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Procedure documentation file_getlist Locate the document in the library structure


You display the list of the database files of the current database instance. You have the option of specifying the scope of the file list that is output.

Note, however, that the system only displays those DBM commands which it can access at the time of execution. The list may therefore vary with the state of the database instance.

See also:

Glossary, Structure linkDatabase File


You have the server authorization DBFileRead.


file_getlist <list_level>


Scope of the file list displayed; possible values are:

0: The most important files (default value)

1: All files




<file_ID> <mode> <file_length> <date> <time> <comment> <file_name>

<file_ID> <mode> <file_length> <date> <time> <comment> <file_name>


Values for the Reply Fields




File ID of the database file


Indicates whether the file is plain text or binary

Possible values are: ASCII|BINARY

ASCII: plain text file (also UNICODE)

BINARY: Binary file


Size of database file


Date of last change


Time of last change


Additional information


File name


Call the Database Manager CLI, log on as operator OLEG with password MONDAY, connect to the database instance DEMODB, display the list of the most important database files:

>dbmcli -u OLEG,MONDAY -d DEMODB file_getlist 1



KNLDIAG ASCII   50608   20050421        133815          Database Messages knldiag.classic

KNLDIAGERR      ASCII   1447    20050421        133815          Database Errors knldiag.err.classic

KNLDIAGOLD      ASCII   56767   20050421        133816          Database Messages (OLD) knldiag.old.classic

KNLTRC  BINARY  5595136 20050418        141944          Database Trace  knltrace

UTLPRT  ASCII   102400  20050418        141927          Utility Statements dbm.utl

BACKHIST        ASCII   1424    20050418        131056          Backup History dbm.knl



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