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9.31 gauche.syslog - Syslog

Module: gauche.syslog

This module provides syslog(3) system logger interface.

For the common applications, you might find gauche.logger module easier to use (see User-level logging). This module is for those who need direct access to the syslog API.

The procedures are only defined if the underlying system supports them.

Function: sys-openlog ident option facility

[POSIX] {gauche.syslog} Opens a connection to the system logger. A string argument ident is used for the prefix of the log, and usually is the program name. Option is an integer flag to control the behavior of logging, and facility is an integer that specify the type of the program.

The flag for option can be composed by logior-ing one or more of the following integer constants: LOG_CONS, LOG_NDELAY, LOG_NOWAIT, LOG_ODELAY, LOG_PERROR and LOG_PID. (Some of the constants may not be defined if the underlying system doesn’t support them).

The facility argument can be one of the following integer constants: LOG_AUTH, LOG_AUTHPRIV, LOG_CRON, LOG_DAEMON, LOG_FTP, LOG_KERN, LOG_LOCAL0 through LOG_LOCAL7, LOG_LPR, LOG_MAIL, LOG_NEWS, LOG_SYSLOG, LOG_USER and LOG_UUCP. (Some of the constants may not be defined if the underlying system doesn’t support them).

See your system’s manpage of openlog(3) for detail description about these constants.

Function: sys-syslog priority message

[POSIX] {gauche.syslog} Log the string message. Unlike syslog(3), this procedure doesn’t do formatting—you can use format (see Output) to create a formatted message, or use higher-level routine log-format (see User-level logging).

An integer argument priority can be composed by logior-ing one of the facility constants described above and the level constants: LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG.

Function: sys-closelog

[POSIX] {gauche.syslog} Closes the connection to the logging system.

Function: sys-setlogmask mask

[POSIX] {gauche.syslog} Sets the process’s log priority mask that determines which calls to sys-syslog may be logged. An priority mask can be composed by logior-ing bitmasks corresponding to the level argument of sys-syslog. You can use sys-logmask below to obtain a bitmask from the level.

Function: sys-logmask level

[POSIX] {gauche.syslog} Returns an integer bitmask for sys-setlogmask from the log level level.

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