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9.13 gauche.interactive - Utilities for interactive session

Module: gauche.interactive

Provides useful utilities for the interactive session.

This module is automatically loaded when you run gosh interactively.

This module also sets autoloads for functions defined in gauche.reload module (see Reloading modules), so that those functions can be used by default in interactive development.

Macro: apropos pattern :optional module

{gauche.interactive} Show a list of defined variables whose name matches pattern. If you give a module or a module name module, only the variables defined in that module are listed. Without module, the variables "visible" from the current module are listed.

pattern may be a symbol or a regexp object. If it is a symbol, the variables whose name contains the substring that matches the symbol’s name are listed. If it is a regexp object, the variables whose name matches the regexp are listed.

Some examples:

;; List variables that contains "string" in their name
(apropos 'string)

;; Search in srfi-14 module
(apropos 'char 'srfi-14)
Generic Function: describe :optional obj
Generic Function: d :optional obj

{gauche.interactive} Prints the detail information about a Scheme object obj. The default method shows obj’s class, and if it has any slots, the list of slot names and their values. You can specialize this method for customized display. Some built-in types has specialized methods (see how an integer is described in the example below).

If obj is omitted, the last evaluation result bound to *1 in REPL is used. (see Working in REPL)

gosh> (sys-stat "Makefile")
#<<sys-stat> 0x1e7de60>
gosh> (d)
#<<sys-stat> 0x1e7de60> is an instance of class <sys-stat>
  type      : regular
  perm      : 436
  mode      : 33204
  ino       : 3242280
  dev       : 2097
  rdev      : 0
  nlink     : 1
  uid       : 500
  gid       : 500
  size      : 19894
  atime     : 1435379061
  mtime     : 1432954340
  ctime     : 1432954340
gosh> (d 1432954340)
1432954340 is an instance of class <integer>
  (#x556925e4, ~ 1.4Gi, 2015-05-30T02:52:20Z as unix-time)
Function: info symbol

{gauche.interactive} Displays an entry of the named function, syntax, module or class from Gauche’s info document. If an environment variable INFOPATH is defined, this function searches for the info file from the directories in it. Otherwise, this function guesses info file location from the gosh’s library directory. If the info file can’t be found, an error is signaled. So this function doesn’t work if you haven’t installed info file.

If no entry exactly matching with symbol is found, the procedure tries to look for similar named entries:

gosh> (info 'stirng)
There is no entry for stirng.
Did you mean:

(If you want to search entries using pattern, see info-serach below.)

If the current output port is a tty, the info page is displayed by a paging software. If an environment variable PAGER is defined, it is used as a paging software. Otherwise, this function looks for less and more in this order from the directories in PATH. If none of them is found, or the output port is not a tty, this function just displays the page.

The first invocation of this function in a session takes some time to parse the info file.

NB: When you use less as a pager, make sure you set it to handle utf-8 characters (e.g. setting LESSCHARSET environment variable to UTF-8), or you’ll see some escaped sequences on the screen.

NB: If you invoke gosh within the build tree, using -ftest option, info reads the info files in the build tree if they exist.

Function: info-search regexp

{gauche.interactive} Lists info entries matching regexp. See info above about where the info files are searched.

Function: ed filename-or-procedure :key editor load-after

{gauche.interactive} Invoke an external editor to open the named file, or the file containing the definition of the given procedure (if it can be known). For the latter, it uses source-location procedure to find out the source code location (see Debugging aid).

The name of the editor to invoke is determined as follows:

  1. The editor keyword argument.
  2. The value of the variable *editor* in the user module, if defined. This is handy that you can set this in your .gaucherc.
  3. The value of the environment variable GAUCHE_EDITOR.
  4. The value of the environment variable EDITOR.

If none of the above is defined or #f, the procedure prompts the user to type in the name of the editor.

Once the editor name is obtained, it is invoked as a subprocess, with the following format:

EDITOR +lineno filename

The lineno is an integer line number, 1 being the first line. The editor is expected to locate the cursor on the specified line.

Once the editor process exits, the procedure checks if the named file is updated. If so, it may load the file, according to the value of the load-after keyword argument. It may take one of the following values:


Load the file automatically if it’s updated.


Do not load the file.


The symbol ask cause the procedure to prompt the user whether it should load the file. This is the default.

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For Gauche 0.9.11Search (procedure/syntax/module):