00001 <?php 00038 class FeedItem { 00042 var $title; 00043 00044 var $description; 00045 var $url; 00046 var $date; 00047 var $author; 00048 var $uniqueId; 00049 var $comments; 00050 var $rssIsPermalink = false; 00051 00062 function __construct( $title, $description, $url, $date = '', $author = '', $comments = '' ) { 00063 $this->title = $title; 00064 $this->description = $description; 00065 $this->url = $url; 00066 $this->uniqueId = $url; 00067 $this->date = $date; 00068 $this->author = $author; 00069 $this->comments = $comments; 00070 } 00071 00078 public function xmlEncode( $string ) { 00079 $string = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $string ); 00080 $string = preg_replace( '/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]/', '', $string ); 00081 return htmlspecialchars( $string ); 00082 } 00083 00089 public function getUniqueId() { 00090 if ( $this->uniqueId ) { 00091 return $this->xmlEncode( $this->uniqueId ); 00092 } 00093 } 00094 00101 public function setUniqueId( $uniqueId, $rssIsPermalink = false ) { 00102 $this->uniqueId = $uniqueId; 00103 $this->rssIsPermalink = $rssIsPermalink; 00104 } 00105 00111 public function getTitle() { 00112 return $this->xmlEncode( $this->title ); 00113 } 00114 00120 public function getUrl() { 00121 return $this->xmlEncode( $this->url ); 00122 } 00123 00129 public function getDescription() { 00130 return $this->xmlEncode( $this->description ); 00131 } 00132 00138 public function getLanguage() { 00139 global $wgLanguageCode; 00140 return $wgLanguageCode; 00141 } 00142 00148 public function getDate() { 00149 return $this->date; 00150 } 00151 00157 public function getAuthor() { 00158 return $this->xmlEncode( $this->author ); 00159 } 00160 00166 public function getComments() { 00167 return $this->xmlEncode( $this->comments ); 00168 } 00169 00176 public static function stripComment( $text ) { 00177 return preg_replace( '/\[\[([^]]*\|)?([^]]+)\]\]/', '\2', $text ); 00178 } 00180 } 00181 00186 class ChannelFeed extends FeedItem { 00195 function outHeader() { 00196 # print "<feed>"; 00197 } 00198 00203 function outItem( $item ) { 00204 # print "<item>...</item>"; 00205 } 00206 00210 function outFooter() { 00211 # print "</feed>"; 00212 } 00223 public function httpHeaders() { 00224 global $wgOut, $wgVaryOnXFP; 00225 00226 # We take over from $wgOut, excepting its cache header info 00227 $wgOut->disable(); 00228 $mimetype = $this->contentType(); 00229 header( "Content-type: $mimetype; charset=UTF-8" ); 00230 if ( $wgVaryOnXFP ) { 00231 $wgOut->addVaryHeader( 'X-Forwarded-Proto' ); 00232 } 00233 $wgOut->sendCacheControl(); 00234 00235 } 00236 00243 function contentType() { 00244 global $wgRequest; 00245 $ctype = $wgRequest->getVal('ctype','application/xml'); 00246 $allowedctypes = array('application/xml','text/xml','application/rss+xml','application/atom+xml'); 00247 return (in_array($ctype, $allowedctypes) ? $ctype : 'application/xml'); 00248 } 00249 00255 function outXmlHeader() { 00256 global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion; 00257 00258 $this->httpHeaders(); 00259 echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' . "\n"; 00260 echo '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="' . 00261 htmlspecialchars( wfExpandUrl( "$wgStylePath/common/feed.css?$wgStyleVersion", PROTO_CURRENT ) ) . 00262 '"?' . ">\n"; 00263 } 00264 } 00265 00271 class RSSFeed extends ChannelFeed { 00272 00279 function formatTime( $ts ) { 00280 return gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $ts ) ); 00281 } 00282 00286 function outHeader() { 00287 global $wgVersion; 00288 00289 $this->outXmlHeader(); 00290 ?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc=""> 00291 <channel> 00292 <title><?php print $this->getTitle() ?></title> 00293 <link><?php print wfExpandUrl( $this->getUrl(), PROTO_CURRENT ) ?></link> 00294 <description><?php print $this->getDescription() ?></description> 00295 <language><?php print $this->getLanguage() ?></language> 00296 <generator>MediaWiki <?php print $wgVersion ?></generator> 00297 <lastBuildDate><?php print $this->formatTime( wfTimestampNow() ) ?></lastBuildDate> 00298 <?php 00299 } 00300 00305 function outItem( $item ) { 00306 ?> 00307 <item> 00308 <title><?php print $item->getTitle() ?></title> 00309 <link><?php print wfExpandUrl( $item->getUrl(), PROTO_CURRENT ) ?></link> 00310 <guid<?php if( !$item->rssIsPermalink ) print ' isPermaLink="false"' ?>><?php print $item->getUniqueId() ?></guid> 00311 <description><?php print $item->getDescription() ?></description> 00312 <?php if( $item->getDate() ) { ?><pubDate><?php print $this->formatTime( $item->getDate() ) ?></pubDate><?php } ?> 00313 <?php if( $item->getAuthor() ) { ?><dc:creator><?php print $item->getAuthor() ?></dc:creator><?php }?> 00314 <?php if( $item->getComments() ) { ?><comments><?php print wfExpandUrl( $item->getComments(), PROTO_CURRENT ) ?></comments><?php }?> 00315 </item> 00316 <?php 00317 } 00318 00322 function outFooter() { 00323 ?> 00324 </channel> 00325 </rss><?php 00326 } 00327 } 00328 00334 class AtomFeed extends ChannelFeed { 00338 function formatTime( $ts ) { 00339 // need to use RFC 822 time format at least for rss2.0 00340 return gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $ts ) ); 00341 } 00342 00346 function outHeader() { 00347 global $wgVersion; 00348 00349 $this->outXmlHeader(); 00350 ?><feed xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php print $this->getLanguage() ?>"> 00351 <id><?php print $this->getFeedId() ?></id> 00352 <title><?php print $this->getTitle() ?></title> 00353 <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="<?php print wfExpandUrl( $this->getSelfUrl(), PROTO_CURRENT ) ?>"/> 00354 <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="<?php print wfExpandUrl( $this->getUrl(), PROTO_CURRENT ) ?>"/> 00355 <updated><?php print $this->formatTime( wfTimestampNow() ) ?>Z</updated> 00356 <subtitle><?php print $this->getDescription() ?></subtitle> 00357 <generator>MediaWiki <?php print $wgVersion ?></generator> 00358 00359 <?php 00360 } 00361 00371 function getFeedId() { 00372 return $this->getSelfUrl(); 00373 } 00374 00380 function getSelfUrl() { 00381 global $wgRequest; 00382 return htmlspecialchars( $wgRequest->getFullRequestURL() ); 00383 } 00384 00389 function outItem( $item ) { 00390 global $wgMimeType; 00391 ?> 00392 <entry> 00393 <id><?php print $item->getUniqueId() ?></id> 00394 <title><?php print $item->getTitle() ?></title> 00395 <link rel="alternate" type="<?php print $wgMimeType ?>" href="<?php print wfExpandUrl( $item->getUrl(), PROTO_CURRENT ) ?>"/> 00396 <?php if( $item->getDate() ) { ?> 00397 <updated><?php print $this->formatTime( $item->getDate() ) ?>Z</updated> 00398 <?php } ?> 00399 00400 <summary type="html"><?php print $item->getDescription() ?></summary> 00401 <?php if( $item->getAuthor() ) { ?><author><name><?php print $item->getAuthor() ?></name></author><?php }?> 00402 </entry> 00403 00404 <?php /* @todo FIXME: Need to add comments 00405 <?php if( $item->getComments() ) { ?><dc:comment><?php print $item->getComments() ?></dc:comment><?php }?> 00406 */ 00407 } 00408 00412 function outFooter() {?> 00413 </feed><?php 00414 } 00415 }