Cloning the Repository

The primary repository for MantisBT is hosted and available in multiple methods depending on user status and intentions. For most contributers, the public clone URL is git:// To clone the repository, perform the following from your target workspace:

$ git clone git://

If you are a member of the MantisBT development team with write access to the repository, there is a special clone URL that uses your SSH key to handle access permissions and allow you read and write access. Note: This action will fail if you do not have developer access or do not have your public SSH key set up correctly.

$ git clone [email protected]:mantisbt.git

After performing the cloning operation, you should end up with a new directory in your workspace, mantisbt/. By default, it will only track code from the primary remote branch, master, which is the latest development version of MantisBT. For contributers planning to work with stable release branches, or other development branches, you will need to set up local tracking branches in your repository. The following commands will set up a tracking branch for the current stable branch, master-1.1.x.

$ git checkout -b master-1.1.x origin/master-1.1.x