Account to be used by the source control script. The account must be enabled and must have the appropriate access level to add notes to all issues even private ones (DEVELOPER access recommended). The default is '' (not set).
This sets whether the note added will be public or private (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE). For open source projects it is expected that the notes be public, however, for non-open source it will probably be VS_PRIVATE. The default is VS_PRIVATE.
If set to a status, then after a checkin, the issue status is set to the specified status, otherwise if set to OFF, the issue status is not affected. The default is OFF.
Regular expression used to detect issue ids within checkin comments. See preg_match_all() documentation for more details on setting a pattern. The default is "/\bissue [#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i" (e.g., issue #745).