

This is the browser window title (<TITLE> tag).


This is a heading that is displayed in the viewing area of the page.


Path to the favorites icon relative to MantisBT root folder (default 'images/favicon.ico').


Path to the logo image relative to MantisBT root folder (default 'images/mantis_logo.gif').


The default URL to be associated with the logo. By default this is set to $g_default_home_page (which defaults to My View page). Clicking on the logo from any page in the bug tracker will navigate to the URL specified in this configuration option.


This option is used as a default value for user preferences. This field indicates whether users should get the simple bug report page, advanced bug report page, or both. Possible values are: BOTH, SIMPLE_ONLY, or ADVANCED_ONLY. The default is BOTH.


This option is used as a default value for user preferences. This field indicates whether users should get the simple bug update page, or the advanced bug update page, or both. Possible values are: BOTH, SIMPLE_ONLY, or ADVANCED_ONLY. The default is BOTH.


This option is used as a default value for user preferences. This field indicates whether users should get the simple bug view page, or advanced bug view page, or both. Possible values are: BOTH, SIMPLE_ONLY, or ADVANCED_ONLY. The default is BOTH.


Users can set their own default preferences for the show report/update/view if the configuration value is BOTH. However, if the value is set to SIMPLE or ADVANCED, then the users should be forced to use the configured values. Note that these settings apply to all projects.


Show the menu at the bottom of the page as well as at the top. Default value is OFF.


This option specifies whether to add menu at the top of the page which includes links to all the projects. The default value is OFF.


When a bug is assigned then replace the word "assigned" with the name of the developer in parenthesis. Default is ON.


Specifies whether to show priority as text (ON) or icon (OFF) in the view all bugs page. Default is OFF (icon).


This configuration option is used to select the columns to be included in the View Issues page and in which order. If one of the column is not accessible to the logged in user, or corresponds to a disabled feature, then it will be automatically removed from the list at runtime. Hence, the same column list may show a different set of columns based on the logged in user, the currently selected project and enabled features (e.g. sponsorship_total is only shown if the sponsorship feature is enabled).

The supported columns are: selection, edit, id, project_id, reporter_id, handler_id, priority, reproducibility, projection, eta, resolution, fixed_in_version, view_state, os, os_build, build (for product build), platform, version, date_submitted, attachment, category, sponsorship_total, severity, status, last_updated, summary, bugnotes_count, description, steps_to_reproduce, additional_information. As for custom fields they can be referenced by adding a 'custom_' to their name (e.g. xyz would be custom_xyz).

By default the following columns are selected: selection, edit, priority, id, sponsorship_total, bugnotes_count, attachment, category_id, severity, status, last_updated, summary.


This configuration option is used to select the columns to be included in the Print Issues page and in which order. See $g_view_issues_page_columns for more details about the supported fields.

By default the following columns are selected: selection, priority, id, sponsorship_total, bugnotes_count, attachment, category_id, severity, status, last_updated, summary


This configuration option is used to select the columns to be included in the CSV export and in which order. See $g_view_issues_page_columns for more details about the supported fields.

By default the following columns are selected: id, project_id, reporter_id, handler_id, priority, severity, reproducibility, version, build, projection, category_id, date_submitted, eta, os, os_build, platform, view_state, last_updated, summary, status, resolution, fixed_in_version, duplicate_id.


This configuration option is used to select the columns to be included in the CSV export and in which order. See $g_view_issues_page_columns for more details about the supported fields.

By default the following columns are selected: id, project_id, reporter_id, handler_id, priority, severity, reproducibility, version, build, projection, category_id, date_submitted, eta, os, os_build, platform, view_state, last_updated, summary, status, resolution, fixed_in_version, duplicate_id.


Show project links when in All Projects mode. Default is ON.


Specifies the position of the status colour legend, can be: STATUS_LEGEND_POSITION_TOP or STATUS_LEGEND_POSITION_BOTTOM. Default is STATUS_LEGEND_POSITION_BOTTOM.


In view all bug page, show a clip icon next to bugs that has one or more attachments. The default value is OFF. The reason why this is defaulted to OFF is that it adds an extra query for every bug dispayed in the list.


This controls display of the version dropdown menus in the report, view and update pages. Valid values are ON, OFF, and AUTO. ON forces the display of the dropdown even if no versions are defined. OFF will suppress the dropdown always. AUTO will suppress the dropdown, if no versions are defined for the project.


This control will replace the user's userid with their realname. If it is set to ON, and the real name fiels has been populated, the replacement will occur. It defaults to OFF.


Show user avatar (default OFF); the current implementation is based on http://www.gravatar.com, users will need to register there with the same email address used in this MantisBT installation to have their avatar shown.


Upon registration or avatar change, it takes some time for the updated gravatar images to show on sites.


The threshold of users for which MantisBT should attempt to show the avatar (default DEVELOPER). Note that the threshold is related to the user for whom the avatar is being shown, rather than the user who is currently logged in.


The full URL to the image to be used when a user doesn't have an avatar account.