Users can fine tune they way MantisBT interacts with them via modifying their user preferences. User preferences can only be managed by users and are not available for the administrators to tweak. The administrators can only tweak the default value for such preferences. However, once a user account is created, it is then the responsibility of the user to manage their own preferences. The user preferences include the following:
Default Project: A user can choose the default project that is selected when the user first logs in. This can be a specific project or "All Projects". For users that only work on one project, it would make sense to set such project as the default project (rather than "All Projects"). The active project is part of the filter applied on the issues listed in the "View Issues" page. Also any newly reported issues will be associated with the active project.
Advanced Report: If selected, then the user will use the advanced report issue page by default (rather than the simple one). This preference is only applicable when the administrator configures MantisBT to support both simple and advanced views (i.e. $g_show_report is set to BOTH). If $g_show_report is set to SIMPLE_ONLY or ADVANCED_ONLY, then this preference has no effect.
Advanced View: If selected, then the user will get the issue advanced view page by default. This preference is only applicable when the administrator configures MantisBT to support both simple and advanced view pages (i.e. $g_show_view is set to BOTH). If $g_show_view is set to SIMPLE_ONLY or ADVANCED_ONLY, then this preference has no effect.
Advanced Update: If selected, then the user will get the issue advanced update page by default. This preference is only applicable when the administrator configures MantisBT to support both simple and advanced update pages (i.e. $g_show_update is set to BOTH). If $g_show_update is set to SIMPLE_ONLY or ADVANCED_ONLY, then this preference has no effect.
Refresh Delay: The refresh delay is used to specify the number of seconds between auto-refreshes of the View Issues page.
Redirect Delay: The redirect delay is the number of seconds to wait after displaying flash messages like "Issue created successfully", and before the user gets redirected to the next page.
Notes Sort Order: The preference relating to how notes should be ordered on an issue is viewed or in email notifications. The ascending order is where notes are ordered so that ordered notes appear before newer notes, the descending order is the reverse.
Email on New: If unticked, then email notifications relating to creation of a new issue would be disabled. Note that the preference is only used to disabled notifications that as per the administrator's configuration, this user would have qualified to receive them.
Email on Change of Handler: TODO - is this preference used?
Email on Feedback: TODO - is this preference used?
Email on Resolved: TODO
Email on Closed: TODO
Email on Reopened: TODO
Email on Note Added: TODO
Email on Status Change: TODO
Email on Priority Change: TODO - is this preference used?
Email Notes Limit: This preference can be used to limit the number of issue notes to view or to be included in an email notifications. Specifying N here means that the latest N notes will be included. The value 0 causes all notes to be included.
Language: The preferred language of the user. This language is used by the GUI and in email notifications. Note that MantisBT uses UTF8 for encoding the data, and hence, the user can be interacting with MantisBT user interface in Chinese while logging issue data in German.