
One of the very important scenarios in project management is where the project managers (or team leads) triage the issues to set their priorities, target version, and possibly assign the issues to specific developers or take other actions on the issue. By setting the target version of an issue to a version that is not yet released, the issue shows up on the project roadmap, providing user with information about when to expect the issues to be resolved. The roadmap page has a section for each release showing information like planned issues, issues done and percentage of issues completed. Issues that are fixed in a specific version, but didn't have the target_version field set, will not show up in the roadmap. This allows the ability to control the issues that are significant enough to show in the roadmap, while all resolved fields can be found in the change log. Note that it is possible to set the 'target_version' for multiple issues using the 'Update Target Version' group action that is available through the View Issues page (below the issues list). This option is only available when the current project is not 'All Projects'. Although it is not a typical scenario, it is worth mentioning that once a version is marked as obsolete, it is not included in the roadmap.

Note that the roadmap only includes future versions, once a version is marked as released, it no longer is included in the roadmap. For information about such releases, the change log feature should be used. For an issue to be shown on the roadmap, it has to have the target version set. It does not matter whether the feature is resolved or not. Resolved features will be decorated with a strikethrough and will be counted as done.

MantisBT provides the ability to customize the criteria for issues to show up on the roadmap. The default criteria is that the issue has to belong to a version that is not yet released and that the issues is not a duplicate. However, such criteria can be customized by using custom functions as below.

# --------------------
# Checks the provided bug and determines whether it should be included in the roadmap or not.
# returns true: to include, false: to exclude.
function custom_function_override_roadmap_include_issue( $p_issue_id ) {
    return ( true );

It is also possible to customize the details included about an issues and the presentation of such details. This can be done through the following custom function:

# --------------------
# Prints one entry in the roadmap.
function custom_function_override_roadmap_print_issue( $p_issue_id, $p_issue_level = 0 ) {
    $t_bug = bug_get( $p_issue_id );

    if ( bug_is_resolved( $p_issue_id ) ) {
        $t_strike_start = '<strike>';
        $t_strike_end = '</strike>';
    } else {
        $t_strike_start = $t_strike_end = '';

    if ( $t_bug->category_id ) {
        $t_category_name = category_get_name( $t_bug->category_id );
    } else {
        $t_category_name = '';

    $t_category = is_blank( $t_category_name ) ? '' : '<b>[' . $t_category_name . ']</b> ';

    echo str_pad( '', $p_issue_level * 6, '�' ), '- ', $t_strike_start, string_get_bug_view_link( $p_issue_id ), ': ', $t_category, string_display_line_links( $t_bug->summary );

    if ( $t_bug->handler_id != 0 ) {
        echo ' (', prepare_user_name( $t_bug->handler_id ), ')';

    echo ' - ', get_enum_element( 'status', $t_bug->status ), $t_strike_end, '.<br />';

Some teams manage different branches for each of their projects (e.g. development and maintenance branches). As part of triaging the bugs, they may decide that a bug should be targetted to multiple branches. Hence, frequently the request comes up to be able to target a single issue to multiple releases. The current MantisBT approach is that an issues represents an implementation or a fix for an issue on a specific branch. Since sometimes applying and verifying a fix to the two branches does not happen at the same time and in some cases the approach for fixing an issue is different based on the branch. Hence, the way to manage such scenario is to have the main issue for the initial fix and have related issues which capture the work relating to applying the fix to other branches. The issues for porting the fix can contain any discussions relating to progress, reflect the appropriate status and can go through the standard workflow process independent of the original issues.

Another common requirement is to be able to link to the roadmap of a specific project from the project's main website. This can be done by a link that looks like the one below. The project id can be figured out by going to the management page for the project and getting the value of project_id field form the URL.

Another approach is to go to the project page and from there users can get to multiple other locations relating to the project include the roadmap. This can be done by a URL like the following:

The access level required to view and modify the roadmap can be configured through $g_roadmap_view_threshold and $g_roadmap_update_threshold respectively. Modifying the roadmap is the ability to set the target versions for issues. Users who have such access can set the target versions while reporting new issues or by updating existing issues.