System Management Pages

A number of pages exist under the "Manage" link. These will only be visible to those who have an appropriate access level.

Manage Users

This page allow an administrator to manage the users in the system.It essentially supplies a list of users defined in the system. The user names are linked to a page where you can change the user's name, access level, and projects to which they are assigned. You can also reset their passwords through this page.At the top, there is also a list of new users (who have created an account in the last week), and accounts where the user has yet to log in.New users are created using the "Create User" link above the list of existing users. Note that the username must be unique in the system. Further, note that the user's real name (as displayed on the screen) cannot match another user's user name.

Manage Projects Page

This page allows the user to manage the projects listed in the system.Each project is listed along with a link to manage that specific project. The specific project pages allow the user to change:

Manage Custom Fields

This page is the base point for managing custom fields. It lists the custom fields defined in the system. There is also a place to enter a new field name to create a new field.The "Edit" links take you to a page where you can define the details of a custom field. These include it's name, type, value, and display information. On the edit page, the following information is defined to control the custom field:

All fields are compared in length to be greater than or equal to the minimum length, and less than or equal to the manimum length, unless these values are 0. If the values are 0, the check is skipped. All fields are also compared against the regular expression. If the value matches the expression, then the value is stored. For example, the expression "/^-?([0-9])*$/" can be used to constrain an integer.The table below describes the field types and the value constraints.

TypeField ContentsValue Constraints
Stringtext string up to 255 characters 
Numerican integer 
Floata floating point number 
Enumerationone of a list of text stringsEnter the list of text strings separated by "|" (pipe character) in the Possible Values field. The Default value should match one of these strings as well. This will be displayed as a dropdown menu.
Emailan email address string up to 255 charactersWhen displayed, the value will also be encapsulated in a mailto: reference.
Checkboxzero or more of a list of text stringsEnter the list of text strings separated by "|" (pipe character) in the Possible Values field. The Default value should match one of these strings as well. This will be displayed as a list of text strings with a checkbox beside them.
Listone of a list of text stringsEnter the list of text strings separated by "|" (pipe character) in the Possible Values field. The Default value should match one of these strings as well. This will be displayed as a multi-line dropdown menu.
Multiselection Listzero or more of a list of text stringsEnter the list of text strings separated by "|" (pipe character) in the Possible Values field. The Default value should match one of these strings as well. This will be displayed as a multi-line dropdown menu.
Datetext string defining a dateThis is displayed as a set of dropdown menus for day, month, and year. Defaults should be defined in yyyy-mm-dd format.

The display entries are used as follows:

Display Only On Advanced PageIf checked, the field will NOT be shown on the simple bug displays
Display When Reporting IssuesIf checked, the field will be shown on the report issues displays
Display When Updating IssuesIf checked, the field will NOT be shown on the update issue and change status displays
Display When Resolving IssuesIf checked, the field will NOT be shown on the update issue displays and change status displays, if the new status is resolved.
Display When Closing IssuesIf checked, the field will NOT be shown on the update issue displays and change status displays, if the new status is closed.
Required On ReportIf checked, the field must be filled in on the issue reports.
Required On UpdateIf checked, the field must be filled in on the update issue and change status displays.
Required On ResolveIf checked, the field must be filled in on the update issue and change status displays, if the new status is resolved.
Required On CloseIf checked, the field must be filled in on the update issue and change status displays, if the new status is closed.

Notes on Display

Manage Global Profiles

This page allows the definition of global profiles accessible to all users of the system. It is similar to the user definition of a profile consisting of Platform, OS and Version.

Manage Configuration

This set of pages control the configuration of the Mantis system. Note that the configuration items displayed may be on a project by project basis.These pages serve two purposes. First, they will display the settings for the particular aspects of the system. If authorized, they will allow a user to change the parameters. They also have settings for what access level is required to change these settings ON A PROJECT basis. In general, this should be left alone, but administrators may want to delegate some of these settings to managers.

Workflow Thresholds

This page covers the adjustment of the settings for many of the workflow related parameters. For most of these, the fields are self explanatory and relate to a similarly named setting in the configuration file. At the right of each row is a selector that allows the administrator to lower the access level required to change the particular parameter.The values changeable on this page are:


Report an Issue$g_report_bug_thresholdthreshold to report an issue
Status to which a new issue is set$g_bug_submit_statusstatus issue is set to when submitted
Update an Issue$g_update_bug_thresholdthreshold to update an issue
Allow Issue to be closed on Resolve$g_allow_close_immediatelyallow close immediately on resolve
Allow Reporter to close an issue$g_allow_reporter_closeallow reporter to close issues they reported
Monitor an issue$g_monitor_bug_thresholdthreshold to monitor an issue
Handle Issue$g_handle_bug_thresholdthreshold to handle (be assigned) an issue
Assign Issue$g_update_bug_assign_thresholdthreshold to be in the assign to list
Move Issue$g_move_bug_thresholdthreshold to move an issue to another project. This setting is for all projects.
Delete Issue$g_delete_bug_thresholdthreshold to delete an issue
Reopen Issue$g_reopen_bug_thresholdthreshold to reopen an issue
Allow reporter to reopen Issue$g_allow_reporter_reopenallow reporter to reopen issues they reported
Status to which a reopened Issue is set$g_bug_reopen_statusstatus issue is set to when reopened
Resolution to which a reopened Issue is set$g_bug_reopen_resolutionresolution issue is set to when reopened
Status where an issue is considered resolved$g_bug_resolved_status_thresholdstatus where bug is resolved
Status where an issue becomes read-only$g_bug_readonly_status_thresholdstatus where bug is read-only (see update_readonly_bug_threshold)
Update readonly issue$g_update_readonly_bug_thresholdthreshold to update an issue marked as read-only
Update Issue Status$g_update_bug_status_thresholdthreshold to update an issue's status
View Private Issues$g_private_bug_thresholdthreshold to view a private issue
Set View Status$g_set_view_status_thresholdthreshold to set an issue to Private/Public
Update View Status$g_change_view_status_thresholdthreshold needed to update the view status while updating a bug or a bug note
Show list of users monitoring issue$g_show_monitor_list_thresholdthreshold to see who is monitoring an issue
Set status on assignment of handler$g_auto_set_status_to_assignedchange status when an issue is assigned
Status to set auto-assigned issues to$g_bug_assigned_statusstatus issue is set to when assigned
Limit reporter's access to their own issues$g_limit_reportersreporters can see only issues they reported. This setting is for all projects.


Add Notes$g_add_bugnote_thresholdthreshold to add a bugnote
Update Notes$g_update_bugnote_thresholdthreshold to edit a bugnote
Allow users to edit their own bugnotes$g_bugnote_allow_user_edit_deletecan a user edit/delete their own bugnotes
Delete Note$g_delete_bugnote_thresholdthreshold to delete a bugnote
View private notes$g_private_bugnote_thresholdthreshold to view a private bugnote


View Change Log$g_view_changelog_thresholdthreshold to view the changelog
View Assigned To$g_view_handler_thresholdthreshold to see who is handling an issue
View Issue History$g_view_history_thresholdthreshold to view the issue history
Send Reminders$g_bug_reminder_thresholdthreshold to send a reminder

Workflow Transitions

This page covers the status workflow. For most of these, the fields are self explanatory and relate to a similarly named setting in the configuration file. At the right of each row is a selector that allows the administrator to lower the access level required to change the particular parameter.The values changeable on this page are:

Table 1. Issues

Status to which a new issue is set$g_bug_submit_statusstatus issue is set to when submitted
Status where an issue is considered resolved$g_bug_resolved_status_thresholdstatus where bug is resolved
Status to which a reopened Issue is set$g_bug_reopen_statusstatus issue is set to when reopened

The matrix that follows has checkmarks where the transitions are allowed from the status on the left edge to the status listed across the top. This corresponds to the $g_enum_workflow array.At the bottom, there is a list of access levels that are required to change the status to the value listed across the top. This can be used, for instance, to restrict those who can close an issue to a specific level, say a manager. This corresponds to the $g_set_status_threshold array and the $g_report_bug_threshold setting.

Email Notifications

This page sets the system defaults for sending emails on issue related events.Mantis uses flags and a threshold system to generate emails on events. For each new event, email is sent to:

  • the reporter

  • the handler (or Assigned to)

  • anyone monitoring the bug

  • anyone who has ever added a bugnote the bug

  • anyone assigned to the project whose access level matches a range

From this list, those recipients who meet the following criteria are eliminated:

  • the originator of the change, if $g_email_receive_own is OFF

  • the recipient either no longer exists, or is disabled

  • the recipient has turned their email_on_<new status> preference OFF

  • the recipient has no email address extered

The matrix on this page selects who will receive messages for each of the events listed down the left hand side. The first four columns correspond to the first four points listed above. The next columns correspond to the access levels defined. Note that because a minimum and maximum threshold are used, a discontinuous selection is not allowed.