00001 <?php 00016 $fallback = 'fr'; 00017 00018 $messages = array( 00019 # User preference toggles 00020 'tog-underline' => 'Diidtol jokke', 00021 'tog-justify' => 'Fonndito lelnanɗe', 00022 'tog-hideminor' => 'Duuɗ taƴtanɗe pamare e bayle cakkitiiɗe', 00023 'tog-hidepatrolled' => 'Suuɗ taƴtanɗe deenaaɗe ɗee e bayle cakkitiiɗe', 00024 'tog-newpageshidepatrolled' => 'Suuɗ kelle deenaaɗe e doggol kelle kese', 00025 'tog-extendwatchlist' => 'Wertu doggol ndeenka ngam hollude bayle fof, wonaa tan cakkitiiɗe', 00026 'tog-usenewrc' => 'Renndin bayle e hello e bayle cakkitiiɗe kañum e doggol ndeenka (ena naamnii Javascritp)', 00027 'tog-numberheadings' => 'Ɓeydi limoore tiitooɗe e jaajol', 00028 'tog-showtoolbar' => 'Hollu palal taƴtorde (ena naamnii JavaScript)', 00029 'tog-editondblclick' => 'Taƴto kelle e dobtitannde (ena naamnii Javascritp)', 00030 00031 'underline-default' => 'Goowaaɗe wanngorde', 00032 00033 # Font style option in Special:Preferences 00034 'editfont-style' => 'Pannol ponte boowal taƴtorgal', 00035 'editfont-default' => 'Goowaaɗe wanngorde', 00036 00037 # Dates 00038 'sunday' => 'Dewo', 00039 'monday' => 'Aaɓnde', 00040 'tuesday' => 'Mawbaare', 00041 'wednesday' => 'Njeslaare', 00042 'thursday' => 'Naasaande', 00043 'friday' => 'Mawnde', 00044 'saturday' => 'Hoore-Biir', 00045 'sun' => 'Dew', 00046 'mon' => 'Aaɓ', 00047 'tue' => 'Maw', 00048 'wed' => 'Nje', 00049 'thu' => 'Naa', 00050 'fri' => 'Mde', 00051 'sat' => 'Hoo', 00052 'january' => 'Siilo', 00053 'february' => 'Colte', 00054 'march' => 'MBooy', 00055 'april' => 'Seeɗto', 00056 'may_long' => 'Duujal', 00057 'june' => 'Korse', 00058 'july' => 'Morso', 00059 'august' => 'Juko', 00060 'september' => 'Siilto', 00061 'october' => 'Yarkomaa', 00062 'november' => 'Jolal', 00063 'december' => 'Bowte', 00064 'january-gen' => 'Siilo', 00065 'february-gen' => 'Colte', 00066 'march-gen' => 'Mbooy', 00067 'april-gen' => 'Seeɗto', 00068 'may-gen' => 'Duujal', 00069 'june-gen' => 'Korse', 00070 'july-gen' => 'Morso', 00071 'august-gen' => 'Juko', 00072 'september-gen' => 'Siilto', 00073 'october-gen' => 'Yarkomaa', 00074 'november-gen' => 'Jolal', 00075 'december-gen' => 'Bowte', 00076 'jan' => 'Sii', 00077 'feb' => 'Col', 00078 'mar' => 'Mbo', 00079 'apr' => 'See', 00080 'may' => 'Duu', 00081 'jun' => 'Kor', 00082 'jul' => 'Mor', 00083 'aug' => 'Juk', 00084 'sep' => 'Sto', 00085 'oct' => 'Yar', 00086 'nov' => 'Jol', 00087 'dec' => 'Bow', 00088 00089 # Categories related messages 00090 'pagecategories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Fedde|Pelle}}', 00091 'category_header' => 'Kelle e fedde "$1"', 00092 'subcategories' => 'Taƴte pelle', 00093 'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Fedde suuɗiinde|Pelle cuuɗiiɗe}}', 00094 'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'jokku', 00095 'noindex-category' => 'Kello njoopaaka', 00096 00097 'newwindow' => '(udditata e henorde hesere)', 00098 'cancel' => 'Haaytu', 00099 'mytalk' => 'Yeewtere', 00100 'navigation' => 'Peeragol', 00101 00102 # Cologne Blue skin 00103 'faq' => 'FAQ', 00104 00105 # Vector skin 00106 'vector-action-addsection' => 'Ɓeydi toɓɓere', 00107 'vector-action-move' => 'Dirtin', 00108 'vector-view-create' => 'Sos', 00109 'vector-view-edit' => 'Taƴto', 00110 'vector-view-history' => 'Yiyto aslol', 00111 'vector-view-view' => 'Tar', 00112 'vector-view-viewsource' => 'Yiyto ɗaɗol', 00113 'actions' => 'Baɗe', 00114 'namespaces' => 'Boowal inɗe', 00115 'variants' => 'Lomtooɗe', 00116 00117 'errorpagetitle' => 'Juumre', 00118 'returnto' => 'Rutto to $1.', 00119 'tagline' => 'Iwde to {{SITENAME}}', 00120 'help' => 'Ballal', 00121 'search' => 'Yiylo', 00122 'searchbutton' => 'Yiylo', 00123 'searcharticle' => 'Tar', 00124 'history_short' => 'Tarik', 00125 'printableversion' => 'Yamre winndittoonde', 00126 'permalink' => 'Jokkol duumingol', 00127 'view' => 'Yiyto', 00128 'edit' => 'Wallifaade', 00129 'create' => 'Sos', 00130 'editthispage' => 'Taƴto ngoo hello', 00131 'create-this-page' => 'Sos ngoo hello', 00132 'delete' => 'Momtu', 00133 'deletethispage' => 'Momtu ngoo hello', 00134 'protect' => 'Hisnu', 00135 'protect_change' => 'waylu', 00136 'protectthispage' => 'Hisnu ngoo hello', 00137 'unprotect' => 'Waylu kisnugol', 00138 'unprotectthispage' => 'Waylu kisnugol e ngoo hello', 00139 'newpage' => 'Hello heso', 00140 'talkpage' => 'Yeewtu baɗte ngoo hello', 00141 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Yeewtere', 00142 'specialpage' => 'Hello heeriingo', 00143 'personaltools' => 'Kuutorɗe maa keeriiɗe', 00144 'postcomment' => 'Taƴre hesere', 00145 'articlepage' => 'Yiyto hello loowdi ngoo', 00146 'talk' => 'Kaldigal', 00147 'views' => 'Jiyte', 00148 'toolbox' => 'Wakannde gollirɗe', 00149 'userpage' => 'Yiyto hello kuutoro', 00150 'projectpage' => 'Yiyto hello eɓɓoore', 00151 'imagepage' => 'Yiyto hello fiilde', 00152 'mediawikipage' => 'Yiyto hello ɓatakuure ndee', 00153 'templatepage' => 'Yiyto hello tiimtorde', 00154 'viewhelppage' => 'Yiyto hello ballal', 00155 'categorypage' => 'Yiyto hello fedde', 00156 'viewtalkpage' => 'Yiyto yeewtere', 00157 'otherlanguages' => 'ɗemɗe goɗe', 00158 'redirectedfrom' => '(Yiitannde iwde e $1)', 00159 'redirectpagesub' => 'Hello jiiltugol', 00160 'lastmodifiedat' => 'Ngoo hello waylaa ko ñalnde $1 sahnga $2.', 00161 'viewcount' => 'Ngoo hello yillaama laabi $1.', 00162 'protectedpage' => 'Hello hisnaango', 00163 'jumpto' => 'Diw fayde:', 00164 'jumptonavigation' => 'peeragol', 00165 'jumptosearch' => 'Ɗaɓɓitugol', 00166 'view-pool-error' => 'Ɗaccu hakke, carworɗe ɗee ko keewraa oo sahaa. 00167 Etotooɓe yillaade ngoo hello keewii haa ɓurti. 00168 Tiiɗno sabbo seeɗa hade maa etaade naatde e hello ngoo kadi.', 00169 'pool-timeout' => 'Sahaa ɓennii fade geƴƴol', 00170 'pool-queuefull' => 'Doggol golle ko keewngol', 00171 'pool-errorunknown' => 'Juumre nde heftinaaka', 00172 00173 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00174 'aboutsite' => 'Baɗte {{SITENAME}}', 00175 'aboutpage' => 'Project:Baɗte', 00176 'copyright' => 'Loowdi ena heɓoo les $1.', 00177 'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Copyrights', 00178 'currentevents' => 'Tawtoraɗi', 00179 'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Tawtoraɗi', 00180 'disclaimers' => 'Deentine', 00181 'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:Deentine kuuɓtidinɗe', 00182 'edithelp' => 'Ballal Taƴtagol', 00183 'edithelppage' => 'Help:Taƴtagol', 00184 'helppage' => 'Help:Loowdi', 00185 'mainpage' => 'Hello jaɓɓorgo', 00186 'mainpage-description' => 'Hello jaɓɓorgo', 00187 'policy-url' => 'Eɓɓoore:Dawirgol', 00188 'portal' => 'Jaɓɓogol renndo', 00189 'portal-url' => 'Project:Damugal renndo', 00190 'privacy' => 'Dawirgol suturo', 00191 'privacypage' => 'Project:Dawirgol suturo', 00192 00193 'badaccess' => 'Juumre jamirooje', 00194 'badaccess-group0' => 'A yamiraaka siynude gollal naamni-ɗaa ngal.', 00195 00196 'ok' => 'OK', 00197 'retrievedfrom' => 'Ittaa ko to "$1"', 00198 'youhavenewmessages' => 'A heɓii $1 ($2).', 00199 'newmessageslink' => 'ɓatakuuje kese', 00200 'newmessagesdifflink' => 'baylol cakkitiingol', 00201 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'A heɓii ɓatakuuje kese e $1', 00202 'editsection' => 'taƴto', 00203 'editold' => 'taƴto', 00204 'viewsourceold' => 'yiyto ɗaɗol', 00205 'editlink' => 'taƴto', 00206 'viewsourcelink' => 'yiyto ɗaɗol', 00207 'editsectionhint' => 'Taƴto rogere: $1', 00208 'toc' => 'Loowdi', 00209 'showtoc' => 'hollu', 00210 'hidetoc' => 'suuɗ', 00211 'collapsible-collapse' => 'Taggu', 00212 'collapsible-expand' => 'Wertu', 00213 'thisisdeleted' => 'Yiyto walla artir $1?', 00214 'viewdeleted' => 'Yiyto $1?', 00215 'feedlinks' => 'Balol', 00216 'feed-invalid' => 'Lulnannde fannu balol moƴƴaani', 00217 'feed-unavailable' => 'Bale lultinorde ɗee keɓotaako', 00218 'site-rss-feed' => '$1 balol RSS', 00219 'site-atom-feed' => 'Balol Atom $1', 00220 'page-rss-feed' => '"$1" balol RSS', 00221 'page-atom-feed' => '"$1" balol Atom', 00222 'red-link-title' => '$1 (hello ngoo woodaani)', 00223 'sort-descending' => 'Leemto telloo', 00224 'sort-ascending' => 'Leemto faya dow', 00225 00226 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00227 'nstab-main' => 'Winndannde', 00228 'nstab-user' => 'Hello kuutoro', 00229 'nstab-media' => 'Hello Mejaaje', 00230 'nstab-special' => 'Hello heeriingo', 00231 'nstab-project' => 'Hello eɓɓoore', 00232 'nstab-image' => 'Fiilde', 00233 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Ɓatakuure', 00234 'nstab-template' => 'Tiimtorde', 00235 'nstab-help' => 'Hello ballal', 00236 'nstab-category' => 'Fedde', 00237 00238 # Main script and global functions 00239 'nosuchaction' => 'Ngal baɗal anndaaka', 00240 'nosuchactiontext' => 'Baɗal joopagnal e URL ngal moƴƴaani. 00241 Maa taw w juum e mbinndiin URL oo, walla ndew-ɗaa ko e jokkol taƴngol. 00242 Ɗuum kadi ena waawi wonde buggere e topirde huutoraande e {{SITENAME}}.', 00243 'nosuchspecialpage' => 'Ngoo hello heeriingo woodaani', 00244 'nospecialpagetext' => '<strong>A naamniima hello heeriingo ngo woodaani.</strong> 00245 Doggol kelle ɗe moƴƴaani ena tawee to [[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]].', 00246 00247 # General errors 00248 'error' => 'Faljere', 00249 'databaseerror' => 'Juumre ruttorde keɓe', 00250 'dberrortext' => 'Juumre lelngo ɗaɓɓitannde keɓe waɗii. 00251 Ɗuum kadi ena waawi wonde buggere e topirde ndee. 00252 Ɗaɓɓitannde keɓe sakkitiinde eteede wonnoo ko: 00253 <blockquote><code>$1</code></blockquote> 00254 iwde e golloore "<code>$2</code>". 00255 Ruttorde keɓe ruttinii juumre "<samp>$3: $4</samp>".', 00256 'missing-article' => 'Ruttorde keɓe ndee yiytaani loowdi hello ndi nde fotnoo yiytude, ena inniraa "$1" $2. 00257 00258 Heewi waɗde noon ko diff nayeejo walla jokkol aslol fayde e hello momtaango. 00259 00260 So wonaa ɗuum, maataw ko a kawruɗo e buggere e topirde ndee. 00261 Tiiɗno jaŋto ɗum to [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|jiiloowo]] mbaasaa yejjitde URL jokkol ngol.', 00262 'badtitle' => 'Tiitoonde moƴƴaani', 00263 'badtitletext' => 'Tiitoonde ello ɗaɓɓitaango ngoo moƴƴaani, ko mehre, walla ko hakkude-ɗemɗe jokkoraade no feewaani walla tiitoonde hakkude-wiki', 00264 'viewsource' => 'Yiyto ɗaɗol', 00265 00266 # Login and logout pages 00267 'yourname' => 'Innde Kuutoro', 00268 'yourpassword' => 'Finnde:', 00269 'remembermypassword' => 'Siiftor ceŋagol am e ndee wanngorde (so heewii ko {{PLURAL:$1|ñalawma|balɗe}}$1)', 00270 'login' => 'Seŋo', 00271 'nav-login-createaccount' => 'Seŋo / uddit konte', 00272 'loginprompt' => 'Alaa e sago kurminaa kukiije ngam seŋaade e {{SITENAME}}.', 00273 'userlogin' => 'Seŋo / uddit konte', 00274 'userlogout' => 'Seŋto', 00275 'nologin' => 'A alaa konte tawo? $1.', 00276 'nologinlink' => 'Uddit konte', 00277 'mailmypassword' => 'Neldu finnde hesere e iimeel', 00278 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Ɗemngal: $1', 00279 00280 # Edit page toolbar 00281 'bold_sample' => 'Binndol ɓuutol', 00282 'italic_sample' => 'Binndol italic', 00283 'italic_tip' => 'Binndol italic', 00284 'extlink_sample' => ' tiitoonde jokkol', 00285 'extlink_tip' => 'Jokkol boowbowal (siiftor puɗɗol http://)', 00286 'headline_sample' => 'Binndol tiitoonde', 00287 'nowiki_sample' => 'Naatnu binndol ngol mbaydinaaka', 00288 'nowiki_tip' => 'Faalkiso mbaydingol wiki', 00289 'image_tip' => 'Fiilde soomtoraande', 00290 'sig_tip' => 'Ciifol maa kañum e ñalngu', 00291 'hr_tip' => 'Diidol lelingol (huutoro seeɗa)', 00292 00293 # Edit pages 00294 'minoredit' => 'Ɗuum ko taƴtol pamarol', 00295 'watchthis' => 'Rewindo ngoo hello', 00296 'savearticle' => 'Danndu hello', 00297 'preview' => 'Yiytindo', 00298 'showpreview' => 'Hollu jiytol', 00299 'showdiff' => 'Hollu bayle', 00300 'newarticle' => '(Kesi)', 00301 'newarticletext' => 'A rewii e jokkol feewde e hello ngo woodaani tawo. 00302 Ngam sosde hello ngoo, fuɗɗo tappude e gallol les ngol (Yah to [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|help page]] ngam ɓeydude humpito).', 00303 'noarticletext' => 'Ngoo hello alaa tawo hay binndol. 00304 Aɗa waawi [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|weddo njiilaw e tiitoonde mayre]] e kello goɗɗe, 00305 <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} yiylo logge toɗɗiiɗe ɗum], 00306 walla [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} taƴto hello ngoo]</span>.', 00307 'editingsection' => 'Taƴtagol $1 (taƴre)', 00308 'templatesused' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Tiimtorde|Tiimtorɗe}} kuutoraaɗe e ngoo hello:', 00309 'template-protected' => 'ko-ko hisnaa', 00310 'template-semiprotected' => '(ena hisnaa feccere)', 00311 'hiddencategories' => 'Ngoo hello jeyaa ko e {{PLURAL:$1|1 fedde suuɗiinde|$1 pelle cuuɗiiɗe}}:', 00312 00313 # Parser/template warnings 00314 'post-expand-template-inclusion-warning' => '""Reentino"."" Ɓetol tuugnorde ɓurtii.', 00315 'post-expand-template-inclusion-category' => 'Kelle baɗɗe tuugnorɗe ɓurtuɗe', 00316 'post-expand-template-argument-warning' => "'''Warning:''' Ngoo hello ena jogii daliilu tiimtorde jogiiɗo ɓetol layo mawngol haa ɓurti. 00317 Ɗiin dalillaaji nduulaama.", 00318 'post-expand-template-argument-category' => 'Kelle jogiiɗe dalillaaji tiimtorde jejjitaaɗe', 00319 00320 # History pages 00321 'viewpagelogs' => 'Yiyto loge ngoo hello', 00322 'currentrev-asof' => 'Yamre sakkitiinde nde $1', 00323 'revisionasof' => 'Waylitannde $1', 00324 'previousrevision' => '← Baylital ɓennungal', 00325 'cur' => 'gon', 00326 'last' => 'ɓenn', 00327 'histlegend' => 'Cifol : ({{int:cur}}) = ko seerti e yamre wonaande ndee, ({{int:last}}) = ko seerti e yamre ɓennunde ndee, <b>{{int:minoreditletter}}</b> = baylital pamaral', 00328 'history-fieldset-title' => 'Feero e aslol', 00329 'history-show-deleted' => 'Momtaaɗi tan', 00330 'histfirst' => 'Hello adanngo', 00331 00332 # Revision deletion 00333 'revdel-restore' => 'waylu jiyagol', 00334 'revdel-restore-deleted' => 'baylitte momtaaɗe', 00335 'revdel-restore-visible' => 'baylitte jiyotooɗe', 00336 00337 # Merge log 00338 'revertmerge' => 'Ittu renndino', 00339 00340 # Diffs 00341 'history-title' => 'Aslol baylitte "$1"', 00342 'lineno' => 'Gorol $1:', 00343 'compareselectedversions' => 'Yerondir baylitte labaaɗe', 00344 'editundo' => 'firtu', 00345 00346 # Search results 00347 'searchresults' => 'Yiylo e njaltudi', 00348 'searchresults-title' => 'Yiylo "$1" e njaltudi', 00349 'prevn' => 'caggal {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 00350 'nextn' => 'yeeso {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 00351 'prevn-title' => 'Caggal $1 {{PLURAL:$1|njaltudi|jaltuɗe}}', 00352 'nextn-title' => 'Yeeso $1 {{PLURAL:$1|njaltudi|jaltuɗe}}', 00353 'shown-title' => 'Hollu $1 {{PLURAL:$1|njaltudi|jaltuɗe}} e hello fof', 00354 'viewprevnext' => 'Yiyto ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)', 00355 'searchmenu-exists' => "'''Ena woodi hello ena wiyee \"[[:\$1]]\" e oo wiki.'''", 00356 'searchmenu-new' => "'''Sos hello \"[[:\$1]]\" e oo wiki!'''", 00357 'searchprofile-articles' => 'Kello loowdi', 00358 'searchprofile-project' => 'Hello ballal e Eɓɓoore', 00359 'searchprofile-images' => 'Sawmejaajo', 00360 'searchprofile-everything' => 'Fofof', 00361 'searchprofile-advanced' => 'Ceeɓtore', 00362 'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => 'Yiylo e $1', 00363 'searchprofile-project-tooltip' => 'Yiylo e $1', 00364 'searchprofile-images-tooltip' => 'Yiylo piille', 00365 'searchprofile-everything-tooltip' => 'Yiylo loowdi fof (waɗoe heen kelle jeewte)', 00366 'searchprofile-advanced-tooltip' => 'Yiylo e boowe inɗe peŋtore', 00367 'search-result-size' => '$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|helmere 1|kelme$ 2}})', 00368 'search-redirect' => '(yiiltu $1)', 00369 'search-section' => '(taƴre $1)', 00370 'search-suggest' => 'Maa taw njiɗ-ɗaa wiyde ko: $1', 00371 'searchall' => 'fof', 00372 'showingresultsheader' => "{{PLURAL:$5|Njaltudi'''$1''' of '''$3'''|Jaltuɗe'''$1 - $2''' of '''$3'''}} for '''$4'''", 00373 'search-nonefound' => 'Alaa njaltudi arti e ndee ɗaɓɓitannde.', 00374 00375 # Preferences page 00376 'mypreferences' => 'Cuɓoraade', 00377 00378 # Recent changes 00379 'recentchanges' => 'Wailitooji kesi', 00380 'recentchanges-legend' => 'Cuɓe bayle cakkitiiɗe', 00381 'recentchanges-label-newpage' => 'Ngoo taƴto sosii hello heso', 00382 'recentchanges-label-bot' => 'Ngoo taƴto waɗi ɗum ko botol', 00383 'recentchanges-label-unpatrolled' => 'Ngoo taƴto suwaa tawo ƴeewteede', 00384 'rclistfrom' => 'Hollu bayle kese puɗɗiiɗe gila $1', 00385 'rclinks' => 'Hollu bayle $1 cakkitiiɗe baɗaaɗe e balɗe $2 ɓannuɗe ɗee<br />$3', 00386 'diff' => 'ceer', 00387 'hist' => 'aslol', 00388 'hide' => 'Suuɗ', 00389 'show' => 'Hollu', 00390 'rc-enhanced-expand' => 'Hollu cariiɗe (ena naamnii JavaScript)', 00391 'rc-enhanced-hide' => 'Suuɗ cariiɗe', 00392 00393 # Recent changes linked 00394 'recentchangeslinked' => 'Bayle toɗɗiiɗe ɗum', 00395 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Bayle toɗɗiiɗe ɗee', 00396 'recentchangeslinked-title' => 'Bayle toɗɗiiɗe "$1"', 00397 'recentchangeslinked-noresult' => 'Alaa bayle ngoni e hello jokkiingo ngoo e dumunna joopaaɗo oo.', 00398 'recentchangeslinked-summary' => 'Ɗuum ko doggol bayle baɗaaɗe sakket e kelle jokkiiɗe e hello heeriingo (walla e terɗe fedde heeriinde). 00399 Kelle e [[Special:Watchlist|your watchlist]] ko ngoni ko e ""ɓuutol"".', 00400 'recentchangeslinked-page' => 'Innde hello:', 00401 'recentchangeslinked-to' => 'Hollu bayle kelle jokkaaɗe e hello toɗɗaango ngoo kisa', 00402 00403 # Upload 00404 'upload' => 'Yollu fiilde', 00405 'uploaderror' => 'Faljere', 00406 'filedesc' => 'Tonngol', 00407 00408 # File description page 00409 'file-anchor-link' => 'Fiilde', 00410 'filehist' => 'Aslol fiilde', 00411 'filehist-help' => 'Dobo e ñalngu/waktu ngam yiyde fiilde ndee no nde yaltirta e oon waktu nih.', 00412 'filehist-current' => 'gonaaɗo', 00413 'filehist-datetime' => 'Ñalngu/Waktu', 00414 'filehist-thumb' => 'Dooɓre', 00415 'filehist-thumbtext' => 'Dooɓre yamre $1', 00416 'filehist-user' => 'Kuutoro', 00417 'filehist-dimensions' => 'Ɓete', 00418 'filehist-comment' => 'Yowre', 00419 'imagelinks' => 'Kuutorgol fiilde', 00420 'linkstoimage' => '{{PLURAL:$1|page links|$1 pages link}} dewɗe e ngoo hello:', 00421 'nolinkstoimage' => 'Alaa kelle jokkiiɗe e ndee fiilde.', 00422 'sharedupload-desc-here' => 'Ndee fiilde ummii ko e $1 tee ena waawi huutoreede e eɓɓooje koɗe. 00423 Cifol gonngol e [$2 file description page] makko ena holliraa les ɗoo.', 00424 00425 # Random page 00426 'randompage' => 'Ɗerewol kawral', 00427 00428 # Miscellaneous special pages 00429 'nbytes' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|bitere|bite}}', 00430 'nmembers' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|tergal|terɗe}}', 00431 'newpages' => 'Kelle kese', 00432 'pager-newer-n' => '{{PLURAL:$1|kesol 1|kesi $1}}', 00433 'pager-older-n' => '{{PLURAL:$1|ɓennungol 1|ɓennuɗi $1}}', 00434 00435 # Book sources 00436 'booksources' => 'Sewnde defte', 00437 00438 # Special:Log 00439 'log' => 'Loge', 00440 00441 # Special:AllPages 00442 'alphaindexline' => '$1 haa $2', 00443 'allarticles' => 'Winndannde hesere', 00444 'allpagessubmit' => 'Yah', 00445 00446 # Special:LinkSearch 00447 'linksearch-line' => '$1 ko-ko jokkaa e $2', 00448 00449 # Watchlist 00450 'watchlist' => 'Doggol ndeenka am', 00451 'mywatchlist' => 'Doggol rewindo', 00452 'watch' => 'Rewindaande', 00453 'unwatch' => 'Darin rewindo', 00454 00455 # Delete 00456 'actioncomplete' => 'Gollal timmii', 00457 'actionfailed' => 'Gollal woorii', 00458 'dellogpage' => 'Logagol momtaaɗe', 00459 00460 # Rollback 00461 'rollbacklink' => 'riiwtu', 00462 00463 # 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Tiiɗno huutoro butoŋ yiytindo oo hade maa danndude', 00527 'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Fuɗɗo taƴre hesere', 00528 'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'Ngoo hello ko hisnaango. 00529 Aɗa waawi yiytaade ɗaɗol maggo.', 00530 'tooltip-ca-history' => 'Baylitte ɓennuɗe e ngoo hello', 00531 'tooltip-ca-protect' => 'Hisnu ngoo hello', 00532 'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Momtu ngoo hello', 00533 'tooltip-ca-move' => 'Dirtin ngoo hello', 00534 'tooltip-ca-watch' => 'Ɓeydu ngoo hello e dewindaaɗe maa', 00535 'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Momtu ngoo hello e doggol ndeenka maa', 00536 'tooltip-search' => 'Yiylo e {{SITENAME}}', 00537 'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'Yiylo ndii loowdi e kelle ɗee', 00538 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Yillo hello jaɓɓorgo ngoo', 00539 'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Yillo hello jaɓɓorgo ngoo', 00540 'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'Yillo hello jaɓɓorgo ngoo', 00541 'tooltip-n-portal' => 'Baɗte eɓɓoore ndee, hol ko mbaaw-ɗaa waɗde, hol to njiytataa geɗe', 00542 'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Yiylo humpito yawtungo toɗɗiingo ɗee joljole', 00543 'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'Doggol bayle cakkitiiɗe e Wiki hee', 00544 'tooltip-n-randompage' => 'Loow hello hawraango', 00545 'tooltip-n-help' => 'Ko ɗoo yiytetee', 00546 'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => 'Doggol kelle Wiki jokkaaɗe ɗoo ɗee fof', 00547 'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => 'Bayle cakkitiiɗe e kelle jokkaaɗe e ngoo hello', 00548 'tooltip-feed-atom' => 'Balal Atom ngoo hello', 00549 'tooltip-t-contributions' => 'Doggol ballitte oo kuutoro', 00550 'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Yollu piille', 00551 'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'Doggol kelle keeriiɗe fof', 00552 'tooltip-t-print' => 'Jame binndittooɗe ngoo hello', 00553 'tooltip-t-permalink' => 'Jokkol duumingol e baylital ngoo hello', 00554 'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => 'Yiyto hello loowdi ngoo', 00555 'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'Yiyto hello kuutoro', 00556 'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'Yiyto hello eɓɓoore ngoo', 00557 'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'Yiyto hello fiilde ngoo', 00558 'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => 'Yiyto tuugnorde ndee', 00559 'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => 'Yiyto hello fedde ndee', 00560 'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Maanto ɗum ko taƴto famaro', 00561 'tooltip-save' => 'Danndu bayle maa', 00562 'tooltip-preview' => 'Yiytindo bayle maa, tiiɗno huutoro ɗuum hade maa danndude!', 00563 'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => 'Ƴeew ko seerndi hakkunde baylitte ɗiɗi ngoo hello labaaɗe ɗee', 00564 'tooltip-watch' => 'Ɓeydu ngoo hello e doggol ndeenka maa', 00565 'tooltip-rollback' => '"Riiwtude" firlittu taƴte ngoo hello ruttoo to battindiiɗo waylude ngo e dobannde wootere', 00566 'tooltip-undo' => '"Firtu" artirtu ngol taƴtol tee uddita gallol taƴto ngol e mbaydi yiytindo. Nafata ko ɓeydude daliilu e tonngol ngol.', 00567 'tooltip-summary' => 'Naatnu tonngol daɓɓol', 00568 00569 # Browsing diffs 00570 'previousdiff' => 'Taƴte ɓennungol', 00571 00572 # Media information 00573 'file-info-size' => '$1 × $2 piksele, ɓetol fiilde: $3, mbaydi MIME: $4', 00574 'file-nohires' => 'Werngo ɓurngo ɗoo toowde alaa.', 00575 'svg-long-desc' => 'Fiilde SVG, werngo mum ko $1 × $2 pikelle, ɓetol fiildee: $3', 00576 00577 # Special:NewFiles 00578 'ilsubmit' => 'Yiilaade', 00579 00580 # Bad image list 00581 'bad_image_list' => 'Mbayka kaa ko nih yahri: 00582 00583 Reggin teme tan (kelle puɗɗoriiɗe *) ena kiisaa. 00584 Jokkol gadanol e gorol foti wonde ko jokkol fiilde nde moƴƴaani. 00585 Kala jokkol dewngol e ngool gorol nanngiraa ko paltooje, wano kelle ɗo fiilde ndee waawi yaltude.', 00586 00587 # Metadata 00588 'metadata' => 'Metaakeɓe', 00589 'metadata-help' => 'Ngoo hello ena waɗi humpito woɗngo, tawata ko ummii ko e kameraa numerik walla niiwtorde huutoraande ngam sosde walla ngaanndinde nde.', 00590 'metadata-fields' => 'Galli metaakeɓe natal gongal nde nduu ɓaakuru maa naatine e jaytinol hello natal tuma nde haatumeere metaakeɓe ndee taggitaa. 00591 Goɗɗe maa cuuɗe e sahaa kala. 00592 * make 00593 * model 00594 * datetimeoriginal 00595 * exposuretime 00596 * fnumber 00597 * isospeedratings 00598 * focallength 00599 * artist 00600 * copyright 00601 * imagedescription 00602 * gpslatitude 00603 * gpslongitude 00604 * gpsaltitude', 00605 00606 # External editor support 00607 'edit-externally' => 'Taƴto ndee fiilde huutoraade jaaɓnirgal jiggangal', 00608 'edit-externally-help' => '(Yah to [ tinndinoore teelto] ngam ɓeydude humpito)', 00609 00610 # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages 00611 'namespacesall' => 'fof', 00612 'monthsall' => 'fof', 00613 00614 # Special:SpecialPages 00615 'specialpages' => 'Kelle keeriiɗe', 00616 00617 );