

Limit reporters to only viewing bugs that they report.


Allow reporters to close the bugs they reported.


Allow developers and above to close bugs immediately when resolving bugs.


Allow the specified access level and above to delete bugs.


Allow the specified access level and above to move bugs between projects.


Allow users to delete their own accounts.


Allow easy anonymous access.


Set the account that users will login as. Make sure this is a viewer or reporter account.


This allows for quick linking to CVS files via CVSweb or ViewCVS.


If a number follows this tag it will create a link to a bug. eg. for # a link would be #45 eg. for bug: a link would be bug:98


Time page loads. Shows at the bottom of the page.


Shows the total number/unique number of queries executed to serve the page. Default is ON.


Shows the list of all queries that are executed in chronological order from top to bottom. This option is only effective when $g_show_queries_count is ON. Default is OFF. WARNING: Potential security hazard. Only turn this on when you really need it (for debugging or profiling)


If your register_globals is Off then set this to OFF. Check your register_globals setting in php.ini or phpinfo().


Specifies whether to enable support for project documents or not. Default is ON.