Allegro CL version 9.0
Moderately revised from 8.2.
8.2 version

Installation of Allegro CL 9.0 and related products

This document contains the following sections:

1.0 Installation introduction
   1.1 Definitions of some terms used in this document
   1.2 Installation sizes and supported Operating System versions
2.0 Preinstallation Steps
   2.1 You can leave Allegro CL 8.2 installed
3.0 Installation steps
4.0 Notes for installation of Allegro CL on UNIX (including Linux)
   4.1 Allegro CL may have problems starting up when run on SELinux
   4.2 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Unix was successful
5.0 Installation on Windows
   5.1 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Windows was successful
6.0 Installation on Mac OS X
   6.1 Installing GTK and Open Motif on Mac OS X
      6.1.1 Installing X11 and GTK on Mac OS X
      6.1.2 X11/XQuartz and Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick)
      6.1.3 Installing OpenMotif on Mac OS X
   6.2 Updating for Mac OS X 10.10
      6.2.1 Getting a working GTK Framework on Mac OS X 10.10 when you do not use the IDE
   6.3 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Mac OS X was successful
7.0 Installing Emacs from the web
8.0 Installing OpenSSL libraries on Windows
9.0 Other Allegro CL products
10.0 Getting a license file
11.0 Installing source code
12.0 The Express Edition
   12.1 Information on the Express license
   12.2 Running the IDE in Allegro CL 9.0 Express on Linux
   12.3 Creating additional Express Edition images on Windows
13.0 The Student Edition
   13.1 Information on installing the Student Edition

Allegro CL 9.0 is provided in two versions on those platforms which support SMP: an SMP version which can use more than one hardware processor at a time and a non-SMP version which (like all versions of Allegro CL prior to 9.0) uses only one processor. These two versions have separate downloads: that is you download and install each individually. Please also note:

For each distribution, the installation process of Allegro CL 9.0 is similar to installation of previous versions of Allegro CL such as Allegro CL 8.2 (except for installing CLIM and/or the IDE on Macs, which is greatly simplified).

1.0 Installation introduction

This document describes how to install Allegro CL and related products.

Allegro CL is downloaded. Customers receive instructions on how to download Allegro CL 9.0 over the net. Express users download their copy from the Franz Inc. web site (

You can install Allegro CL from the download without any key or code (though you need a license file, as described below, in order to use Allegro CL). Once Allegro CL is installed, the documentation, including this file, is available in the doc/ subdirectory (this file is doc/installation.htm). A copy of this file is also available on the Franz Inc. web site (

All types (Professional, Enterprise, etc.) of Allegro CL for a particular platform and all add-on products are downloaded onto your computer. A license file named devel.lic controls which products will be usable. This license file is supplied separately, as described in Section 10.0 Getting a license file. Allegro CL will not work without a license file properly installed in the Allegro directory. The download does not contain a license file. You must obtain a license file from Franz Inc. separately from the download.

If you do not have a license file or the license file you have does not seem to license the correct product mix, contact your Account Manager for information. (If that link does not work, call Franz Inc. in California, USA, at +1 510-452-2000 or send email to [email protected] or [email protected]. In email, be sure to identify yourself and provide information on how you can be contacted.)

Once you have installed Allegro CL and the license file is in place, you can use the licensed Allegro CL version and all licensed add-on products. If you upgrade your Allegro CL version, or purchase a license for an add-on product, you will be given an updated license file. You do not have to download further material (except in rare instances or when you have obtained a license for another platform). Simply installing the new license file makes the newly licensed products available for use.

1.1 Definitions of some terms used in this document

1.2 Installation sizes and supported Operating System versions

The size of the Allegro directory after installation is approximately 250 Mbytes on UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X and 225 Mbytes on Windows. More space may be required during installation for temporary files.

The minimal supported versions of the operating systems on platforms where Allegro CL runs are listed below. Allegro CL will generally work without change on operating system versions released after the release of Allegro CL 9.0. If you have a problem, contact [email protected] for assistance.

64-bit platforms

32-bit platforms

2.0 Preinstallation Steps

Before installing Allegro CL, consider the following:

  1. Note for Ubuntu users: Because Ubuntu no longer supports 32-bit libraries, 32-bit Allegro CL does not run on current and recent versions of Ubuntu. (If you have an old version which has 32-bit libraries, 32-bit Allegro CL will work but then you cannot upgrade the OS.)
  2. You need not uninstall Allegro CL 8.2 See Section 2.1 You can leave Allegro CL 8.2 installed.

2.1 You can leave Allegro CL 8.2 installed

It is not necessary to delete version 8.2 if you have that installed, but note that on Windows, the registry will be updated so extensions (such as .lpr and .dxl) refer to Allegro CL 9.0 instead of earlier versions.

3.0 Installation steps

If you have the Express Edition, see Section 12.0 The Express Edition. If you have the Student Edition, see Section 13.0 The Student Edition. For some platforms, you are directed back here from that section. In that case, skip down to step 3.

Here are the installation steps in brief:

  1. Get the license file. See Section 10.0 Getting a license file. You can install without getting a license file but you cannot use the product without a license file.
  2. Download the software. You should have received instructions for downloading from Franz Inc. If not, contact your Account Manager for information. (If that link does not work, call Franz Inc. in California, USA, at +1 510-452-2000 or send email to [email protected] or [email protected]. In email, be sure to identify yourself and provide information on how you can be contacted.) We assume below you download the software into /usr/tmp/ on UNIX and C:\\tmp\\ on Windows.

    On UNIX (including Linux and Mac OS X): you download two files, acl82.bz2 (acl82express-[platform].bz2 for the Express edition (except on the Mac, where only the dmg file is available) and acl82student-[platform].bz2 for the Student edition) and bunzip2. (The [platform] is freebsd or linux-x85 of macosx-x86.) On Mac OS X, you also download a .dmg file. You can install using the .bz2 file as described here or using the .dmg file as described Section 6.0 Installation on Mac OS X (Allegro Express users must follow that link).

    On Windows, you download one file, acl82.exe (acl82express-x86.exe for the express edition).

  3. UNIX (including Linux and Mac OS X): cd into the directory where the software was downloaded. On Solaris, for example, if you downloaded into /usr/tmp/
    % cd /usr/tmp/

    See Section 4.0 Notes for installation of Allegro CL on UNIX (including Linux) for more details.

    Windows: find the download executable file in your Windows Explorer.

    Mac OS X: you can use the .dmg file -- go to Section 6.0 Installation on Mac OS X.

  4. Decide where you wish to install the Allegro Directory. On UNIX, the typical location is /usr/local/acl82/ (/usr/local/acl82express/ for the Express Edition and /usr/local/acl82student/ for the Student Edition). On Windows, the typical location is C:/acl82/ (C:/acl82-express/ for the Express Edition and >C:/acl82-student/ for the Student Edition). On Mac OS X, the location is AllegroCL (for 32-bit) and AllegroCL64 (for 64-bit). However, you can choose any location you like.
  5. UNIX: uncompress and untar the distribution file. The command is (using the typical location)
    % ./bunzip2 < acl82.bz2 | (cd /usr/local; tar xf -)

    For the Express and Student editions, the bz2 filename has express-[platform] and student-[platform] appended.

    See Section 4.0 Notes for installation of Allegro CL on UNIX (including Linux) for more details on this step.

    Windows: run the exe file. Double click on it if using the Windows Explorer or execute it if at a Command Prompt. Follow the instructions that appear. See Section 5.0 Installation on Windows for full details.

  6. Copy the license file into [Allegro directory]/devel.lic. The license file you obtained in step one above should be copied into the Allegro directory and its name should be changed to devel.lic.
  7. Install Emacs off the web (optional). See Section 7.0 Installing Emacs from the web for details.
  8. [Windows only] Install OpenSSL libraries if desired and available (optional). Users interested in writing applications using secure sockets may wish to install the OpenSSL libraries. See Section 8.0 Installing OpenSSL libraries on Windows for instructions and more details. OpenSSL libraries need installation only for Windows. (Version 9.0 has the same OpenSSL as version 8.2. That version is different from that supplied with earlier Allegro CL versions. If you installed the 8.2 version, no action is needed. If you are upgrading from a version of Allegro CL earlier than 8.2 and you wish to use secure sockets, you must install the new OpenSSL.)
  9. Run sys:update-allegro: patches (correcting bugs or providing new features) are released for Allegro CL regularly. For normal usage, we recommend that you update regularly, including immediately after installation. Do this by starting Lisp and evaluating (sys:update-allegro). See sys:update-allegro and also Patches in introduction.htm.

4.0 Notes for installation of Allegro CL on UNIX (including Linux)

Once Allegro CL is installed, see Section 4.2 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Unix was successful for information on how to test that Allegro CL is installed properly. Linux users who have trouble starting Allegro CL after installation see Section 4.1 Allegro CL may have problems starting up when run on SELinux.

Also see these documentation files in the doc/ subdirectory to start with:

There is no Allegro Composer executable or image file after installation. To use Allegro Composer, evaluate (require :composer) after starting Allegro CL. An Allegro Composer binary can be built by using See composer.htm. Allegro Composer is not available with Allegro CL Express.

There is no CLIM image file, but one can be built using CLIM is not available with Allegro CL Express or Allegro CL Student.

Note for CLIM on Linux, FreeBSD: you must have version 2.2 or later of Motif. (Version 2.2 was released in early 2002.) A free version is available from Redhat Linux 7.2 is supplied with Lesstif, a version of Motif that does not work with CLIM. See the Linux architecture specific information in the Allegro CL FAQ for information on how to install Redhat Linux 7.2 without lesstif and how to uninstall lesstif if already present. On all other Unix platforms, CLIM uses the platform-supplied Motif.

Note for CLIM on Mac OS X: you must have version 2.2.2 Motif. This version is available at no charge from

Users wishing to display Japanese characters need the k14 font. As also noted here in release-notes.htm, the k14 font is needed to display Japanese characters in a CLIM demo. This font appears to be missing from most X server font libraries. We are making available a public domain version of this font in the file [Allegro directory]/misc/k14.pcf. Please see your X server documentation for information on how to install this file as a valid font.

4.1 Allegro CL may have problems starting up when run on SELinux

Security-Enhanced Linux, or SELinux is a feature that is available on many modern versions of Linux and is enabled by default on some. It affects the way shared libraries are loaded and that can prevent Allegro CL from starting up. The error you will likely see is something like:

cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

Or the error can be segmentation fault. The solution is to mark the shared object files for special handling or to disable SELinux. See the Linux (Architecture Specific) section of the Allegro CL FAQ for futher details.

4.2 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Unix was successful

We will test the installation by starting Allegro CL from a shell prompt. To a shell prompt, enter the full path of the Allegro CL executable (on installation, one of mlisp, alisp, mlisp8, and mlisp8; only alisp is provided with the Express Edition) to the shell prompt.

Assuming the Allegro directory is /usr/local/acl90f/ and that you wish to run the mlisp executable, enter:


With the Express Edition, only alisp is provided, so do:


Allegro CL should start up. You will see the banner and perhaps additional messages, and the first prompt (the exact text depends on the platform and which image you are running, so you may see something slightly different from what is printed here):

Allegro CL Enterprise Edition 9.0
Copyright (C) 1985-2010, Franz Inc., Oakland, CA, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
;; Optimization settings: safety 1, space 1, speed 1, debug 2.
;; For a complete description of all compiler switches given the
;; current optimization settings evaluate (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS).
;; Current reader case mode: :case-sensitive-lower

To the Lisp prompt user(1):, enter some form to ensure evaluation is working, like (* 20 30):

user(1): (* 20 30)

You may now either exit Allegro CL by entering :exit (see the top-level command :exit):

user(2): :exit

or you may continue using Allegro CL.

5.0 Installation on Windows

Download the software

Download the distribution file specific to the platform you are using (this file will have a name like acl90.exe -- the beta version may have beta or b as part of the name). Download into a location of your choice.

Instructions for Enterprise, Professional, and Student versions

  1. Exit all running programs. Installation is most likely to be trouble free if there are no other programs running.
  2. Display the Windows Explorer. Find the acl90.exe file you downloaded. (Express users: the file is acl90-express.exe).
  3. Double click on acl90.exe to execute it. This starts an installation program. During the installation, dialogs appear asking for input, as described in the next steps. (If you are installing the Express Edition, the filename is acl82-express.exe.)
  4. First dialog: this is an informational dialog telling you again to exit all other running programs and informing you about licenses and copyrights. Click on the Cancel button if you wish to stop the installation (perhaps to exit running programs). Click Next to continue.
  5. Second dialog: this dialog asks you for the location of the Allegro directory. A default is provided: c:/acl82/ (c:/acl82-express/ for the Express Edition) on main drive (often C: but can be another drive). If you wish a location other than the default, click on the Browse button and select a directory. If you select an existing directory (not recommended), a warning dialog is displayed saying the directory exists and asking if you want to continue. Once you have selected the desired location for the Allegro directory, click the Next button. You can cancel by clicking the Cancel button.
  6. Third dialog: this dialog asks if you wish to leave out portions of the distribution: the [Allegro CL] documentation (about 26 Mbytes), the ANSI spec documentation (about 11 Mbytes), and contributed files (about 3300 Kbytes). By default, the first two are included and the third left out.

    If you do not install either the Allegro CL documentation and the ANSI spec, shortcuts relating to documentation on the Allegro CL menu item on the Start menu will link you to versions on the Franz Inc. web site. (However, if you have the space, it is best to include the documentation.) If you include the Allegro CL documentation but not the ANSI spec, links from the Allegro CL documentation to the ANSI spec will not work.

    Check or uncheck the desired options. Click Cancel to cancel installation, Back to choose a different location, and Next to continue. If you click Next again, the installation will take place.

  7. A dialog may appear when the installation is finished telling you you must restart the machine to complete the installation and asking if you want to do this now. (Restarting is not always necessary. Clicking Cancel ends the installation process for now and does not restart the machine. If restarting is required and you choose to delay it, do not use Allegro CL until you have restarted. We assume in the subsequent steps you have restarted if necessary.)
  8. Copy the license file into the Allegro directory and change its name to devel.lic. (The license for Allegro Express is included with the product. Allegro Express users can skip this step.)

Run sys:update-allegro

Patches (correcting bugs or providing new features) are released for Allegro CL regularly. For normal usage, we recommend that you update regularly, including immediately after installation. Do this by starting Lisp and evaluating (sys:update-allegro). See sys:update-allegro and also Patches in introduction.htm.

Allegro CL is now installed. See these documentation files to start with. (Allegro CL Express and Allegro CL Student users look at documentation on the Franz Inc. Website, specifically here. Links on that page go to the documentation files for your version and also tell you how to download your own copy if desired.)

The next section describes how to test the installation on Windows.

5.1 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Windows was successful

We will test the installation by starting Allegro CL from the menu. You should see an `Allegro CL 9.0' item on the Programs submenu of the Start menu. (`Allegro CL 9.0 Free Express Edition' for the Express Edition and `Allegro CL 9.0 Student Edition' for Student.) That item has a submenu, with (among other items) submenus Modern ACL Images and ANSI ACL Images. We will start a Modern ACL with the IDE in this example. The Express does not have submenus for images, since only one is supplied (there are submenus for other things).


Start | Programs | Allegro CL 9.0 | Modern ACL Images | Allegro CL 9.0 (w IDE, Modern)

(or Start | Programs | Allegro CL 9.0 Free Express Edition | Allegro CL 9.0 Free Express Edition or Start | Programs | Allegro CL 9.0 Student Edition | Allegro CL 9.0 Student Edition). You should see a splash window and then a window titled `Allegro Common Lisp Console'. Shortly thereafter, the Allegro CL Integrated Development Environment windows appear, typically starting with some dialogs which you must resond to or dismiss (dismissing is okay). After everything is started, your screen will have various windows, including the Debug (i.e. Listener) window shown here:

One of the dialogs that may appear, if you have worked on projects in the IDE in earlier sessions, is the Startup Action dialog, which asks if you want to open one of these recent projects. (We do not show it because we are assuming you have just installed Allegro CL. Note the Express edition does not have a startup dialog.)

To the prompt cg-user(1):, enter the form (+ 1 2):

cg-user(1): (+ 1 2)

You may now either exit Allegro CL by choosing File | Exit (that is, the Exit choice from the File menu) or you may continue using Allegro CL. If you choose to exit, a dialog will appear asking if you really want to exit. Answer Yes.

6.0 Installation on Mac OS X

If you have installed or are about to install Mac OS X version 10.10, them you must update Allegro CL 9.0 as described in this section Section 6.2 Updating for Mac OS X 10.10 below. Users newly installing Allegro CL 9.0 should also be sure to update after installation. Also XQuartz needs to be updated after the Mac OS X 10.10 upgrade. A link for that is provided in Section 6.2 Updating for Mac OS X 10.10 below.

Users who also have Allegro CL 8.2 installed, please note version 8.2 will not start up until it is updated (Allegro CL 9.0 starts up but needs some fixes supplied by the update). Please see this section in the Allegro CL 8.2 Installation Guide for instructions (which are different from the Allegro CL 9.0 instructions).

Allegro CL on Mac OS X is distributed both as a .dmg file and as a .bz2 file (there is no bz2 file available for the Allegro CL Express edition). You may install using the .dmg as described in this section, or using the .bz2, as described in Section 3.0 Installation steps. If you are using the IDE, you must install GTK. This is done automatically by the Allegro CL app when you run it. If you are using CLIM, you must also install Open Motif, as described in Section 6.1 Installing GTK and Open Motif on Mac OS X. The rest of this section assumes you are installing with the .dmg file.

A note about the Mountain Lion (10.8) version of Mac OS X: X11 is not installed as part of the Mountain Lion OS, and upgrading to Mountain Lion will (apparently) uninstall X11. You can install/reinstall X11 by downloading and installing XQuartz. (Look in the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications folder to see if X11 is installed.)

The .dmg installation has been simplified in release 9.0.

There are various .dmg files for Allegro CL 9.0, depending on what product you are installing (64 bit with SMP but no IDE, 64-bit without SMP but with IDE, or 32-bit with IDE). The file names are:

Allegro CL requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later.

This is how to install Allegro CL on the Mac:

  1. Download the file to the local hard disk.
  2. Find the .dmg file in the Finder and double-click on it. This will will open the .dmg file and and display a window similar to the illustration, which is from the 64-bit non-SMP version -- for other choices, there will be obvious changes (such as 32 instead of 64, SMP appearing, etc.)

  3. Drag the AllegroCL icon to the Applications directory. (The picture shows AllegroCL64 in the picture but your name may be different depending opn what you are installing). Authenticate as Administrator. You may be asked to authenticate the installation as Administrator at this point. Please do so.

Allegro CL will then be installed (a progress bar will be displayed during installation). Once it is done, double click on Applications and you should see an entry for Allegro CL.

Installing the License File

Again, try to start Allegro CL with the IDE. If you need to install the license file, you will get a message like that is the picture (if you do not need a license file or one is already present, Allegro CL will just start up). This will not work when starting mlisp or alisp.

Make sure that you have a valid license file (the license file is supplied separately, as described in Section 10.0 Getting a license file). It need not be named devel.lic (the name will be changed when it is copied).

Click on the Install devel.lic button. You will see a Finder Window. Navigate to your devel.lic file and double click on it. It will be copied to the correct location in the Allegro CL application.

If the GTK Frame is not needed or already installed, Allegro CL will start up. If not, you will see a message that the GTK Framework is not installed, as shown in the illustration.

Simple click on the Install GTK button. You may again be asked to authenticate by providing the administrator password. The GTK Framework will then be installed. (This takes a few seconds, but no progress bar is displayed).

That message will also appear if the GTK Framework is out of date or does not work. If your have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.10, the existing version of the GTK Framework will fail. When you update Allegro CL with, a new version of the GTK Framework will be download and will install on first use by the IDE.

Allegro CL should start up when the GTK Framework installation is complete.

Download patches

You should download available patches. See sys:update-allegro.

6.1 Installing GTK and Open Motif on Mac OS X

The .dmg installation described above takes care of installing GTK. If you are using CLIM, you need to install Open Motif. If you installed using the .bz2 file and wish to use the IDE, you need to install GTK as described in this section.

The IDE/Common Graphics require GTK, and CLIM additionally requires the OpenMotif libraries.

6.1.1 Installing X11 and GTK on Mac OS X

For version of Mac OS X up to but not including Mountain Lion (10.8), X11 should already be installed (if not, install it from your installation medium). For Mountain Lion (10.8), it is not installed and upgrading to Mountain Lion will (apparently) uninstall X11. You can install/reinstall X11 by downloading and installing XQuartz. (Look in the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications folder to see if X11 is installed.) If you install Maverick (Mac OS X 10.9) after installing X11/XQuartz, you must reinstall XQuartz (the XQuartz links are both to

There are two steps:

  1. Download and open it. In the Finder window that pops up, drag the Gtk.framework file onto Frameworks (an alias for /Library/Frameworks) On the right. This will install the Gtk framework in the right place on your system.

    If you should get an error message about insufficient permissions, it is likely you have an older version of the framework installed. To get rid of the old version, type this into a terminal window:

     sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/{Gtk,Cairo,GLib}.framework

    and retry this step.

  2. Install patches and rebuild images: the IDE needs patches installed and images updated before it will work with the newly installed GTK. You cannot do this with the IDE image (allegro) since it will not start. Instead, start one of the non-IDE images (such as mlisp or alisp), evaluate (sys:update-allegro), exit Lisp, and run Once images are updated, the allegro executable will work.

After the Gtk.framework file is installed in this directory, the IDE and Common Graphics (see cgide.htm) will be ready to use.

6.1.2 X11/XQuartz and Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick)

To repeat what is said above, it appears installing Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick) on a machine with XQuartz (X11) installed breaks the XQuartz installation. After installation of Maverick, you must reinstall the latest XQuartz version from This is true even if you have installed the latest XQuartz version prior to installing Maverick.

The symptom of the XQuartz is blank rectangles that should be filled with text in Common Graphics and Gruff displays.

6.1.3 Installing OpenMotif on Mac OS X

The steps are:

  1. Install Apple's Xcode. This may already be installed. If not, download it from and install.
  2. Install Mac Ports (if necessary). See
  3. Make sure Mac Ports is setup for universal binaries. Do this by editing the file /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf. Make sure the line defining universal_archs contains just i386 and x86_64 (order does not matter). That is make sure the line is either:
    universal_archs i386 x86_64


    universal_archs x86_64 i386

    If it includes ppc or just i386, then change it to the above. If it includes other architectures, please let us know ([email protected]) before continuing.

  4. Install Open Motif with the command:
     sudo port install openmotif +universal

Installation on Mac OS X is now done. See Section 6.3 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Mac OS X was successful, where we show how to test the installation and also how to get the latest updates.

6.2 Updating for Mac OS X 10.10

The GTK Framework version supplied with Allegro CL 9.0 does not work with Mac OS X 10.10. A new version is available. If Allegro CL 9.0 is already installed or you are just installing it, you should run is all of the following locations before upgrading to Mac OS X 10.10. Then you must reinstall XQuartz after upgrading to Mac OS X 10.10.

You should run in all of the following Allegro CL locations installed on your machine (you may have one, two, or all three installed -- the locations are Allegro CL 32-bit, Allegro CL 64-bit (non SMP), and Allegro CL 64-bit SMP):


Once has completed in each location and you have updated to Mac OS X 10.10 (you can update Allegro CL 9.0 before or after installing Mac OS X 10.10), you will have to reinstall XQuartz (installing 10.10 apparently breaks the currently installed XQuartz). Download from

Now that Allegro CL 9.0 is updated and the new XQuartz is installed, Allegro CL should work without problem. When you start the IDE, you will be prompted to update the GTK Framework to the new working version.


6.2.1 Getting a working GTK Framework on Mac OS X 10.10 when you do not use the IDE

Because Allegro CL 9.0 SMP does not support the IDE, it is not necessary to have a working GTK Framework installed to use Allegro CL 9.0 SMP. If that is the only version you use, then no action is required to run on Mac OS X 10.10. However, if you happen to need the GTK Framework for other uses and have been depending on the version supplied with Allegro CL, you can get the updated version which works with Mac OS X 10.10 with the following steps:

  1. Remove the previous version of the Gtk Framework:
       $ sudo rm -fr /Library/Frameworks/Gtk.framework
  2. Download the new Gtk Framework:
  3. Install the new Gtk Framework by double-clicking on the file you downloaded in the previous step and following the prompts.

Finally, get and install a new XQuartz. Download from

6.3 Testing that the installation of Allegro CL on Mac OS X was successful

Make sure you have downloaded patches with sys:update-allegro. The allegro image may not start because it may needs patches installed and images updated. In that case, start one of the non-IDE images (such as mlisp or alisp), evaluate (sys:update-allegro), exit Lisp, and run Once images are updated, the allegro executable will work.

We will test the installation by starting Allegro CL from a Terminal Window. To the prompt in a Terminal Window, enter the full path of the Allegro CL executable (on installation, one of mlisp, alisp, mlisp8, and mlisp8; only alisp is provided with the Express Edition) to the shell prompt.

Assuming the Allegro is installed as described above for the .dmg installation, and that you wish to run the mlisp or alisp executable, enter (replacing 64 with 32 if necessary):




But for the SMP version,


With the Express Edition, only alisp is provided, so do:


Allegro CL should start up. You will see the banner and perhaps additional messages, and the first prompt (the exact text depends on the platform and which image you are running, so you may see something slightly different from what is printed here):

Allegro CL Enterprise Edition 9.0 [Mac OS X]
Copyright (C) 1985-2012, Franz Inc., Oakland, CA, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
;; Optimization settings: safety 1, space 1, speed 1, debug 2.
;; For a complete description of all compiler switches given the
;; current optimization settings evaluate (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS).
;; Current reader case mode: :case-sensitive-lower

To the Lisp prompt user(1):, enter some form to ensure evaluation is working, like (* 20 30):

user(1): (* 20 30)

You may now either exit Allegro CL by entering :exit (see the top-level command :exit):

user(2): :exit

or you may continue using Allegro CL.

7.0 Installing Emacs from the web

We no longer supply a version of Emacs on the CD. In past releases, the version on the CD quickly became out of date. Emacs is easily downloaded from multiple sources on the net. See for information.

There is a downloadable installer for GNU Emacs on Windows on That same location has links to locations from which to download Emacs for Unix platforms.

Once you have Emacs installed on your machine, you need to have it load the Emacs-Lisp interface files when it starts up. You do this by putting the appropriate form in your .emacs file, as described:

The page at has additional recommendations for the .emacs file, along with a list of convenient key bindings. See also eli.htm: this is the documentation file for the Emacs-Lisp interface.

8.0 Installing OpenSSL libraries on Windows

For customers with an Enterprise license (or above), Allegro CL supports the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, as described in Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in socket.htm. The OpenSSL libraries are necessary to make use of this facility. For all UNIX platforms (that is, all platforms except Windows), the libraries are part of the standard Allegro CL distribution and no special installation is required. For Windows, however, an extra installation step is required.

The Allegro directory contains the file openssl.exe. This is a self-extracting executable containing the necessary SSL libraries and files. The version of OpenSSL supplied for Windows with Allegro CL 9.0 is the same as supplied with Allegro CL 8.2. If you installed that version, no action is necessary. If you have an earlier version of OpenSSL installed (such as that supplied with Allegro CL 8.1 or earlier, or no version and you want to use secure sockets, install the OpenSSL supplied with Allegro CL 9.0. Since a different directory name is used, you need not uninstall earlier versions.

To install the libraries run openssl[version].exe (where [version] is the version designator (which may change from time to time) and select a location with at least 3 megabytes of free space (the default location is c:\openssl-[version]\).

Next run the System program in the Control Panel and edit your PATH environment variable to include the directory where you installed the openssl libraries, so if you installed in the default location, add c:\openssl-[version]. Put this first in the PATH list (incorrect files may be found if you put the location elsewhere).

You should not need to reboot, but if you experience problems with loading the Allegro CL SSL module, please reboot your computer to rule out the problem of PATH needing to be updated.

9.0 Other Allegro CL products

Allegro CL comes with various add-on products, such as the CLIM windowing system and Orblink. Some require additional licenses. Others are available to all users. All material needed for these products is in the distribution. Only the license file determines whether products can be used or not. Contact your Franz Inc. Account Manager for information on licensing.

10.0 Getting a license file

You must have a license file to use Allegro CL and its associated products. The license file is not included with the distribution.

Professional and Enterprise customers with current maintenance agreements should have received an email message from Franz Inc. with instructions on how to obtain their license file. Express Edition customers should receive such an email after providing the necessary information to Franz Inc. (usually by filling in a form on the Franz Inc. web site,

The email sent by Franz Inc. gives an URL from which the license file can be retrieved. The email is in Mime format, with plain text and HTML versions. If you are able to read mail in a mime-enabled client, you will be able to click on the URL immediately.

You should retrieve the license as soon as you receive the email even if you have not downloaded the software. Then the license file will be ready when you install Allegro CL. The name of the file when it is put in the Allegro directory must be devel.lic. However, you may use any name when retrieving, renaming when you copy it to the Allegro directory later.

The license file is a text file which includes encrypted text. See The Allegro CL license file in startup.htm for a sample (with the encrypted text much and obviously modified).

If you upgrade your license or purchase add-on products, you will be sent email with instructions for retrieving a new license file. Placing the new license file in the Allegro directory is all you must do to use the upgraded version of the new add-on products.

If you do not have a license file or the license file you have does not seem to license the correct product mix, contact your Account Manager for information. (That link goes to the file introduction.htm. If that link does not work, call Franz Inc. in Oakland, California, at +1 510-452-2000 or send email to [email protected] or [email protected]. In email, be sure to identify yourself and provide information on how you can be contacted.)

11.0 Installing source code

In order to get source code (if your license allows it), you must return the source code license addendum included with the distribution. When that addendum is received, you will be sent a new license which allows installing source code. (Some sources are free to licensed customers and others are provided for an additional charge. If you have questions about getting source code, please contact your Account Manager.)

The sources available are:

To install sources, do the following:

  1. On Windows, open the Windows Explorer.
  2. On Windows, find the Allegro directory in the explorer (it is typically c:\Program Files\aclXX\ where XX is the release number without the dot (like acl82 or acl90) but you may have chosen a different directory).
    On UNIX, cd to the Allegro directory (it is typically but you may have chosen a different directory) in a shell.
  3. On Windows, double-click on the files srclisp.bat (and also, if appropriate srcclim.bat, srcaodbc.bat, srcmysql.bat, srcoracle.bat, and srcorblink.bat). Note that the CG and IDE sources are unpacked by srclisp.bat.
    On UNIX, run ./ (and also, if appropriate ./, ./, ./, ./, and ./

Assuming you have the new license with the source code module included, the encrypted source files in the src/ directory should be unencrypted and expanded so the source code will be located in subdirectories of the src/ directory.

12.0 The Express Edition

The 9.0 Free Express Edition contains the express license. Installation instructions for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD are next. Installation on the Mac is the same as for all Mac versions. See Section 6.0 Installation on Mac OS X.

Express Installation for Windows

Run acl90express-x86.exe (it may run automatically when you download it). The program when installed will use about 120 Mbytes. of space.

The license file included. If you have license problems, please contact us ([email protected]) for help.

You should download updates/patches by selecting the Rebuild images (download new updates first) menu item on the Allegro CL 9.0 Express menu item on the Start menu. (Or use one of the other ways to download patches -- see sys:update-allegro).

Only the allegro.dxl image is provided. Other images can be created, as described in Section 12.3 Creating additional Express Edition images on Windows.

Express Installation for UNIX (Linux and FreeBSD)

Note for Ubuntu users: you may may need to install an OS patch. Ubuntu 11.04 (and likely later) does not contain 32bit compatability libraries and so 32-bit Allegro CL will not work. Add these with the command:

  sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib ia32-libs

When installed, Allegro CL Express will use about 210 Mbytes of space.

  1. If you already have bunzip2 installed, skip to the next step. If you do not have bunzip2 and want to use our version, then download it and make it executable. We assume it was downloaded to /tmp:
    % chmod 755 /tmp/bunzip2
  2. We assume you downloaded acl82express-[platform].bz2 ([platform] names the platform -- linux-x86 or freebsd), to /tmp and that you wish to install into /usr/local/acl82express (modify the command as necessary for other locations):
    For Linux:
    % bunzip2 < /tmp/acl82express-linux-x86.bz2 | (cd /usr/local; tar xf -)
    For freebsd:
    % bunzip2 < /tmp/acl82express-freebsd.bz2 | (cd /usr/local; tar xf -)
  3. Get available patches (see sys:update-allegro).

Express Installation for Mac OS X

Installation on the Mac is the same as for all Mac versions. See Section 6.0 Installation on Mac OS X.

Information on Allegro CL Express

The Express Edition, available for Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X (for Intel processors), is provided free of charge so that potential users may gain experience using Allegro CL and some add-ons before purchasing. The Express Edition is fully described on the Franz Inc. web site (, click on the Download button to see information about Express software). That information may be updated more frequently than the information here. If there is a conflict between the information on the Web site and the information given here, the information on the Web site is correct.

CLIM and Allegro Composer are not available with Allegro CL Express.

To obtain an Express Edition, you fill out an information form on the Franz Inc. web site. Then, on Windows, you download a self-installing executable while on UNIX and UNIX-like platforms, you download a compressed file which does the installation when uncompressed. On both Windows and UNIX, the installation also obtains the license file needed to run the software (you must be connected to the internet during installation).

The Express Edition must be downloaded. The Windows version does not include the documentation (but instead links to the documentation on the Web site).

12.1 Information on the Express license

Because there were many problems with downloading license files (many associated with firewalls, proxies, and the like), we have a new license scheme: you get a license with the download and that license is good for about a year. When it expires, there will either be a new version of Express of a way to get a new license.

12.2 Running the IDE in Allegro CL 9.0 Express on Linux

To use the IDE on Linux, just as on Windows, you invoke the allegro or allegro-express executable. The associated image includes the IDE and starts it when Allegro CL is started. You do this also with Allegro CL Express on Linux on x86 processors.

But in Allegro CL Professional and Enterprise, you can also start a non-IDE image (alisp or mlisp) and load the IDE and call ide:start-ide (as described in cgide.htm). This second method does not work in Allegro CL Express Edition. To use the IDE, you must use the allegro-express executable/image.

Thus, you start Allegro CL in Emacs with the Emacs function fi:common-lisp (see Running Lisp as a subprocess of Emacs in startup.htm). When you are asked for the Executable Image Name, specify allegro (for a case-sensitive, modern image) or allegro-ansi (for a case-insensitive ANSI image). The IDE will start when Allegro CL does.

12.3 Creating additional Express Edition images on Windows

To make the downloadable file as small as possible, on Windows we have only included one Allegro CL image, allegro-express.exe, one that includes the IDE and is in International "ANSI" mode (case insensitive upper, as opposed to case sensitive lower of "Modern" images).

The other images which are commonly found in an Allegro CL installation are:

mlisp Modern base Lisp image, international (16-bit characters)
alisp ANSI base Lisp image, international (16-bit characters)
allegro Modern IDE image, international (16-bit characters)
alisp8 ANSI base Lisp image, 8-bit characters (not available with express)
mlisp8 Modern base Lisp image, 8-bit characters (not available with express)

To build one of the available above images (the 8-bit images are unavailable) see readme.txt in the distribution directory.

13.0 The Student Edition

The Student Edition, available for Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X (for Intel processors), is available for sale at the Franz Store. It is a slightly restricted version of the Professional Edition of Allegro CL 8.2. Certain add-ons are not supported in the base product, but are available for purchase. Sale is restricted to bona fide students. The Student Edition is fully described on the Franz Store web site. That information may be updated more frequently than the information here. If there is a conflict between the information on the Web site and the information given here, the information on the Web site is correct.

When you purchase a Student Edition, you will receive an email with information on retrieving a license (see Section 10.0 Getting a license file) and information on downloading.

Documentation not included

To reduce the download time, the documentation is not included in the Student Edition download. The documentation is available at There are links on that page allowing you to download the documentation if desired. The Windows version includes standard Windows tools for accessing documentation. These automatically link to the version on the Website unless the documentation is downloaded.

13.1 Information on installing the Student Edition

Here are the installation steps for the student Edition in brief:

  1. Get the license file. See Section 10.0 Getting a license file. You can install without getting a license file but you cannot use the product without a license file.
  2. Download the software. Information on downloading should have been sent to you when you purchased the Student Edition. If you bought a FreeBSD or Linux version, the files acl90student.bz2 and, if necessary, the bunzip2 decompression program will be downloaded. If you bought the Mac OS X version, one file, acl90student.dmg is downloaded. If you bought the Windows version, the self-extracting executable file acl90student.exe will be downloaded. Here we assume the files for FreeBSD and Linux will be downloaded into the /usr/tmp/ directory, the file for Mac OS X onto the desktop, and the file for Windows will be downloaded into the c:\temp\ folder.
  3. Decide where you wish to install the Allegro Directory. On UNIX, the typical location is /usr/local/acl90student/. On Windows, the typical location is However, you can choose any location you like.
  4. Linux and FreeBSD: uncompress and untar the distribution file. Enter this command in /usr/tmp/ (or wherever the downloaded files are):
    % ./bunzip2 < acl90student.bz2 | (cd /usr/local; tar xf -)

    Mac OS X: run the dmg file. Find the acl90student.dmg image and double click on it. It will open the dmg file and mount the disk image.

    Windows: run the exe file. Double click on it if using the Windows Explorer. Execute it if at a Command Prompt or a DOS prompt. Follow the instructions that appear.

  5. Copy the license file into [Allegro directory]/devel.lic. The license file you obtained in step one above should be copied into the Allegro directory and its name should be changed to devel.lic.
  6. Install Emacs off the web (optional). See Section 7.0 Installing Emacs from the web for details.
  7. Start Lisp and run sys:update-allegro: patches (correcting bugs or providing new features) are released for Allegro CL regularly. For normal usage, we recommend that you update regularly, including immediately after installation. Do this by starting Lisp and evaluating (sys:update-allegro). See sys:update-allegro and also Patches in introduction.htm.

If you get an error when starting Allegro CL on Linux, it may be the SELinux problem. See Section 4.1 Allegro CL may have problems starting up when run on SELinux for more information.

Somewhat more verbose instructions are available in Section 4.0 Notes for installation of Allegro CL on UNIX (including Linux) for Linux and FreeBSD; in Section 6.0 Installation on Mac OS X for Mac OS X; and in Section 5.0 Installation on Windows for Windows.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
This page has had moderate revisions compared to the 8.2 page.
Created 2010.1.21.

Allegro CL version 9.0
Moderately revised from 8.2.
8.2 version