FunctionPackage: net.jlinkerToCDocOverviewCGDocRelNotesFAQIndexPermutedIndex
Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version


Arguments: &optional stream-or-key prefix t1 t2

The behavior of this function depends on the type of the stream-or-key. That argument can be a string or symbol string-equal to "<" or ">", or it can be a value suitable as the first argument to format (such as a stream, t, or nil)

Behavior when stream-or-key argument is string-equal "<" or ">"

In this case, jlinker-version works as a boolean, testing whether the current version is earlier than or later than the version specified by the prefix, t1, and t2 arguments. prefix, t1, and t2 should all be non-negative integers. Thus, (jlinker-version :> 2) returns true for versions later than 2.0.0. (The current version in list format is the value of *jlinker-version*.)

Behavior when stream-or-key argument is suitable as the first argument to format

This function generates a nice version message from the jLinker version variables. If the stream-or-key argument is nil or omitted, the message is returned as a string; otherwise, the message is written to the stream-or-key argument. The prefix argument is text inserted at the beginning of each of the 3 lines in the message.


;;;  *jlinker-version* = 3.0.8
;;; *jlinker-comptime* = 2000-9-29 16:16:31
;;; JDK/Orb: c:\mmWork\java\jdk1.2   Direct link.

See jlinker.htm for more information on the jLinker facility.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 9.0. This page was not revised from the 8.2 page.
Created 2012.5.30.

Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version