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Function documentation Backup Locate the document in the library structure


You can use the Database Manager GUI to back up a database instance. The database instance can be on a local computer or on a remote computer.

You can back up data from the data area and log entries from the log area on data carriers.


To perform backups in the background, use the Database Manager CLI (see Database Manager CLI, Backing up and Restoring Database Instances).


We recommend that you make a plan for Structure linkregular administration tasks.


You can use the Database Manager GUI or the Backup Wizard for the following activities:

     Managing the Backup Templates

     Executing backups (see Backup Procedures)

     Checking Backups

     Displaying Backup History

For SAP applications, you can use the DBA Planning Calendar of the Solution Lifecycle Management System (CCMS) to plan and automate the backup functions of the Database Manager and administration of the backup media. For more information, see Database Administration in CCMS, Structure linkDBA Planning Calendar.

See also:

Concepts of the Database System, Structure linkBacking Up and Restoring


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