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Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version


Arguments: project &key subprojects-later include-editable-files include-distributed-files

Returns a list of the files of a project and its subprojects. All files are included except as indicated otherwise below.

project is a project that has been opened or loaded.

By default, the returned list contains the project's files in the same order that they would be listed in the Project Manager dialog, which is also the order in which the loadable files are loaded. But if subprojects-later is true, then a project's own files will always be listed before the files of its subprojects.

Editable files of the project (files that are neither loaded nor distributed) are excluded unless include-editable-files is true. See editable-files.

Distributed files are excluded unless included-distributed-files is true. See distributed-files.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 9.0. This page was not revised from the 8.2 page.
Created 2012.5.30.

Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version