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Background documentation Messages Locate the document in the library structure

Database Analyzer can write the following messages in the log file, among others:

Avg user cmd exec time for task

Avg user suspend time for task

Avg user wait time for task

Catalog cache hitrate

Collision rate

Data cache hitrate

Data volume filling level


Free user tasks

Index accesses

Index range accesses

Isolated index accesses

Isolated index range accesses

Isolated index scans

Log area filling level

Lock list escalations

Log queue overflows

Log write time

Max log queue filling

Number of cached history pages

Number of physical reads

Number of physical writes

Number of physical writes of temporary pages

OMS cache hitrate

OMS heap collisions

OMS heap utilization

OMS history cache hitrate

OMS terminates

OMS version is old

OMS version is unloaded

Out of memory exceptions

Parse activities

Physical reads for user task

Primary key accesses

Primary key range accesses

Selects and Fetches

Table scans


User task blocked in state

User task physical writes



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