For Gauche 0.9.11Search (procedure/syntax/module):

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8.3 Obsolete and superseded modules

During the course of development of Gauche, some modules have been renamed, merged, or dissolved into the core. Also, some SRFI libraries become standard and given a new name, or superseded with a newer SRFI library.

We list such modules here for the reference. New code shouldn’t use these modules, although they are kept in the distribution so that legacy code can keep running.

Obsolete modules

Module: text.unicode

Renamed to gauche.unicode. See Unicode utilities.

Module: util.list

Dissolved into the core. No longer needed.

Module: util.queue

Renamed to data.queue. See Queue.

Module: util.rbtree

Incorporated into the core as built-in object <tree-map>. See Treemaps.

The following procedures are aliases of the ones with replacing rbtree for tree-map, e.g. rbtree-get is the same as tree-map-get.

make-rbtree       rbtree?           rbtree-get        rbtree-put!
rbtree-delete!    rbtree-exists?    rbtree-empty?     rbtree-update!
rbtree-push!      rbtree-pop!       rbtree-num-entries rbtree->alist
alist->rbtree     rbtree-keys       rbtree-values     rbtree-copy
rbtree-fold       rbtree-fold-right

The following procedures are similar to tree-map-min, tree-map-max, tree-map-pop-min! and tree-map-pop-max!, respectively, except that the rbtree-* version takes an optional default argument and returns it when the tree is empty, and raise an error if no default argument is provided and tree is empty. (The tree-map version just returns #f for the empty tree.)

rbtree-min           rbtree-max
rbtree-extract-min!  rbtree-extract-max!

The following procedure doesn’t have corresponding API in tree-map. It checks internal consistency of the given tree-map.

Module: util.sparse

Renamed to data.sparse. See Sparse data containers.

Module: util.trie

Renamed to data.trie. See Trie.

Superseded modules

Module: srfi-1

SRFI-1 (List library) has become a part of R7RS large, as scheme.list. See R7RS lists.

Module: srfi-14

SRFI-14 (Character-set library) has become a part of R7RS large, as scheme.charset. See R7RS character sets.

Module: srfi-43

Vector library (Legacy) - this module is effectively superseded by R7RS and srfi-133. See Vectors, and see R7RS vectors.

Module: srfi-60

Integers as bits - this module is superseded by srfi-151. See R7RS bitwise operations.

Module: srfi-69

Basic hash tables - this module is superseded by R7RS scheme.hash-table. See R7RS hash tables.

Module: srfi-111

SRFI-111 (Boxes) has become a part of R7RS module. See R7RS boxes.

Module: srfi-113

SRFI-113 (Sets and bags) has become a part of R7RS scheme.set. See R7RS sets.

Module: srfi-114

Comparators - R7RS favored srfi-128 over this srfi to make scheme.comparator (R7RS comparators), so adoption of this srfi may not be as wide.

Note that, in Gauche, a native comparator object can be used for srfi-114 procedures, and this module provides some useful additional utilities. It’s ok to use this module if portability isn’t a big issue.

Module: srfi-117

SRFI-117 has become R7RS’s scheme.list-queue. See R7RS list queues.

Module: srfi-127

SRFI-127 has become R7RS’s scheme.lseq. See R7RS lazy sequences.

Module: srfi-132

SRFI-132 has become R7RS’s scheme.sort. See R7RS sort.

Module: srfi-133

SRFI-133 has become R7RS’s scheme.vector. See R7RS vectors.

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For Gauche 0.9.11Search (procedure/syntax/module):