00001 <?php 00002 00006 class FakeTitle extends Title { 00007 function error() { throw new MWException( "Attempt to call member function of FakeTitle\n" ); } 00008 00009 function isLocal() { $this->error(); } 00010 function isTrans() { $this->error(); } 00011 function getText() { $this->error(); } 00012 function getPartialURL() { $this->error(); } 00013 function getDBkey() { $this->error(); } 00014 function getNamespace() { $this->error(); } 00015 function getNsText() { $this->error(); } 00016 function getUserCaseDBKey() { $this->error(); } 00017 function getSubjectNsText() { $this->error(); } 00018 function getTalkNsText() { $this->error(); } 00019 function canTalk() { $this->error(); } 00020 function getInterwiki() { $this->error(); } 00021 function getFragment() { $this->error(); } 00022 function getFragmentForURL() { $this->error(); } 00023 function getDefaultNamespace() { $this->error(); } 00024 function getIndexTitle() { $this->error(); } 00025 function getPrefixedDBkey() { $this->error(); } 00026 function getPrefixedText() { $this->error(); } 00027 function getFullText() { $this->error(); } 00028 function getBaseText() { $this->error(); } 00029 function getSubpageText() { $this->error(); } 00030 function getSubpageUrlForm() { $this->error(); } 00031 function getPrefixedURL() { $this->error(); } 00032 function getFullURL( $query = '', $variant = false ) { $this->error(); } 00033 function getLocalURL( $query = '', $variant = false ) { $this->error(); } 00034 function getLinkURL( $query = array(), $variant = false ) { $this->error(); } 00035 function escapeLocalURL( $query = '', $query2 = false ) { $this->error(); } 00036 function escapeFullURL( $query = '', $query2 = false ) { $this->error(); } 00037 function getInternalURL( $query = '', $variant = false ) { $this->error(); } 00038 function getEditURL() { $this->error(); } 00039 function getEscapedText() { $this->error(); } 00040 function isExternal() { $this->error(); } 00041 function isSemiProtected( $action = 'edit' ) { $this->error(); } 00042 function isProtected( $action = '' ) { $this->error(); } 00043 function isConversionTable() { $this->error(); } 00044 function userIsWatching() { $this->error(); } 00045 function quickUserCan( $action, $user = null ) { $this->error(); } 00046 function isNamespaceProtected( User $user ) { $this->error(); } 00047 function userCan( $action, $user = null, $doExpensiveQueries = true ) { $this->error(); } 00048 function getUserPermissionsErrors( $action, $user, $doExpensiveQueries = true, $ignoreErrors = array() ) { $this->error(); } 00049 function updateTitleProtection( $create_perm, $reason, $expiry ) { $this->error(); } 00050 function deleteTitleProtection() { $this->error(); } 00051 function isMovable() { $this->error(); } 00052 function userCanRead() { $this->error(); } 00053 function isTalkPage() { $this->error(); } 00054 function isSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00055 function hasSubpages() { $this->error(); } 00056 function getSubpages( $limit = -1 ) { $this->error(); } 00057 function isCssJsSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00058 function isCssOrJsPage() { $this->error(); } 00059 function getSkinFromCssJsSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00060 function isCssSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00061 function isJsSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00062 function userCanEditCssJsSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00063 function userCanEditCssSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00064 function userCanEditJsSubpage() { $this->error(); } 00065 function isCascadeProtected() { $this->error(); } 00066 function getCascadeProtectionSources( $get_pages = true ) { $this->error(); } 00067 function areRestrictionsCascading() { $this->error(); } 00068 function loadRestrictionsFromRows( $rows, $oldFashionedRestrictions = null ) { $this->error(); } 00069 function loadRestrictions( $res = null ) { $this->error(); } 00070 function getRestrictions( $action ) { $this->error(); } 00071 function getRestrictionExpiry( $action ) { $this->error(); } 00072 function isDeleted() { $this->error(); } 00073 function isDeletedQuick() { $this->error(); } 00074 function getArticleID( $flags = 0 ) { $this->error(); } 00075 function isRedirect( $flags = 0 ) { $this->error(); } 00076 function getLength( $flags = 0 ) { $this->error(); } 00077 function getLatestRevID( $flags = 0 ) { $this->error(); } 00078 function resetArticleID( $newid ) { $this->error(); } 00079 function invalidateCache() { $this->error(); } 00080 function getTalkPage() { $this->error(); } 00081 function setFragment( $fragment ) { $this->error(); } 00082 function getSubjectPage() { $this->error(); } 00083 function getLinksTo( $options = array(), $table = 'pagelinks', $prefix = 'pl' ) { $this->error(); } 00084 function getTemplateLinksTo( $options = array() ) { $this->error(); } 00085 function getBrokenLinksFrom() { $this->error(); } 00086 function getSquidURLs() { $this->error(); } 00087 function purgeSquid() { $this->error(); } 00088 function moveNoAuth( &$nt ) { $this->error(); } 00089 function isValidMoveOperation( &$nt, $auth = true, $reason = '' ) { $this->error(); } 00090 function moveTo( &$nt, $auth = true, $reason = '', $createRedirect = true ) { $this->error(); } 00091 function moveOverExistingRedirect( &$nt, $reason = '', $createRedirect = true ) { $this->error(); } 00092 function moveToNewTitle( &$nt, $reason = '', $createRedirect = true ) { $this->error(); } 00093 function moveSubpages( $nt, $auth = true, $reason = '', $createRedirect = true ) { $this->error(); } 00094 function isSingleRevRedirect() { $this->error(); } 00095 function isValidMoveTarget( $nt ) { $this->error(); } 00096 function isWatchable() { $this->error(); } 00097 function getParentCategories() { $this->error(); } 00098 function getParentCategoryTree( $children = array() ) { $this->error(); } 00099 function pageCond() { $this->error(); } 00100 function getPreviousRevisionID( $revId, $flags=0 ) { $this->error(); } 00101 function getNextRevisionID( $revId, $flags=0 ) { $this->error(); } 00102 function getFirstRevision( $flags=0 ) { $this->error(); } 00103 function isNewPage() { $this->error(); } 00104 function getEarliestRevTime( $flags = 0 ) { $this->error(); } 00105 function countRevisionsBetween( $old, $new ) { $this->error(); } 00106 function equals( Title $title ) { $this->error(); } 00107 function exists() { $this->error(); } 00108 function isAlwaysKnown() { $this->error(); } 00109 function isKnown() { $this->error(); } 00110 function canExist() { $this->error(); } 00111 function touchLinks() { $this->error(); } 00112 function getTouched( $db = null ) { $this->error(); } 00113 function getNotificationTimestamp( $user = null ) { $this->error(); } 00114 function getNamespaceKey( $prepend = 'nstab-' ) { $this->error(); } 00115 function isSpecialPage() { $this->error(); } 00116 function isSpecial( $name ) { $this->error(); } 00117 function fixSpecialName() { $this->error(); } 00118 function isContentPage() { $this->error(); } 00119 function getRedirectsHere( $ns = null ) { $this->error(); } 00120 function isValidRedirectTarget() { $this->error(); } 00121 function getBacklinkCache() { $this->error(); } 00122 function canUseNoindex() { $this->error(); } 00123 function getRestrictionTypes() { $this->error(); } 00124 }