00001 <?php 00015 $messages = array( 00016 # Dates 00017 'sunday' => 'Yekshenbe', 00018 'monday' => 'Düshenbe', 00019 'tuesday' => 'Seyshenbe', 00020 'wednesday' => 'Charshenbe', 00021 'thursday' => 'Peyshenbe', 00022 'friday' => 'Jüme', 00023 'saturday' => 'Shenbe', 00024 'january' => 'Yanwar', 00025 'february' => 'Féwral', 00026 'march' => 'Mart', 00027 'april' => 'Aprél', 00028 'may_long' => 'May', 00029 'june' => 'Iyun', 00030 'july' => 'Iyul', 00031 'august' => 'Awghust', 00032 'september' => 'Séntebr', 00033 'october' => 'Öktebir', 00034 'november' => 'Noyabr', 00035 'december' => 'Dékabr', 00036 'may-gen' => 'May', 00037 'september-gen' => 'Séntebr', 00038 'october-gen' => 'Öktebir', 00039 'november-gen' => 'Noyabr', 00040 'december-gen' => 'Dékabr', 00041 'jan' => '1-Ay', 00042 'feb' => '2-Ay', 00043 'mar' => '3-Ay', 00044 'apr' => '4-Ay', 00045 'may' => 'May', 00046 'jun' => '6-Ay', 00047 'jul' => '7-Ay', 00048 'aug' => '8-Ay', 00049 'sep' => '9-Ay', 00050 'oct' => '10-Ay', 00051 'nov' => '11-Ay', 00052 'dec' => '12-Ay', 00053 00054 'mypage' => 'Mening beti', 00055 'navigation' => 'Körüsh', 00056 00057 # Cologne Blue skin 00058 'qbedit' => 'Uzgartish', 00059 'qbspecialpages' => 'Alahida tor batleri', 00060 00061 'help' => 'Yardem', 00062 'search' => 'Izdash', 00063 'searchbutton' => 'Izdash', 00064 'go' => 'Kuchush', 00065 'searcharticle' => 'Kuchush', 00066 'history_short' => 'Tarih', 00067 'printableversion' => 'Basma Nushisi', 00068 'permalink' => 'Menggülük bet', 00069 'edit' => 'Uzgartish', 00070 'delete' => 'Yukhutush', 00071 'protect' => 'Koghdash', 00072 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Monazire', 00073 'talk' => 'Monazire', 00074 'toolbox' => 'Qural sanduqlari', 00075 'otherlanguages' => 'Bashqa tillarda', 00076 'jumptosearch' => 'izdash', 00077 00078 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00079 'currentevents' => 'Hazirqi weqeler', 00080 'edithelp' => 'Uzgartish yardemi', 00081 'mainpage' => 'Bash Bet', 00082 'mainpage-description' => 'Bash Bet', 00083 'portal' => 'Tor Jemiyiti', 00084 00085 'ok' => 'MAQUL', 00086 'editsection' => 'uzgartish', 00087 'editold' => 'uzgartish', 00088 'red-link-title' => '$1 (bet yoq)', 00089 00090 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00091 'nstab-main' => 'Bet', 00092 'nstab-user' => 'Ishletkuqi tor beti', 00093 'nstab-special' => 'Alahide betleri', 00094 'nstab-help' => 'Yardem beti', 00095 00096 # Login and logout pages 00097 'yourname' => 'Ishletkuqi ismi:', 00098 'yourpassword' => 'Achkuch:', 00099 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Achkuchni khayta besing:', 00100 'login' => 'Kirish', 00101 'logout' => 'Chiqish', 00102 'userlogout' => 'Chikish', 00103 'gotaccountlink' => 'Kirish', 00104 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Til: $1', 00105 00106 # Special:PasswordReset 00107 'passwordreset-username' => 'Ishletkuchi ismi:', 00108 00109 # Edit pages 00110 'summary' => 'Hulasa:', 00111 'minoredit' => 'Bu Kichik Uzgartish', 00112 'watchthis' => 'Bu Batka Kharang', 00113 'savearticle' => 'Betni saqlang', 00114 'showpreview' => 'Aldinala kurux', 00115 'showdiff' => 'Uzgurushlerni kursutung', 00116 'loginreqlink' => 'kirish', 00117 'newarticle' => '(Yéngi)', 00118 00119 # Search results 00120 'prevn' => 'aldinqi {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 00121 'nextn' => 'kéyinki {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 00122 'powersearch' => 'Izdash', 00123 00124 # Preferences page 00125 'prefs-rc' => 'Yengi uzgurush', 00126 'searchresultshead' => 'Izdash', 00127 'timezoneregion-asia' => 'Asiya', 00128 'timezoneregion-europe' => 'Yawropa', 00129 'youremail' => 'Élxet:', 00130 'username' => 'Ishletkuqi ismi:', 00131 'yourlanguage' => 'Til:', 00132 'email' => 'Élxet:', 00133 00134 # Recent changes 00135 'recentchanges' => 'Yéngi özgirish', 00136 00137 # Recent changes linked 00138 'recentchangeslinked' => 'Yéqinqi özgirishler', 00139 'recentchangeslinked-feed' => 'Yéqinqi özgirishler', 00140 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Yéqinqi özgirishler', 00141 'recentchangeslinked-page' => 'Betning ismi:', 00142 00143 # Upload 00144 'upload' => 'Yéngi höjjet kirgüzush', 00145 'uploadbtn' => 'Yengi Hujjat Kirguzush', 00146 'filedesc' => 'Hulasa', 00147 'watchthisupload' => 'Bu Batka Kharang', 00148 00149 # File description page 00150 'filehist-user' => 'Ishletkuchi', 00151 00152 # File deletion 00153 'filedelete-submit' => 'Yukhutush', 00154 00155 # Random page 00156 'randompage' => 'Halighan Tor Beti', 00157 00158 'brokenredirects-edit' => 'uzgartish', 00159 'brokenredirects-delete' => 'yukhutush', 00160 00161 # Miscellaneous special pages 00162 'newpages' => 'Yéngi betler', 00163 'newpages-username' => 'Ishletkuqi ismi:', 00164 'move' => 'Yotkash', 00165 'movethispage' => 'Bu batni yotkang', 00166 00167 # Book sources 00168 'booksources-go' => 'Kuchush', 00169 00170 # Special:AllPages 00171 'nextpage' => 'Kéyinki bet ($1)', 00172 'prevpage' => 'Aldinqi bet ($1)', 00173 'allpagessubmit' => 'Kuchush', 00174 00175 # Special:LinkSearch 00176 'linksearch-ok' => 'Izdash', 00177 00178 # Watchlist 00179 'watchlist' => 'Men kharawatkhan tor betleri', 00180 'watch' => 'Karang', 00181 'watchthispage' => 'Bu Batka Kharang', 00182 00183 # Restrictions (nouns) 00184 'restriction-edit' => 'Uzgartish', 00185 'restriction-move' => 'Yotkash', 00186 00187 # Undelete 00188 'undelete-search-submit' => 'Izdash', 00189 00190 'sp-contributions-talk' => 'Monazire', 00191 'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Izdash', 00192 00193 # What links here 00194 'whatlinkshere' => 'Bashqa tor betler', 00195 'whatlinkshere-page' => 'Bet:', 00196 00197 # Block/unblock 00198 'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Izdash', 00199 00200 # Move page 00201 'movearticle' => 'Yotkigen beti:', 00202 'move-watch' => 'Bu Batka Kharang', 00203 'movepagebtn' => 'Yotkigen beti', 00204 00205 # Namespace 8 related 00206 'allmessages' => 'System havarleri', 00207 00208 # Tooltip help for the actions 00209 'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Chikish', 00210 'tooltip-ca-move' => 'Bu batni yotkang', 00211 'tooltip-search' => 'Izdash {{SITENAME}}', 00212 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Bash Bet', 00213 00214 # Special:NewFiles 00215 'ilsubmit' => 'Izdash', 00216 00217 # action=purge 00218 'confirm_purge_button' => 'Maqul', 00219 00220 # Multipage image navigation 00221 'imgmultipageprev' => '← aldinqi bet', 00222 'imgmultipagenext' => 'kéyinki bet →', 00223 'imgmultigo' => 'Kuchush!', 00224 00225 # Table pager 00226 'table_pager_next' => 'Kéyinki bet', 00227 'table_pager_prev' => 'Aldinqi bet', 00228 'table_pager_first' => 'Birinchi bet', 00229 'table_pager_last' => 'Eng axirqi bet', 00230 'table_pager_limit_submit' => 'Kuchush', 00231 00232 # Special:SpecialPages 00233 'specialpages' => 'Alahide tor betleri', 00234 00235 );