returns 1.

3.25 Windows pixmaps may be used.

Load-pixmap works on .bmp files, so you should be able to move your .bmp files right over from an existing CG app on Windows. Load-pixmap also works on X pixmaps when called on a GTK platform.

3.26 Modal CG dialogs currently do not disable other windows.

When you invoke a modal dialog, CG is currently avoiding disabling event-handling on other windows because it was quite slow. The slowness seems to be when GTK redraws all of its widgets in a grayed-out style.

You could set *modal-dialogs-disable-owner* to true to restore the usual disabling.

3.27 You must declare a menu-item as checkable before you can check it.

To tell a menu-item to draw a check mark at the left of its label by calling (setf selected) or passing :selected t when creating it, you must first declare the menu-item to be checkable by passing :checkable t when creating it.

The reason is that GTK will draw a box for the check mark at all times, and leave room for it, so it must know at creation time if you might check it. Passing :checkable t will have no effect on the Windows platform, where all menu-items are checkable.

3.28 The list-view control has only "report" view, and will not display images.

We are using the list-view control provided by GTK, and it does not support the small images at the left of each item as the Windows control does, or the views that show icons only. We could support those features on GTK only by writing the control from scratch, if there were sufficient demand.

3.29 Button widgets may clip text or run into other widgets.

As of GTK 2.4, a button widget (that is, an instance of the CG "button" class in particular) appears to have a hardcoded margin of 8 pixels on each side between the edge of the button and where the label is drawn. If the label text overlaps this margin, it gets clipped there.

To prevent existing CG code from the Windows platform from clipping most or all of the text of button widgets, CG on GTK currently makes a button widget 4 pixels larger in each direction than requested. In most cases this is hopefully OK since the usual custom is not to place button widgets directly against other widgets or the edge of the parent.

You may still need to tweak the positioning and size of button widgets due to this curious design of the GTK button widget. Eventually we could implement a button completely in CG to avoid this problem.

A quick test on GTK 2.6 appeared to show that GTK buttons no longer have this large clipping margin, so we may contionalize this hack to gtk 2.4.

3.30 A tab-control cannot have multiple rows of tabs.

A tab-control with many tabs may be tedious to scroll to see all of the tabs because the GTK control does not support multiple rows of tabs as the Windows control does.

This was a problem in the IDE's Class Browser, and so we replaced the tab-control with a multi-picture-button where all buttons are visible.

You can scroll a tab-control quickly by holding the mouse button down on the scroll arrow, but only if the widget's focus-on-click property is true, since otherwise CG will move the keyboard focus to a widget on a tab.

3.31 Other tab-control limitations.

The ragged-right property of a tab-control is ignored on GTK.

You cannot set the size of a tab by calling set-tab-size. GTK automatically fits the tab to its string.

3.32 Trackbar limitations.

The native trackbar widget in GTK is simpler than the one in Windows. Specifically, it does not support the tick-side, tick-position, tick-frequency, select-range, visible-range, and no-pointer properties.

3.33 Rubber-banding on the screen can leave droppings.

If you draw on the screen (over all windows) when calling functions such as get-line, then garbage may be left on the screen due to GTK widgets redrawing themselves as the mouse passes over them.

We don't see a good solution for this, other than doing rubber-banding only in a window rather than on the screen, though that alternative does not allow drawing the rubber banding line over child windows of the specified window.

3.34 The wrapping property doesn't work in check-boxes and radio-buttons.

If the wrapping property is turned on for a check-box or radio-button, the text will not wrap at spaces where needed to prevent the text from being clipped at the right edge of the widget.

You can, however, add explicit newline characters into the title string, and the text will always wrap there.

We could internally use a separate gtk label widget for the title, since a label widget does support the wrapping property. But then they would no longer act as a single widget, where you can for example click on the label area to toggle the value, and the background of the whole widget changes color when you move over the check box or the label.

To fix this definitively we would need to implement a check-box widget from scratch, unless GTK adds support for this feature.

3.35 You can't turn off all of the radio-buttons in a cluster.

Unlike on Windows, where you can set the value of every radio-button in a cluster to nil, if you try that on GTK then GTK will turn the first button on. This is how GTK designed the widget apparently.

3.36 Click-off doesn't work for radio-buttons.

If you turn on the click-off property of a radio-button, you still can't turn off a radio-button by clicking on it when it is turned on. This is partly due to the general rule where you can't turn off all of the radio-buttons in a cluster in any way. This is how GTK designed the widget apparently.

3.37 The HTML widget needs to know where the Mozilla GTK libraries are.

If you use the IDE's help facility or create an html-widget and the variable excl:*mozilla-library-path* is not set to the directory containing the libraries for the Mozilla GTK widget, then a break will occur telling you to set that variable.

In a SuSE installation, for example, the libraries are typically at a path such as /opt/mozilla/lib/. The SuSE "mozilla-dev" rpm package must be installed for these libraries to exist.

3.38 Limitations of the new HTML widget and browser.

(These appear to be limitation's of Mozilla's HTML GTK widget. Perhaps they will improve on this situation in later releases, though the web page for this control shows no recent activity.)

You can't bring the parent of the HTML widget to the front by clicking on the HTML widget itself, because CG's callbacks for that event do not get called. You need to click on the parent directly (such as the title-bar of the IDE's help window).

The HTML browser will not put the keyboard focus into the HTML widget when the browser is first created, for scrolling with the keyboard. It will do so thereafter whenever the browser is selected, including when it is reshown after being hidden, or when clicking it. (Closing the IDE's help dialog really just hides it.)

The default fixed-width font comes out very small on the developer's machine, and there is no way to set preferences for this as you can in a full HTML browser application. You may want to specify explicit font sizes when using this control in an application.

There is apparently no way to search for a string in the displayed HTML page.

The bypass-cache and bypass-proxy arguments to html-widget-reload do not do anything. They were originally provided for the built-in reload function of the GtkMozEmbed control, but that function does not appear to do anything, and so html-widget-reload simply visits the current uri again the usual way.

There is no implementation of html-widget-copy, html-widget-save, and html-widget-print on GTK.

3.39 Validate-window always validates the entire window.

On GTK, the "box" argument to validate-window is ignored, and the entire window interior is always validated.

3.40 You can't call get-pixmap on the screen.

You must call it on a window instead. When called on a region of a window that is not visible, it may return whatever is on the screen at that location, but this cannot be guaranteed by CG.

3.41 key-is-down-p and key-was-down-p do not work completely as documented.

We have not found a way to ask whether a key is really down now, and so key-is-down-p behaves just like key-was-down-p when called on GTK. And neither of these functions return the second value, which indicates whether the key has been pressed since the previous call.

3.42 clipping-box is not quite compatible.

The box that is returned by the functions clipping-box and nclipping-box will exclude any part of the window that is covered by other windows on the Windows platform, but will not exclude these areas on GTK.

3.43 Pop-up-menu ignores the mouse-button argument.

The user must use the left button to select a menu-item.

3.44 Some GTK widgets can't have an arbitrary background or foreground color.

If you try to change the background-color or foreground-color of some os-widgets (which are supplied by GTK), they will not use the color.

This includes the multi-line-editable-text, which the IDE sometimes uses as a faux static-text with a scrollbar, and so the background color is not appropriate, such as in the IDE Intro guide dialog. Perhaps there is a way to control this by formatting the text, but we have not yet delved into text formatting.

3.45 You can't remove the keyboard focus completely.

Calling (set-focus nil) will do nothing on GTK.

3.46 The double-buffered property has no effect on GTK.

The reason is that GTK does double-buffering itself in ALL windows.

3.47 You can't change the parent of a window from a window to the screen.

Or vice versa. You can change it from one parent window to another parent window though.

3.48 A transparent-pane may not have child windows.

You also cannot draw on a transparent-pane.

3.49 The font dialog ignores several arguments.

On GTK, ask-user-for-font and pop-up-font-dialog ignore the following arguments: stream-for-font, fixed-width-only-p, minimum-size, maximum-size, and initial-point-size. The dialog provided by GTK has no options for these.

3.50 Item-list widgets cannot have multiple columns.

So the "tabs" and "column-width" properties are ignored.

3.51 How to find incompatibilities in your CG code.

The variable *gtk-compatibility-warning-action* is provided to tell CG what to do when your CG code calls something that can't be done on the GTK platform. The default value is :warn, which simply prints a warning. Changing the value to :error would cause a break to occur so that you can look at the stack backtrace and see which function of yours is calling the incompatible CG function. Setting the variable to nil would suppress the compatibility warnings.

4.0 Some Known Bugs

These are somewhat sorted from most serious to least serious.

4.1 The images on some buttons sometimes go bad.

[We have seen (or heard of) this problem only on a single machine, so please tell us if you see it.]

Sometimes many button widgets will begin drawing themselves entirely black in their upper-left halves, along a diagonal, plus in their label area. The symptom can happen even on buttons inside GTK dialogs, such as the standard file dialog, which CG does not access at all. So it's unclear how CG could be causing this problem, or how to debug it.

If anyone can find a way to reliably reproduce this one, then please tell us.

4.2 CG Event Handler process might still hang in certain cases.

[We haven't seen this recently, but here's how to recover if it does happen.]

If CG windows stop redrawing their interiors and there is no response to mouse clicks or keypresses, then the CG Event Handler process is hung. If it happens, you can usually free things up by going into the emacs listener, focusing on the "CG Event Handler" process, and resetting it with these commands:

:foc "CG"

4.3 Picture-button background color may not match the parent when it should.

If a multi-picture-button or other picture widget uses pixmaps that use the default pixmap color vector, then light-gray pixels in the pixel data should get mapped to the system-dialog-background-color and therefore should match the background color of the widget itself and/or its parent window if they use the system-dialog-background-color. On one test machine the colors did match in this way in the IDE's toolbars.

4.4 Some widget labels in the IDE may be clipped.

If the default font is larger on GTK than it was on Windows, this is causing some pieces of text in IDE widgets to be chopped off. This probably happens only prior to Pango 1.8 (typically included with GTK 2.6), when CG could not determine the real pixel size of a font.

4.5 Widget scrollbars are still visible when not needed.

If you request a vertical or horizontal scrollbar for an OS widget (one provided by GTK) such as an item-list or a multi-line-editable-text, then the scrollbar(s) will be visible all of the time, even when there is nothing scrolled out of view. You may need to make item-lists, for example, in your application somewhat wider to allow for this.

These GTK widgets do provide an option for the scrollbars to turn off automatically when not needed, but when we enable this option a crash occurs when the scrollbar turns itself off. This happens asynchronously later, when some event comes in that we have failed to track down, but we hope to find it eventually.

4.6 Clicks on static widgets go to the parent window.

When you click on a static-text, the parent (only) gets the events. When you click on a static-picture, both it and the parent get the events.

4.7 Dismissing the inspector's "Invalid Value" dialog can wipe out the value.

If you type an invalid value and a dialog appears to tell you that the value is invalid and you press the space bar to dismiss the dialog, the space also gets typed into the inspector and wipes out the current value on the selected row.

4.8 Simple-click-toggle (of a multi-item-list) isn't working completely.

If you specify the simple-click-toggle option of a multi-item-list widget, then doing a simple left click on an item that is already selected will deselect all other items rather than deselecting only the clicked item as CG specifies.

This affects some IDE dialogs such as the list of included modules in the Project Manager.

4.9 You can't test whether the alt key is down.

The functions down-keys, down-key-names, and key-is-down-p will always claim that the alt key is not down. CG is currently doing this on purpose to avoid a problem where an alt-tab gesture sends us the event for pressing the key but not for releasing it, leaving CG believing that the key is still down.

4.10 The new-or-existing-directory dialog doesn't handle /net directories

The ask-user-for-new-or-existing-directory dialog can access non-local directories via links, but will not show all networked machines under the /net item. The non-unix-expert implementor isn't sure whether that's important or feasible.

4.11 Control-H won't backspace in a single-line text control.

It does nothing in an editable-text or combo-box. We need to implement that in CG.

4.12 The animation option of "drawable" widgets is not smooth.

This is judging from the Navigator example. In general timers are working fine though. We haven't looked into the drawable at all yet; it just happens to be mostly working.

4.13 The Return key in the listener history drop-down pastes the wrong item.

If you drop the listener history list and use the down arrow key to move to a different item and press the Enter key, it pastes the originally selected item rather than the focused item. For now, use the spacebar instead to correctly pick the focused item.

4.14 Sometimes an IDE listener ends up with the prompt scrolled out of view.

This can happen for example when resizing the Debug Window, for example. Sometimes if something is printed to the listener and you use the keyboard to scroll to the bottom of the text, it still will not scroll to the bottom if the text cursor was already at the end.

4.15 The values returned by fontmetrics are not useful.

The functions fontmetrics and nfontmetrics, as well as accessors of them such as font-height, do not seem to correspond to reality. These values are coming directly from GTK, and we don't know how to convert them to meaningful values. Call line-height on a stream to find out how tall it is really drawing its current font, or call font-line-height directly on the font.

4.16 You can't jump to an item-list value by typing the first letter.

We need to implement this from scratch on GTK, since it's not built into the control.

4.17 Inspector shortcuts like alt-U aren't working on type-in rows.

4.18 The inspector's history list doesn't undrop on a second click.

If you click on the inspector's history list and then click again in the same place to undrop the outline without selecting an item, then the outline drops down again. Other dropping outlines do not have this problem.

4.19 The apropos dialog's list of packages takes too long to scroll.

There are now so many child packages in CG and the IDE that the cumbersome scrolling technique of GTK menus takes way too long. Perhaps we should not list all of those child packages, and make the parent package work for symbols in them.

4.20 The IDE's pull-down menus are spaced oddly.

The menus on the IDE's menu-bar are space unevenly and farther apart than usual for GTK apps. This is a mystery since the GTK API does not appear to provide any control over this.

4.21 There are numerous GTK warnings to pursue.

Lots of warnings are still being printed by GTK to the Emacs Listener. We will be pursuing all of these eventually, though they take a while to track down, and at least some of them can occur with the GTK utility dialogs, for example, where it does not appear that CG can be at fault.