MediaWiki  REL1_19
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00015 $namespaceNames = array(
00016         NS_MEDIA            => 'Media',
00017         NS_SPECIAL          => 'Espesiál',
00018         NS_TALK             => 'Diskusaun',
00019         NS_USER             => 'Uza-na\'in',
00020         NS_USER_TALK        => 'Diskusaun_Uza-na\'in',
00021         NS_PROJECT_TALK     => 'Diskusaun_$1',
00022         NS_FILE             => 'Imajen',
00023         NS_FILE_TALK        => 'Diskusaun_Imajen',
00024         NS_MEDIAWIKI        => 'MediaWiki',
00025         NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK   => 'Diskusaun_MediaWiki',
00026         NS_TEMPLATE         => 'Template',
00027         NS_TEMPLATE_TALK    => 'Diskusaun_Template',
00028         NS_HELP             => 'Ajuda',
00029         NS_HELP_TALK        => 'Diskusaun_Ajuda',
00030         NS_CATEGORY         => 'Kategoria',
00031         NS_CATEGORY_TALK    => 'Diskusaun_Kategoria',
00032 );
00034 $namespaceAliases = array(
00035         "Kategoría"           => NS_CATEGORY,
00036         "Diskusaun_Kategoría" => NS_CATEGORY_TALK,
00037 );
00039 $specialPageAliases = array(
00040         'Allmessages'               => array( 'Mensajen_hotu' ),
00041         'Allpages'                  => array( 'Pájina_hotu' ),
00042         'Block'                     => array( 'Blokeiu' ),
00043         'Categories'                => array( 'Kategoria' ),
00044         'Contributions'             => array( 'Kontribuisaun' ),
00045         'CreateAccount'             => array( 'Rejista' ),
00046         'Emailuser'                 => array( 'Haruka_korreiu_eletróniku' ),
00047         'Export'                    => array( 'Esporta' ),
00048         'Import'                    => array( 'Importa' ),
00049         'BlockList'                 => array( 'Lista_ema_sira-ne\'ebé_blokeiu_tiha' ),
00050         'Listadmins'                => array( 'Lista_administradór' ),
00051         'Listfiles'                 => array( 'Lista_imajen' ),
00052         'Listusers'                 => array( 'Lista_uza-na\'in' ),
00053         'Longpages'                 => array( 'Pájina_naruk' ),
00054         'Movepage'                  => array( 'Book' ),
00055         'Mypage'                    => array( 'Ha\'u-nia_pájina' ),
00056         'Newimages'                 => array( 'Imajen_foun' ),
00057         'Preferences'               => array( 'Preferénsia' ),
00058         'Protectedpages'            => array( 'Pájina_sira-ne\'ebé_proteje_tiha' ),
00059         'Randompage'                => array( 'Pájina_ruma' ),
00060         'Recentchanges'             => array( 'Mudansa_foufoun_sira' ),
00061         'Search'                    => array( 'Buka' ),
00062         'Shortpages'                => array( 'Pájina_badak' ),
00063         'Specialpages'              => array( 'Pájina_espesiál_sira' ),
00064         'Statistics'                => array( 'Estatístika' ),
00065         'Undelete'                  => array( 'Restaurar' ),
00066         'Upload'                    => array( 'Tau_iha_arkivu_laran' ),
00067         'Userrights'                => array( 'Priviléjiu' ),
00068         'Version'                   => array( 'Versaun' ),
00069         'Watchlist'                 => array( 'Lista_hateke' ),
00070         'Whatlinkshere'             => array( 'Pájina_sira_ne\'ebé_bá_iha_ne\'e' ),
00071         'Withoutinterwiki'          => array( 'Laiha_interwiki' ),
00072 );
00074 $messages = array(
00075 # User preference toggles
00076 'tog-underline'              => 'Subliña ligasaun sira:',
00077 'tog-highlightbroken'        => 'Formatu ligasaun sira-ne\'ebé bá pájina maka wiki la iha: <a href="" class="new">ne\'e</a> ka <a href="" class="internal">ne\'e</a>.',
00078 'tog-justify'                => 'Justifika parágrafu sira',
00079 'tog-hideminor'              => "Lá'os hatudu muda ki-ki'ik iha mudansa foufoun sira",
00080 'tog-usenewrc'               => 'Iha lista "mudansa foufoun sira" no "lista hateke": Hatudu mudansa iha grupu sira - grupu ida ba pájina ida (presiza JavaScript)',
00081 'tog-showtoolbar'            => 'Hatudu kaixa edita (presiza JavaScript)',
00082 'tog-watchcreations'         => "Hateke pájina no imajen sira-ne'ebé ha'u kria/tau iha arkivu laran",
00083 'tog-watchdefault'           => "Hateke pájina sira-ne'ebé ha'u edita",
00084 'tog-watchmoves'             => "Hateke pájina sira-ne'ebé ha'u book",
00085 'tog-watchdeletion'          => "Hateke pájina sira-ne'ebé ha'u halakon",
00086 'tog-minordefault'           => 'Edita hotu-hotu "ki\'ik"',
00087 'tog-oldsig'                 => 'Asinatura atuál',
00088 'tog-watchlisthideown'       => "La hatudu ha'u-nia edita iha lista hateke",
00089 'tog-watchlisthidebots'      => 'Hamsumik bot iha lista hateke',
00090 'tog-watchlisthideminor'     => "Hamsumik muda ki-ki'ik iha lista hateke",
00091 'tog-watchlisthideliu'       => 'La hatudu edita ema rejista nian iha lista hateke',
00092 'tog-watchlisthideanons'     => 'La hatudu edita ema anónimu nian iha lista hateke',
00093 'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled' => 'Hamsumik muda patrolada iha lista hateke',
00094 'tog-ccmeonemails'           => "Haruka ba ha'u kopia korreiu eletróniku nian ne'ebé ha'u korreia",
00095 'tog-showhiddencats'         => "Hatudu kategoria sira-ne'ebé subar",
00097 'underline-always' => 'Sempre',
00098 'underline-never'  => 'Nunka',
00100 # Dates
00101 'sunday'        => 'Loron-domingu',
00102 'monday'        => 'Loron-segunda',
00103 'tuesday'       => 'Loron-tersa',
00104 'wednesday'     => 'Loron-kuarta',
00105 'thursday'      => 'Loron-kinta',
00106 'friday'        => 'Loron-sesta',
00107 'saturday'      => 'Loron-sábadu',
00108 'sun'           => 'Dom',
00109 'mon'           => 'Seg',
00110 'tue'           => 'Ter',
00111 'wed'           => 'Kua',
00112 'thu'           => 'Kin',
00113 'fri'           => 'Ses',
00114 'sat'           => 'Sáb',
00115 'january'       => 'Janeiru',
00116 'february'      => 'Fevereiru',
00117 'march'         => 'Marsu',
00118 'april'         => 'Abríl',
00119 'may_long'      => 'Maiu',
00120 'june'          => 'Juñu',
00121 'july'          => 'Jullu',
00122 'august'        => 'Agostu',
00123 'september'     => 'Setembru',
00124 'october'       => 'Outubru',
00125 'november'      => 'Novembru',
00126 'december'      => 'Dezembru',
00127 'january-gen'   => 'Janeiru nian',
00128 'february-gen'  => 'Fevereiru nian',
00129 'march-gen'     => 'Marsu nian',
00130 'april-gen'     => 'Abríl nian',
00131 'may-gen'       => 'Maiu nian',
00132 'june-gen'      => 'Juñu nian',
00133 'july-gen'      => 'Jullu nian',
00134 'august-gen'    => 'Agostu nian',
00135 'september-gen' => 'Setembru nian',
00136 'october-gen'   => 'Outubru nian',
00137 'november-gen'  => 'Novembru nian',
00138 'december-gen'  => 'Dezembru nian',
00139 'jan'           => 'Jan.',
00140 'feb'           => 'Fev.',
00141 'mar'           => 'Mar.',
00142 'apr'           => 'Abr.',
00143 'may'           => 'Maiu',
00144 'jun'           => 'Jun.',
00145 'jul'           => 'Jul.',
00146 'aug'           => 'Ago.',
00147 'sep'           => 'Set.',
00148 'oct'           => 'Out.',
00149 'nov'           => 'Nov.',
00150 'dec'           => 'Dez.',
00152 # Categories related messages
00153 'pagecategories'         => '{{PLURAL:$1|Kategoria|Kategoria}}',
00154 'category_header'        => 'Artigu iha kategoría "$1"',
00155 'subcategories'          => 'Sub-kategoria sira',
00156 'category-empty'         => "''Kategoria ne'e agora la iha pájina sira.''",
00157 'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'kont.',
00159 'about'         => 'Kona-ba',
00160 'article'       => 'Pájina',
00161 'cancel'        => 'Para',
00162 'moredotdotdot' => 'Barak liu...',
00163 'mypage'        => "Ha'u-nia pájina",
00164 'mytalk'        => 'Diskusaun',
00165 'anontalk'      => "Diskusaun ba IP ne'e",
00166 'navigation'    => 'Hatudu-dalan',
00167 'and'           => '&#32;ho',
00169 # Cologne Blue skin
00170 'qbfind'         => 'Hetan',
00171 'qbedit'         => 'Edita',
00172 'qbpageoptions'  => "Pájina ne'e",
00173 'qbmyoptions'    => "Ha'u-nia pájina sira",
00174 'qbspecialpages' => 'Pájina espesiál sira',
00175 'faq'            => 'FAQ',
00176 'faqpage'        => 'Project:FAQ',
00178 # Vector skin
00179 'vector-action-protect' => 'Proteje',
00180 'vector-view-create'    => 'Kria',
00181 'vector-view-edit'      => 'Edita',
00182 'vector-view-history'   => 'Haree istória',
00183 'vector-view-view'      => 'Lee',
00184 'actions'               => 'Aksaun sira',
00186 'errorpagetitle'    => 'Sala',
00187 'returnto'          => 'Fali ba $1.',
00188 'tagline'           => 'Husi {{SITENAME}}',
00189 'help'              => 'Ajuda',
00190 'search'            => 'Buka',
00191 'searchbutton'      => 'Buka',
00192 'go'                => 'Bá',
00193 'searcharticle'     => 'Pájina',
00194 'history'           => 'Istória pájina',
00195 'history_short'     => 'Istória',
00196 'printableversion'  => 'Versaun ba impresaun',
00197 'permalink'         => 'Ligasaun mahelak',
00198 'print'             => 'Imprime',
00199 'edit'              => 'Edita',
00200 'create'            => 'Kria',
00201 'editthispage'      => "Edita pájina ne'e",
00202 'create-this-page'  => "Kria pájina ne'e",
00203 'delete'            => 'Halakon',
00204 'deletethispage'    => "Halakon pájina ne'e",
00205 'undelete_short'    => 'Restaurar {{PLURAL:$1|versaun ida|versaun $1}}',
00206 'protect'           => 'Proteje',
00207 'protect_change'    => 'muda',
00208 'protectthispage'   => "Proteje pájina ne'e",
00209 'unprotect'         => 'Muda protesaun',
00210 'unprotectthispage' => "Muda protesaun pájina ne'e nian",
00211 'newpage'           => 'Pájina foun',
00212 'talkpage'          => "Diskusaun kona-ba pájina ne'e",
00213 'talkpagelinktext'  => 'Diskusaun',
00214 'specialpage'       => 'Pájina espesiál',
00215 'postcomment'       => 'Seksaun foun',
00216 'talk'              => 'Diskusaun',
00217 'toolbox'           => 'Kaixa besi nian',
00218 'userpage'          => "Haree pájina uza-na'in",
00219 'projectpage'       => 'Haree pájina projetu nian',
00220 'imagepage'         => 'Haree pájina imajen nian',
00221 'mediawikipage'     => 'Haree pájina mensajen nian',
00222 'viewhelppage'      => 'Haree pájina ajuda',
00223 'categorypage'      => 'Haree pájina kategoría nian',
00224 'viewtalkpage'      => 'Haree diskusaun',
00225 'otherlanguages'    => 'Iha lian seluk',
00226 'lastmodifiedat'    => "Mudansa ba dala ikus pájina ne'e nian iha $1, $2.",
00227 'protectedpage'     => 'Pájina maka ema ruma proteje tiha',
00228 'jumpto'            => 'Bá:',
00229 'jumptonavigation'  => 'hatudu-dalan',
00230 'jumptosearch'      => 'buka',
00232 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).
00233 'aboutsite'            => 'Kona-ba {{SITENAME}}',
00234 'aboutpage'            => 'Project:Kona-ba',
00235 'copyright'            => 'Testu pájina nian iha $1 okos.',
00236 'copyrightpage'        => '{{ns:project}}:Direitu_autór_nian',
00237 'currentevents'        => 'Mamosuk atuál sira',
00238 'currentevents-url'    => 'Project:Mamosuk atuál sira',
00239 'disclaimers'          => 'Avisu legál',
00240 'disclaimerpage'       => 'Project:Avisu legál',
00241 'edithelp'             => 'Ajuda kona-ba edita',
00242 'edithelppage'         => 'Help:Edita',
00243 'helppage'             => 'Help:Konteúdu',
00244 'mainpage'             => 'Pájina Mahuluk',
00245 'mainpage-description' => 'Pájina Mahuluk',
00246 'portal'               => 'Portál komunidade nian',
00247 'portal-url'           => 'Project:Portál komunidade nian',
00248 'privacy'              => 'Polítika privasidade nian',
00249 'privacypage'          => 'Project:Polítika privasidade nian',
00251 'badaccess'        => 'Ita la iha permisaun...',
00252 'badaccess-group0' => "Ó la bele halo ne'e.",
00253 'badaccess-groups' => "De'it uza-na'in sira-ne'ebé iha {{PLURAL:$2|grupu|grupu ida husi}} $1 bele halo ne'e.",
00255 'versionrequired'     => 'Presiza MediaWiki versaun $1',
00256 'versionrequiredtext' => "Presiza MediaWiki versaun $1 ba uza pájina ne'e. Haree [[Special:Version|pájina versaun]].",
00258 'ok'                      => 'OK',
00259 'retrievedfrom'           => 'Husi "$1"',
00260 'youhavenewmessages'      => 'Ó iha $1 ($2).',
00261 'newmessageslink'         => 'mensajen foun',
00262 'newmessagesdifflink'     => 'diferensa foun liu hotu',
00263 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'Ó iha mensajen foun sira iha $1',
00264 'editsection'             => 'edita',
00265 'editold'                 => 'edita',
00266 'viewsourceold'           => 'lee testu',
00267 'editlink'                => 'edita',
00268 'viewsourcelink'          => 'lee testu',
00269 'editsectionhint'         => 'Edita parte $1 pájina nian',
00270 'toc'                     => 'Tabela konteúdu',
00271 'showtoc'                 => 'hatudu',
00272 'hidetoc'                 => 'subar',
00273 'thisisdeleted'           => 'Haree ka restaurar $1?',
00274 'viewdeleted'             => 'Haree $1?',
00275 'site-rss-feed'           => 'Feed RSS $1',
00276 'site-atom-feed'          => 'Feed Atom $1',
00277 'red-link-title'          => '$1 (pájina la iha)',
00279 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook
00280 'nstab-main'      => 'Pájina',
00281 'nstab-user'      => "Pájina uza-na'in",
00282 'nstab-special'   => 'Pájina espesiál',
00283 'nstab-project'   => 'Pájina projetu nian',
00284 'nstab-image'     => 'Fail',
00285 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Mensajen',
00286 'nstab-help'      => 'Pájina ajuda',
00287 'nstab-category'  => 'Kategoria',
00289 # Main script and global functions
00290 'nosuchspecialpage' => "Pájina espesiál ne'e la iha",
00291 'nospecialpagetext' => "<strong>Pájina espesiál ne'e la iha.</strong>
00293 Lista ida pájina espesiál nian [[Special:SpecialPages|iha ne'e]].",
00295 # General errors
00296 'error'               => 'Sala',
00297 'missingarticle-rev'  => '(version#: $1)',
00298 'missingarticle-diff' => '(Dif.: $1, $2)',
00299 'viewsource'          => 'Lee testu',
00300 'viewsourcetext'      => 'Ó bele lee no kopia testu pájina nian:',
00301 'namespaceprotected'  => "Ó la iha priviléjiu ba edita pájina sira iha espasu '''$1'''.",
00302 'ns-specialprotected' => 'La ema ida bele edita pájina espesiál sira.',
00304 # Login and logout pages
00305 'welcomecreation'         => "== Loron di'ak, $1! ==
00306 Agora Ita iha konta iha ne'e.
00307 La haluha muda Ita-nia [[Special:Preferences|preferénsia]].",
00308 'yourname'                => "Naran uza-na'in:",
00309 'login'                   => 'Log in',
00310 'nav-login-createaccount' => 'Log in / kriar konta ida',
00311 'userlogin'               => 'Log in / kriar konta ida',
00312 'logout'                  => 'Husik',
00313 'userlogout'              => 'Husik',
00314 'nologin'                 => "La iha konta ida? '''$1'''.",
00315 'nologinlink'             => 'Registrar',
00316 'createaccount'           => "Registrar uza-na'in",
00317 'gotaccount'              => "Ó iha konta ona? '''$1'''.",
00318 'gotaccountlink'          => 'Log in',
00319 'userexists'              => "Naran uza-na'in ne'e ona iha wiki.
00320 Favór ida lori naran seluk.",
00321 'nosuchuser'              => 'Konta uza-na\'in (naran "$1") la iha.
00322 User names are case sensitive.
00323 Check your spelling, ka [[Special:UserLogin/signup|kria konta foun]].',
00324 'nouserspecified'         => "Ó tenke espesífiku naran uza-na'in ida.",
00325 'accountcreated'          => "Registrar tiha uza-na'in",
00326 'loginlanguagelabel'      => 'Lian: $1',
00328 # Change password dialog
00329 'resetpass_text' => "<!-- Hakerek testu iha ne'e -->",
00331 # Special:PasswordReset
00332 'passwordreset-username' => "Naran uza-na'in:",
00333 'passwordreset-email'    => 'Diresaun korreiu eletróniku:',
00335 # Edit page toolbar
00336 'link_tip'       => 'Ligasaun ba laran',
00337 'extlink_sample' => " ligasaun ba li'ur",
00338 'extlink_tip'    => "Ligasaun ba li'ur (tau tan http://)",
00339 'image_sample'   => 'Ezemplu.jpg',
00340 'media_sample'   => 'Ezemplu.ogg',
00341 'sig_tip'        => 'Ita-nia asinatura ho data/oras',
00343 # Edit pages
00344 'summary'                          => 'Rezumu:',
00345 'minoredit'                        => "Ne'e muda ki'ik",
00346 'watchthis'                        => "Hateke pájina ne'e",
00347 'savearticle'                      => 'Muda pájina',
00348 'showdiff'                         => 'Hatudu diferensa sira',
00349 'anoneditwarning'                  => 'Ó lá\'os "log-in" iha momentu.',
00350 'blockedtitle'                     => "Uza-na'in la bele edita (blokeiu)",
00351 'blockednoreason'                  => 'laiha motivu',
00352 'whitelistedittext'                => 'Ó tenke $1 ba edita pájina sira.',
00353 'loginreqpagetext'                 => 'Ó tenke $1 ba haree pájina seluk.',
00354 'newarticle'                       => '(Foun)',
00355 'noarticletext'                    => "Iha momentu lá'os testu iha pájina ne'e, bele [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|buka naran pájina nian]] iha pájina seluk, <span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} search the related logs], ka [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edita pájina ne'e]</span>.",
00356 'previewnote'                      => "'''Ne'e de'it pájina ba kontrola.'''
00357 Ita-nia mudansa la armazenadu seidauk!",
00358 'editing'                          => 'Edita $1',
00359 'editingsection'                   => 'Edita $1 (seksaun)',
00360 'editingcomment'                   => 'Edita $1 (seksaun foun)',
00361 'yourtext'                         => 'Ó-nia testu',
00362 'yourdiff'                         => 'Diferensa sira',
00363 'template-protected'               => '(proteje tiha)',
00364 'template-semiprotected'           => '(proteje tiha balun)',
00365 'hiddencategories'                 => "Pájina ne'e iha {{PLURAL:$1|kategoria ida-ne'ebé subar|kategoria $1 sira-ne'ebé subar}}:",
00366 'nocreatetext'                     => "Ó la bele kria pájina foun iha {{SITENAME}}.
00367 Ó bele edita pájina sira-ne'ebé {{SITENAME}} iha ona ka [[Special:UserLogin|log in ka kria konta uza-na'in]].",
00368 'nocreate-loggedin'                => 'Ó la bele kria pájina foun.',
00369 'permissionserrorstext'            => "Ó la bele halo ne'e; {{PLURAL:$1|motivu|motivu sira}}:",
00370 'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => 'Ita la bele $2. {{PLURAL:$1|Razaun|Razaun sira}}:',
00372 # Account creation failure
00373 'cantcreateaccounttitle' => "La bele registrar uza-na'in",
00375 # History pages
00376 'currentrev'          => 'Versaun atuál',
00377 'revisionasof'        => 'Versaun $1 nian',
00378 'revision-info'       => 'Revisaun loron $4, tempu $5, husi $2',
00379 'previousrevision'    => '←Versaun tuan liu',
00380 'nextrevision'        => 'Versaun foun liu→',
00381 'currentrevisionlink' => 'Versaun atuál',
00382 'cur'                 => 'atuál',
00383 'next'                => 'oinmai',
00384 'last'                => 'molok',
00385 'page_first'          => 'uluk',
00386 'page_last'           => 'ikus',
00387 'histfirst'           => 'sedu liu hotu',
00388 'histlast'            => 'Foun liu hotu',
00389 'historyempty'        => '(mamuk)',
00391 # Revision feed
00392 'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 iha $2',
00394 # Revision deletion
00395 'rev-delundel'               => 'hatudu/subar',
00396 'revisiondelete'             => 'Halakon/restaurar versaun',
00397 'revdelete-show-file-submit' => 'Sin',
00398 'revdelete-hide-user'        => "Subar naran edita-na'in/IP",
00399 'revdelete-radio-set'        => 'Sin',
00400 'revdelete-radio-unset'      => 'Lae',
00401 'revdelete-edit-reasonlist'  => 'Edita lista motivu nian',
00403 # Diffs
00404 'lineno' => 'Liña $1:',
00406 # Search results
00407 'searchresults'                  => 'Rezultadu sira',
00408 'searchresults-title'            => 'Rezultadu sira ba buka "$1"',
00409 'searchsubtitleinvalid'          => "Ita buka tiha ona '''$1'''",
00410 'prevn'                          => 'molok {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}',
00411 'nextn'                          => 'oinmai {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}',
00412 'shown-title'                    => 'Hatudu {{PLURAL:$1|rezultadu|rezultadu}} $1 kada pájina',
00413 'viewprevnext'                   => 'Haree ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)',
00414 'searchmenu-exists'              => "'''Iha pájina ho naran \"[[:\$1]]\".'''",
00415 'searchmenu-new'                 => "'''Kria pájina \"[[:\$1]]\" iha wiki ne'e!'''",
00416 'searchprofile-everything'       => 'Hotu',
00417 'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => 'Buka iha $1',
00418 'searchprofile-project-tooltip'  => 'Buka iha $1',
00419 'search-result-size'             => '$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|liafuan ida|liafuan $2}})',
00420 'search-section'                 => '(seksaun $1)',
00421 'search-suggest'                 => 'Parese Ita buka: $1',
00422 'search-interwiki-caption'       => 'Projetu seluseluk sira',
00423 'search-mwsuggest-enabled'       => 'fó sujestaun',
00424 'search-mwsuggest-disabled'      => 'la hatudu sujestaun',
00425 'searchall'                      => 'hotu',
00426 'powersearch'                    => 'Buka',
00427 'powersearch-field'              => 'Buka',
00428 'powersearch-toggleall'          => 'Hotu',
00430 # Preferences page
00431 'preferences'               => 'Preferénsia',
00432 'mypreferences'             => 'Preferénsia',
00433 'prefs-rc'                  => 'Mudansa foufoun sira',
00434 'prefs-watchlist'           => 'Lista hateke',
00435 'prefs-editing'             => 'Edita',
00436 'searchresultshead'         => 'Buka',
00437 'timezoneregion-africa'     => 'Áfrika',
00438 'timezoneregion-america'    => 'Amérika',
00439 'timezoneregion-antarctica' => 'Antártika',
00440 'timezoneregion-asia'       => 'Ázia',
00441 'timezoneregion-australia'  => 'Austrália',
00442 'timezoneregion-europe'     => 'Europa',
00443 'youremail'                 => 'Korreiu eletróniku:',
00444 'username'                  => "Naran uza-na'in:",
00445 'uid'                       => "Númeru uza-na'in:",
00446 'yourlanguage'              => 'Lian:',
00447 'gender-male'               => 'Mane',
00448 'gender-female'             => 'Feto',
00449 'email'                     => 'Korreiu eletróniku',
00450 'prefs-help-email-required' => 'Haruka diresaun korreiu eletróniku.',
00452 # User rights
00453 'userrights'               => "Muda priviléjiu uza-na'in sira",
00454 'userrights-lookup-user'   => "Muda grupu uza-na'in",
00455 'userrights-user-editname' => "Fó naran uza-na'in ida:",
00456 'editusergroup'            => "Muda grupu uza-na'in",
00457 'editinguser'              => "Muda grupu '''[[User:$1|$1]]''' nian $2",
00458 'userrights-editusergroup' => "Muda grupu uza-na'in",
00459 'userrights-groupsmember'  => 'Membru iha:',
00460 'userrights-reason'        => 'Motivu:',
00461 'userrights-no-interwiki'  => "Ó la bele muda priviléjiu uza-na'in iha wiki seluk.",
00463 # Groups
00464 'group'            => 'Grupu:',
00465 'group-user'       => "Uza-na'in sira",
00466 'group-bot'        => 'Bot sira',
00467 'group-sysop'      => 'Administradór sira',
00468 'group-bureaucrat' => 'Burokrata sira',
00469 'group-suppress'   => "Oversight-na'in sira",
00470 'group-all'        => '(hotu)',
00472 'group-user-member'       => "{{GENDER:$1|Uza-na'in}}",
00473 'group-bot-member'        => '{{GENDER:$1|Bot}}',
00474 'group-sysop-member'      => '{{GENDER:$1|Administradór|Administradóra}}',
00475 'group-bureaucrat-member' => '{{GENDER:$1|Burokrata}}',
00476 'group-suppress-member'   => "{{GENDER:$1|Oversight-na'in}}",
00478 'grouppage-user'       => "{{ns:project}}:Uza-na'in sira",
00479 'grouppage-bot'        => '{{ns:project}}:Bot sira',
00480 'grouppage-sysop'      => '{{ns:project}}:Administradór sira',
00481 'grouppage-bureaucrat' => '{{ns:project}}:Burokrata sira',
00482 'grouppage-suppress'   => '{{ns:project}}:Oversight',
00484 # Rights
00485 'right-read'                 => 'Lee pájina',
00486 'right-edit'                 => 'Edita pájina sira',
00487 'right-createpage'           => "Kria pájina (sira-ne'ebé pájina diskusaun lá'os)",
00488 'right-createtalk'           => 'Kria pájina diskusaun sira',
00489 'right-createaccount'        => "Kria konta uza-na'in foun sira",
00490 'right-move'                 => 'Book pájina sira',
00491 'right-delete'               => 'Halakon pájina sira',
00492 'right-bigdelete'            => "Halakon pájina sira-ne'ebé iha istória boot",
00493 'right-undelete'             => 'Restaurar pájina ida',
00494 'right-userrights'           => "Edita priviléjiu uza-na'in hotu",
00495 'right-userrights-interwiki' => "Edita priviléjiu uza-na'in iha wiki seluk sira",
00497 # User rights log
00498 'rightslog'      => "Lista mudansa priviléjiu uza-na'in",
00499 'rightslogtext'  => "Ne'e lista mudansa priviléjiu uza-na'in sira nian.",
00500 'rightslogentry' => 'muda grupu "$1" nian husi "$2" ba "$3"',
00501 'rightsnone'     => '(mamuk)',
00503 # Associated actions - in the sentence "You do not have permission to X"
00504 'action-read'                 => "lee pájina ne'e",
00505 'action-edit'                 => "edita pájina ne'e",
00506 'action-createpage'           => 'kria pájina sira',
00507 'action-createtalk'           => 'kria pájina diskusaun sira',
00508 'action-move'                 => "book pájina ne'e",
00509 'action-move-subpages'        => "book pájina ne'e ho sub-pájina",
00510 'action-delete'               => "halakon pájina ne'e",
00511 'action-undelete'             => "restaurar pájina ne'e",
00512 'action-userrights'           => "edita priviléjiu uza-na'in hotu",
00513 'action-userrights-interwiki' => "edita priviléjiu uza-na'in iha wiki seluk sira",
00515 # Recent changes
00516 'nchanges'                    => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|diferensa|diferensa}}',
00517 'recentchanges'               => 'Mudansa foufoun sira',
00518 'recentchanges-label-newpage' => 'Pájina foun',
00519 'recentchanges-label-minor'   => "Ne'e mudansa ki'ik",
00520 'recentchanges-label-bot'     => 'Edita husi prosesu automátiku ("bot")',
00521 'rcshowhideminor'             => "$1 muda ki-ki'ik",
00522 'rcshowhidebots'              => '$1 bot sira',
00523 'rcshowhideliu'               => '$1 ema rejista',
00524 'rcshowhideanons'             => '$1 ema anónimu',
00525 'rcshowhidemine'              => "$1 ha'u-nia edita",
00526 'diff'                        => 'diferensa',
00527 'hist'                        => 'istória',
00528 'hide'                        => 'Hamsumik',
00529 'show'                        => 'Hatudu',
00530 'minoreditletter'             => 'k',
00531 'newpageletter'               => 'F',
00532 'boteditletter'               => 'b',
00533 'rc-enhanced-expand'          => 'Hatudu detalle (presiza JavaScript)',
00535 # Recent changes linked
00536 'recentchangeslinked'         => 'Muda sira',
00537 'recentchangeslinked-feed'    => 'Muda sira',
00538 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Muda sira',
00539 'recentchangeslinked-title'   => 'Mudansa iha pájina sira-ne\'ebé iha ligasaun husi "$1"',
00540 'recentchangeslinked-page'    => 'Naran pájina nian:',
00542 # Upload
00543 'upload'            => 'Tau iha arkivu laran',
00544 'uploadbtn'         => 'Tau iha arkivu laran',
00545 'fileuploadsummary' => 'Rezumu:',
00546 'watchthisupload'   => "Hateke pájina ne'e",
00548 'license'        => 'Lisensa:',
00549 'license-header' => 'Lisensa:',
00551 # Special:ListFiles
00552 'imgfile'        => 'fail',
00553 'listfiles_date' => 'Tempu',
00554 'listfiles_name' => 'Naran',
00555 'listfiles_user' => "Uza-na'in",
00557 # File description page
00558 'file-anchor-link'          => 'Fail',
00559 'filehist-deleteall'        => 'halakon hotu',
00560 'filehist-deleteone'        => 'halakon',
00561 'filehist-current'          => 'atuál',
00562 'filehist-datetime'         => 'Loron/Tempu',
00563 'filehist-user'             => "Uza-na'in",
00564 'filehist-comment'          => 'Komentáriu',
00565 'imagelinks'                => "Pájina iha ne'ebá fixeiru ne'e",
00566 'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Tau versaun foun imajen nian',
00568 # File reversion
00569 'filerevert-comment' => 'Razaun:',
00571 # File deletion
00572 'filedelete'                  => 'Halakon $1',
00573 'filedelete-comment'          => 'Motivu:',
00574 'filedelete-submit'           => 'Halakon',
00575 'filedelete-otherreason'      => 'Motivu seluk/ida tan:',
00576 'filedelete-reason-otherlist' => 'Motivu seluk',
00577 'filedelete-edit-reasonlist'  => 'Edita lista motivu nian',
00579 # Random page
00580 'randompage' => 'Pájina ruma',
00582 # Statistics
00583 'statistics' => 'Estatístika',
00585 'brokenredirects-edit'   => 'edita',
00586 'brokenredirects-delete' => 'halakon',
00588 'withoutinterwiki' => "Pájina sira-ne'ebé la iha ligasaun ba lian seluk",
00590 # Miscellaneous special pages
00591 'nbytes'            => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|byte sira}}',
00592 'nlinks'            => '{{PLURAL:$1|Ligasaun|Ligasaun}} $1',
00593 'nmembers'          => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|membru|membru}}',
00594 'nrevisions'        => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|versaun|versaun}}',
00595 'unusedcategories'  => "Kategoria sira-ne'ebé la uza",
00596 'prefixindex'       => 'Pájina hotu ho prefiksu',
00597 'shortpages'        => 'Pájina badak',
00598 'longpages'         => 'Pájina naruk',
00599 'listusers'         => "Lista uza-na'in",
00600 'usercreated'       => '{{GENDER:$3|registradu}} loron $1, oras $2',
00601 'newpages'          => 'Pájina foun',
00602 'newpages-username' => "Naran uza-na'in:",
00603 'ancientpages'      => 'Pájina tuan liu hotu sira',
00604 'move'              => 'Book',
00605 'movethispage'      => "Book pájina ne'e",
00607 # Book sources
00608 'booksources-go' => 'Bá',
00610 # Special:Log
00611 'specialloguserlabel'  => "Uza-na'in ne'ebé halo:",
00612 'speciallogtitlelabel' => "Objetivu (títulu ka uza-na'in):",
00614 # Special:AllPages
00615 'allpages'          => 'Pájina hotu',
00616 'alphaindexline'    => "$1 to'o $2",
00617 'nextpage'          => 'Pájina oinmai ($1)',
00618 'prevpage'          => 'Pájina molok ($1)',
00619 'allpagesfrom'      => 'Hatudu pájina sira; hahú iha:',
00620 'allpagesto'        => 'Hatudu pájina sira; para iha:',
00621 'allarticles'       => 'Pájina hotu',
00622 'allinnamespace'    => 'Pájina hotu (iha espasu $1)',
00623 'allnotinnamespace' => 'Pájina hotu (la iha espasu $1)',
00624 'allpagesprev'      => 'Molok',
00625 'allpagesnext'      => 'Oinmai',
00626 'allpagessubmit'    => 'Bá',
00627 'allpagesprefix'    => 'Hatudu pájina sira ho prefiksu:',
00629 # Special:Categories
00630 'categories'                  => 'Kategoria sira',
00631 'special-categories-sort-abc' => 'tau tuir alfabetu',
00633 # Special:LinkSearch
00634 'linksearch-ns' => 'Espasu pájina nian:',
00635 'linksearch-ok' => 'Buka',
00637 # Special:ListUsers
00638 'listusers-submit' => 'Hatudu',
00640 # Special:ActiveUsers
00641 'activeusers-hidebots'   => 'Subar bot sira',
00642 'activeusers-hidesysops' => 'Subar administradór sira',
00644 # Special:Log/newusers
00645 'newuserlogpage'     => "Lista kria uza-na'in",
00646 'newuserlogpagetext' => "Ne'e lista kria uza-na'in.",
00648 # Special:ListGroupRights
00649 'listgrouprights-group'   => 'Grupu',
00650 'listgrouprights-rights'  => 'Priviléjiu',
00651 'listgrouprights-members' => '(lista membru nian)',
00653 # Email user
00654 'emailuser'       => "Haruka korreiu eletróniku ba uza-na'in ne'e",
00655 'defemailsubject' => '{{SITENAME}} - korreiu eletróniku husi uza-na\'in "$1"',
00656 'noemailtitle'    => "Lá'os diresaun korreiu eletróniku",
00657 'emailusername'   => "Naran uza-na'in:",
00658 'emailsend'       => 'Haruka',
00660 # Watchlist
00661 'watchlist'         => 'Lista hateke',
00662 'mywatchlist'       => 'Lista hateke',
00663 'removedwatchtext'  => 'La hateke pájina "[[:$1]]" ona (haree [[Special:Watchlist|"lista hateke"]]).',
00664 'watch'             => 'Hateke',
00665 'watchthispage'     => "Hateke pájina ne'e",
00666 'unwatch'           => 'La hateke ona',
00667 'watchlist-details' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Pájina ida (1)|Pájina $1}} iha Ita-nia "lista hateke" (la ho pájina diskusaun).',
00668 'wlshowlast'        => 'Hatudu $1 hora $2 loron ikus $3',
00670 # Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching
00671 'watching'   => 'Hateke...',
00672 'unwatching' => 'La hateke...',
00674 'enotif_newpagetext'           => "Ne'e pájina foun.",
00675 'enotif_impersonal_salutation' => "Uza-na'in {{SITENAME}} nian",
00676 'changed'                      => 'muda ona',
00677 'created'                      => 'kria ona',
00678 'enotif_subject'               => '$PAGEEDITOR $CHANGEDORCREATED pájina $PAGETITLE iha {{SITENAME}}',
00680 # Delete
00681 'deletepage'             => 'Halakon pájina',
00682 'excontent'              => "testu iha pájina: '$1'",
00683 'excontentauthor'        => "testu iha pájina: '$1' (no ema ida de'it ne'ebé kontribui '[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]')",
00684 'exblank'                => 'pájina mamuk',
00685 'delete-legend'          => 'Halakon',
00686 'actioncomplete'         => 'operasaun remata',
00687 'actionfailed'           => 'Asaun la konsege',
00688 'deletedtext'            => 'Ita foin halakon pájina "$1". Haree $2 ba "operasaun halakon" seluk.',
00689 'dellogpage'             => 'Lista halakon',
00690 'deletionlog'            => 'lista halakon',
00691 'deletecomment'          => 'Motivu:',
00692 'deleteotherreason'      => 'Motivu seluk/ida tan:',
00693 'deletereasonotherlist'  => 'Motivu seluk',
00694 'delete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Edita lista motivu nian',
00696 # Protect
00697 'protectedarticle'            => 'proteje "[[$1]]"',
00698 'prot_1movedto2'              => 'book tiha [[$1]] ba [[$2]]',
00699 'protectcomment'              => 'Motivu:',
00700 'protectexpiry'               => "to'o:",
00701 'protect-fallback'            => 'Presiza priviléjiu "$1"',
00702 'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => "Blokeiu ema anónimu ho uza-na'in foun",
00703 'protect-level-sysop'         => "de'it administradór",
00704 'protect-expiring'            => "to'o $1 (UTC)",
00705 'protect-cantedit'            => "Ó la bele filak proteje pájina ne'e nian, tan ba ó la bele edita pájina ne'e.",
00706 'protect-othertime'           => 'Tempu seluk:',
00707 'protect-othertime-op'        => 'tempu seluk',
00708 'protect-otherreason'         => 'Motivu seluk/ida tan:',
00709 'protect-otherreason-op'      => 'Motivu seluk',
00710 'protect-edit-reasonlist'     => 'Edita lista motivu nian',
00711 'protect-expiry-options'      => '1 oras:1 hour,1 loron:1 day,1 semana:1 week,2 semana:2 weeks,1 fulan:1 month,3 fulan:3 months,6 fulan:6 months,1 tinan:1 year,infinite:infinite',
00712 'restriction-type'            => 'Permisaun:',
00714 # Restrictions (nouns)
00715 'restriction-edit'   => 'Edita',
00716 'restriction-move'   => 'Book',
00717 'restriction-create' => 'Kria',
00719 # Undelete
00720 'undelete'                  => 'Haree pájina halakon tiha',
00721 'undeletebtn'               => 'Restaurar',
00722 'undeletelink'              => 'lee/restaurar',
00723 'undeleteviewlink'          => 'haree',
00724 'undeletecomment'           => 'Razaun:',
00725 'undeletedrevisions'        => 'restaurar {{PLURAL:$1|versaun|versaun}} $1',
00726 'undelete-search-submit'    => 'Buka',
00727 'undelete-show-file-submit' => 'Sin',
00729 # Namespace form on various pages
00730 'namespace'      => 'Espasu pájina nian:',
00731 'blanknamespace' => '(Prinsipál)',
00733 # Contributions
00734 'contributions'       => "Kontribuisaun uza-na'in",
00735 'contributions-title' => 'Kontribuisaun "$1" nian',
00736 'mycontris'           => 'Kontribuisaun',
00737 'contribsub2'         => 'Ba $1 ($2)',
00738 'uctop'               => '(versaun atuál)',
00739 'month'               => 'Fulan (ho molok):',
00740 'year'                => 'Tinan (ho molok):',
00742 'sp-contributions-newbies'  => "Hatudu de'it kontribuisaun uza-na'in foun sira-nia",
00743 'sp-contributions-talk'     => 'diskusaun',
00744 'sp-contributions-search'   => 'Buka kontribuisaun',
00745 'sp-contributions-username' => "Diresaun IP ka naran uza-na'in:",
00746 'sp-contributions-submit'   => 'Buka',
00748 # What links here
00749 'whatlinkshere'           => "Artigu sira ne'ebé bá iha ne'e",
00750 'whatlinkshere-title'     => 'Pájina sira ne\'ebé bá "$1".',
00751 'whatlinkshere-page'      => 'Pájina:',
00752 'linkshere'               => "Pájina sira ne'e link ba '''[[:$1]]''':",
00753 'isimage'                 => 'ligasaun ba fixeiru',
00754 'whatlinkshere-prev'      => '{{PLURAL:$1|oinmai|oinmai $1}}',
00755 'whatlinkshere-next'      => '{{PLURAL:$1|molok|molok $1}}',
00756 'whatlinkshere-links'     => '← ligasaun',
00757 'whatlinkshere-hidelinks' => '$1 ligasaun',
00759 # Block/unblock
00760 'block'                      => "Blokeiu uza-na'in",
00761 'blockip'                    => "Blokeiu uza-na'in",
00762 'blockip-legend'             => "Blokeiu uza-na'in",
00763 'ipadressorusername'         => "Diresaun IP ka naran uza-na'in:",
00764 'ipbexpiry'                  => 'Tempu:',
00765 'ipbreason'                  => 'Motivu:',
00766 'ipbreasonotherlist'         => 'Motivu seluk',
00767 'ipbcreateaccount'           => 'La bele kria konta foun',
00768 'ipbemailban'                => 'La bele haruka korreiu eletróniku',
00769 'ipbsubmit'                  => "Blokeiu uza-na'in ne'e",
00770 'ipbother'                   => 'Tempu seluk:',
00771 'ipboptions'                 => '2 hours:2 hours,1 loron:1 day,3 Loron:3 days,1 semana:1 week,2 semana:2 weeks,1 fulan:1 month,3 fulan:3 months,6 fulan:6 months,1 tinan:1 year,infinite:infinite',
00772 'ipbotheroption'             => 'seluk',
00773 'ipbhidename'                => "Subar naran uza-na'in (iha kontribuisaun no lista seluk)",
00774 'ipbwatchuser'               => "Hateke pájina uza-na'in nian (hamutuk ho pájina diskusaun)",
00775 'ipb-disableusertalk'        => 'La bele edita ninia pájina diskusaun',
00776 'ipblocklist'                => "Uza-na'in sira-ne'ebé la bele edita",
00777 'blocklist-reason'           => 'Razaun',
00778 'ipblocklist-submit'         => 'Buka',
00779 'anononlyblock'              => "ema anónimu de'it",
00780 'blocklink'                  => 'blokeiu',
00781 'unblocklink'                => 'la blokeiu',
00782 'contribslink'               => 'kontribuisaun',
00783 'blocklogentry'              => 'blokeiu [[$1]] ba tempu $2 $3',
00784 'block-log-flags-nocreate'   => 'la bele kria konta foun',
00785 'block-log-flags-noemail'    => 'korreiu eletróniku blokeiu',
00786 'block-log-flags-nousertalk' => 'la bele edita pájina diskusaun rasik',
00787 'ipb_already_blocked'        => 'Ema ruma blokeiu "$1" tiha ona',
00789 # Move page
00790 'move-page'               => 'Book $1',
00791 'move-page-legend'        => 'Book pájina',
00792 'movearticle'             => 'Book pájina:',
00793 'movenotallowed'          => 'Ó la bele book pájina sira.',
00794 'newtitle'                => 'Naran foun:',
00795 'move-watch'              => "Hateke pájina ne'e",
00796 'movepagebtn'             => 'Book pájina',
00797 'movedto'                 => 'book tiha ba',
00798 'movetalk'                => 'Book pájina diskusaun mós',
00799 'movelogpage'             => 'Lista book',
00800 'movereason'              => 'Motivu:',
00801 'delete_and_move'         => 'Halakon ho book',
00802 'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'Sin, halakon pájina',
00804 # Export
00805 'export'        => 'Esporta pájina sira',
00806 'export-submit' => 'Esporta',
00807 'export-addcat' => 'Tau tan',
00808 'export-addns'  => 'Tau tan',
00810 # Namespace 8 related
00811 'allmessagesname'        => 'Naran',
00812 'allmessagescurrent'     => 'Testu atuál',
00813 'allmessages-filter-all' => 'Hotu',
00814 'allmessages-language'   => 'Lian:',
00816 # Special:Import
00817 'import-interwiki-submit' => 'Importa',
00818 'import-comment'          => 'Komentáriu:',
00819 'import-revision-count'   => '{{PLURAL:$1|versaun ida|versaun $1}}',
00821 # Import log
00822 'import-logentry-interwiki-detail' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|versaun|versaun}} husi $2',
00824 # Tooltip help for the actions
00825 'tooltip-pt-userpage'            => "Ó-nia pájina uza-na'in",
00826 'tooltip-pt-mytalk'              => 'Ó-nia pájina diskusaun',
00827 'tooltip-pt-preferences'         => "Ha'u-nia preferénsia",
00828 'tooltip-pt-mycontris'           => 'Ó-nia kontribuisaun (lista)',
00829 'tooltip-pt-login'               => 'Ami rekomenda identifikasaun ("log in"), maibé Ita-Boot la presiza halo ne\'e',
00830 'tooltip-pt-logout'              => 'Husik',
00831 'tooltip-ca-talk'                => 'Diskusaun kona-ba konteúdu pájina nian',
00832 'tooltip-ca-edit'                => "Ita bele edita pájina ne'e. Please use the preview button before saving.",
00833 'tooltip-ca-addsection'          => 'Tau tan seksaun foun ida.',
00834 'tooltip-ca-viewsource'          => "Ema ruma proteje tiha pájina ne'e.
00835 Ó bele lee testu.",
00836 'tooltip-ca-history'             => 'Versaun tuan pájina nian',
00837 'tooltip-ca-protect'             => "Proteje pájina ne'e",
00838 'tooltip-ca-delete'              => "Halakon pájina ne'e",
00839 'tooltip-ca-move'                => "Book pájina ne'e",
00840 'tooltip-ca-watch'               => 'Tau pájina ne\'e ba Ita-nia "lista hateke"',
00841 'tooltip-ca-unwatch'             => 'Hasai pájina ne\'e husi Ita-nia "lista hateke"',
00842 'tooltip-search'                 => 'Buka iha {{SITENAME}}',
00843 'tooltip-search-go'              => "Bá pájina ho naran ne'e (se iha)",
00844 'tooltip-search-fulltext'        => "Buka pájina sira-ne'ebé iha testu ne'e iha laran",
00845 'tooltip-p-logo'                 => 'Pájina Mahuluk',
00846 'tooltip-n-mainpage'             => 'Vizita Pájina Mahuluk',
00847 'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'Vizita Pájina Mahuluk',
00848 'tooltip-n-portal'               => "Kona-ba projetu, ne'ebé ó bele halo, iha ne'ebé ó hetan saida",
00849 'tooltip-n-recentchanges'        => "Lista mudansa foufoun sira iha wiki ne'e.",
00850 'tooltip-n-randompage'           => 'Hola pájina ruma',
00851 'tooltip-n-help'                 => 'Hatudu pájina ajuda.',
00852 'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere'        => "Lista pájina nian ne'ebé bá iha ne'e",
00853 'tooltip-t-contributions'        => "Haree lista kontribuisaun uza-na'in ne'e nian",
00854 'tooltip-t-emailuser'            => 'Haruka korreiu eletróniku',
00855 'tooltip-t-upload'               => 'Tau iha arkivu laran',
00856 'tooltip-t-specialpages'         => 'Lista pájina espesiál hotu nian',
00857 'tooltip-t-print'                => "Versaun pájina ne'e nian ba imprime/prin",
00858 'tooltip-ca-nstab-main'          => 'Haree konteúdu pájina nian',
00859 'tooltip-ca-nstab-user'          => "Haree pájina uza-na'in",
00860 'tooltip-ca-nstab-special'       => "Ne'e pájina espesiál – Ita la bele edita",
00861 'tooltip-ca-nstab-project'       => 'Haree pájina projetu nian',
00862 'tooltip-ca-nstab-category'      => 'Lee pájina kategoria',
00863 'tooltip-minoredit'              => "Marka ne'e hanesan muda ki'ik",
00864 'tooltip-watch'                  => 'Tau pájina ne\'e ba Ita-nia "lista hateke"',
00866 # Attribution
00867 'siteuser'         => "uza-na'in {{SITENAME}} nian $1",
00868 'lastmodifiedatby' => "Pájina ne'e $3 mak muda ba dala ikus iha $1, $2.",
00869 'siteusers'        => "{{PLURAL:$2|uza-na'in|uza-na'in}} {{SITENAME}} nian $1",
00871 # Skin names
00872 'skinname-standard'    => 'Klásiku',
00873 'skinname-cologneblue' => 'Kolónia azúl',
00874 'skinname-myskin'      => 'MySkin',
00875 'skinname-chick'       => 'Manu',
00877 # Browsing diffs
00878 'previousdiff' => '←Versaun molok',
00879 'nextdiff'     => 'Versaun oinmai→',
00881 # Media information
00882 'show-big-image' => 'Boot liu',
00884 # Special:NewFiles
00885 'showhidebots' => '($1 bot sira)',
00886 'ilsubmit'     => 'Buka',
00888 # Bad image list
00889 'bad_image_list' => "Formatu:
00891 Liña hotu tenke komesa ho *
00892 Ligasaun uluk iha liña tenke ligasaun bá imajen aat.
00893 Ligasaun seluk iha liña - ne'e pájina sira iha ne'ebé bele inklui imajen aat.",
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00906 'exif-gpsspeed-k' => 'km iha oras',
00908 # Pseudotags used for GPSDestDistanceRef
00909 'exif-gpsdestdistance-k' => 'kilómetru',
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00917 'exif-iimcategory-evn' => 'Meiu ambiente',
00918 'exif-iimcategory-hth' => 'Saúde',
00919 'exif-iimcategory-lab' => 'Traballu',
00920 'exif-iimcategory-pol' => 'Polítika',
00921 'exif-iimcategory-rel' => 'Relijiaun no fiar',
00922 'exif-iimcategory-sci' => 'Siénsia i teknolojia',
00923 'exif-iimcategory-spo' => 'Desportu',
00924 'exif-iimcategory-war' => 'Funu no konflitu',
00925 'exif-iimcategory-wea' => 'Tempu',
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00928 'exif-urgency-low'    => 'Kraik ($1)',
00929 'exif-urgency-high'   => 'Aas ($1)',
00931 # External editor support
00932 'edit-externally-help' => "(Haree [ iha ne'e] ba informasaun barak liu)",
00934 # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages
00935 'watchlistall2' => 'hotu',
00936 'namespacesall' => 'hotu',
00937 'monthsall'     => 'hotu',
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00944 'imgmultipageprev' => '← pájina molok',
00945 'imgmultipagenext' => 'pájina oinmai →',
00946 'imgmultigo'       => 'Bá!',
00948 # Table pager
00949 'table_pager_next'         => 'Pájina oinmai',
00950 'table_pager_prev'         => 'Pájina molok',
00951 'table_pager_first'        => 'Pájina uluk',
00952 'table_pager_limit_submit' => 'Bá',
00954 # Auto-summaries
00955 'autosumm-new' => "Pájina foun: '$1'",
00957 # Watchlist editor
00958 'watchlistedit-normal-title' => 'Edita lista hateke',
00959 'watchlistedit-raw-titles'   => 'Títulu sira:',
00960 'watchlistedit-raw-added'    => '{{PLURAL:$1|Títulu ida|Títulu $1}} tau tan tiha:',
00961 'watchlistedit-raw-removed'  => '{{PLURAL:$1|Títulu ida|Títulu $1}} hasai tiha:',
00963 # Watchlist editing tools
00964 'watchlisttools-edit' => 'Haree no edita lista hateke',
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00970 'version-version'          => '(Versaun $1)',
00971 'version-license'          => 'Lisensa',
00972 'version-poweredby-others' => 'ema seluk',
00973 'version-software-product' => 'Produtu',
00974 'version-software-version' => 'Versaun',
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00978 'filepath-submit' => 'Bá',
00980 # Special:FileDuplicateSearch
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00983 # Special:SpecialPages
00984 'specialpages'               => 'Pájina espesiál sira',
00985 'specialpages-group-other'   => 'Pájina espesiál seluk',
00986 'specialpages-group-login'   => 'Login / kria konta',
00987 'specialpages-group-changes' => 'Mudansa foufoun sira no lista sira',
00988 'specialpages-group-users'   => "Uza-na'in no priviléjiu sira",
00989 'specialpages-group-pages'   => 'Lista pájina nian',
00991 # Special:BlankPage
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00994 # Special:Tags
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00997 # Special:ComparePages
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00999 'compare-page2'  => 'Pájina 2',
01000 'compare-rev1'   => 'Versaun 1',
01001 'compare-rev2'   => 'Versaun 2',
01002 'compare-submit' => 'Halo komparasaun',
01004 # Database error messages
01005 'dberr-header' => "Wiki ne'e iha problema",
01007 );