00001 <?php 00014 $messages = array( 00015 # Dates 00016 'sunday' => 'Sontaha', 00017 'monday' => 'Mantaha', 00018 'tuesday' => 'Labobedi', 00019 'wednesday' => 'Laboraro', 00020 'thursday' => 'Labone', 00021 'friday' => 'Labohlano', 00022 'saturday' => 'Moqebelo', 00023 'january' => 'Pherekgong', 00024 'february' => 'Hlakola', 00025 'march' => 'Hlakubele', 00026 'april' => 'Mmesa', 00027 'may_long' => 'Motsheanong', 00028 'june' => 'Phupjane', 00029 'july' => 'Phupu', 00030 'august' => 'Phato', 00031 'september' => 'Lwetse', 00032 'october' => 'Mphalane', 00033 'november' => 'Pudungwana', 00034 'december' => 'Tshitwe', 00035 'may-gen' => 'Motsheanong', 00036 'jan' => 'Phere', 00037 'feb' => 'Hlako', 00038 'mar' => 'Hlaku', 00039 'apr' => 'Mmesa', 00040 'may' => 'Motshe', 00041 'jun' => 'Phupjane', 00042 'jul' => 'Phupu', 00043 'aug' => 'Phato', 00044 'sep' => 'Lwetse', 00045 'oct' => 'Mphala', 00046 'nov' => 'Pudu', 00047 'dec' => 'Tshitwe', 00048 00049 # Categories related messages 00050 'category_header' => 'Dingolwa tse mokgeng wa "$1"', 00051 00052 'mypage' => 'Leqephe la ka', 00053 'mytalk' => 'Leqephe la ka la moqoqo', 00054 'navigation' => 'Eya ho', 00055 00056 # Cologne Blue skin 00057 'faq' => 'Dipotso-mehla', 00058 00059 'returnto' => 'Kgutlela ho $1.', 00060 'tagline' => 'E tswa ho {{SITENAME}}', 00061 'search' => 'Fuputsa', 00062 'history' => 'Nalane', 00063 'history_short' => 'Nalane', 00064 'newpage' => 'Leqephe le letjha', 00065 'talkpage' => 'Qoqa ka leqephe lena', 00066 'talk' => 'Moqoqo', 00067 'categorypage' => 'Mpontshe leqephe la mekga', 00068 'otherlanguages' => 'Ka maleme a mang', 00069 'jumptosearch' => 'phuputso', 00070 00071 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00072 'mainpage' => 'Leqephe la pele', 00073 'mainpage-description' => 'Leqephe la pele', 00074 'portal' => 'Potjho e kopano', 00075 'portal-url' => 'Project:Potjho e kopano', 00076 00077 'retrievedfrom' => 'E tswa ho "$1"', 00078 'newmessageslink' => 'melaetsa e metjha', 00079 00080 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00081 'nstab-main' => 'Sengolwa', 00082 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Molaetsa', 00083 'nstab-help' => 'Leqephe la thusa', 00084 'nstab-category' => 'Mokga', 00085 00086 # Login and logout pages 00087 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Ngola lepetjo hape', 00088 'remembermypassword' => 'O nkgopole (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})', 00089 'nologinlink' => 'Ingodisetse', 00090 'createaccount' => 'Ingodisetse', 00091 'gotaccount' => "O se o ingodisitse? '''$1'''.", 00092 'createaccountmail' => 'ka e-mail', 00093 'badretype' => 'Mapetjo a mabedi o a ngotseng ha a tshwane.', 00094 'mailmypassword' => 'Nthomele password ya ka ka email', 00095 00096 # Change password dialog 00097 'oldpassword' => 'Lepetjo la kgale:', 00098 'newpassword' => 'Lepetjo le letjha:', 00099 'retypenew' => 'Ngola lepetjo le letjha hape:', 00100 00101 # Edit pages 00102 'savearticle' => 'Le boloke', 00103 'showpreview' => 'Mpontshe hore le tlo ba jwang', 00104 'showdiff' => 'Mpontshe hore ho tlo fetoha eng', 00105 'accmailtitle' => 'Lepetjo le rometswe.', 00106 'accmailtext' => 'Lepetjo la "$1" le se le rometswe ho $2.', 00107 'note' => "'''Ela hloko:'''", 00108 00109 # Search results 00110 'powersearch' => 'Fuputsa', 00111 00112 # Preferences page 00113 'changepassword' => 'Fetola lepetjo', 00114 'searchresultshead' => 'Phuputso', 00115 'allowemail' => 'Dumella batho ba bang hore ba nthomelle di-email', 00116 00117 # MIME search 00118 'download' => 'Jarolla', 00119 00120 # Random page 00121 'randompage' => 'Mpontshe leqephe le leng le le leng', 00122 00123 # Statistics 00124 'statistics' => 'Dipalopalo', 00125 00126 # Miscellaneous special pages 00127 'mostcategories' => 'Dingolwa tse mekga e mengata', 00128 'shortpages' => 'Maqephe a makgutshwane', 00129 'longpages' => 'Maqephe a matelele', 00130 'newpages' => 'Maqephe a matjha', 00131 00132 # Special:AllPages 00133 'allpages' => 'Maqephe ohle', 00134 00135 # Special:Categories 00136 'categories' => 'Mekga', 00137 'categoriespagetext' => 'The following {{PLURAL:$1|category contains|categories contain}} pages or media. 00138 [[Special:UnusedCategories|Unused categories]] are not shown here. 00139 Also see [[Special:WantedCategories|wanted categories]].', 00140 00141 # Email user 00142 'emailuser' => 'Romela motho enwa email', 00143 'emailfrom' => 'E tswa ho:', 00144 'emailto' => 'Ho:', 00145 'emailsubject' => 'Ka:', 00146 'emailmessage' => 'O re:', 00147 'emailsend' => 'E romele', 00148 'emailsent' => 'E rometswe', 00149 'emailsenttext' => 'Email ya molaetsa wa hao e se e rometswe.', 00150 00151 # Contributions 00152 'contributions' => 'Tse ngotsweng ke motho enwa', 00153 'mycontris' => 'Tse ngotsweng ke nna', 00154 00155 # Block/unblock 00156 'ipbreason' => 'Lebaka', 00157 'infiniteblock' => 'ho eya ho ile', 00158 00159 # Namespace 8 related 00160 'allmessagesname' => 'Lebitso', 00161 'allmessagesdefault' => 'Se neng se ngotswe pele', 00162 'allmessagescurrent' => 'Se ngotsweng hona jwale', 00163 00164 );