00001 <?php 00021 $fallback = 'zh-hant, zh-hans'; 00022 00023 $fallback8bitEncoding = 'Big5-HKSCS'; 00024 00025 $specialPageAliases = array( 00026 'ComparePages' => array( '頁面比較' ), 00027 'RevisionMove' => array( '移動版本' ), 00028 'Unblock' => array( '解除封禁' ), 00029 ); 00030 00031 $messages = array( 00032 # User preference toggles 00033 'tog-watchlisthidebots' => '監視列表中隱藏機械人的編輯', 00034 00035 # Dates 00036 'january' => '一月', 00037 'february' => '二月', 00038 'march' => '三月', 00039 'april' => '四月', 00040 'may_long' => '五月', 00041 'june' => '六月', 00042 'july' => '七月', 00043 'august' => '八月', 00044 'september' => '九月', 00045 'october' => '十月', 00046 'november' => '十一月', 00047 'december' => '十二月', 00048 00049 'mytalk' => '我的討論頁', 00050 00051 'tagline' => '從 {{SITENAME}}', 00052 'search' => '搜尋', 00053 'printableversion' => '可打印版', 00054 'permalink' => '永久連接', 00055 'print' => '打印', 00056 'specialpage' => '特殊頁面', 00057 'jumpto' => '跳到:', 00058 'jumptosearch' => '搜尋', 00059 00060 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00061 'aboutpage' => 'Project:關於我們', 00062 'privacy' => '私隱政策', 00063 'privacypage' => 'Project:私隱政策', 00064 00065 'red-link-title' => '$1 (頁面不存在)', 00066 00067 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00068 'nstab-special' => '特殊頁面', 00069 00070 # Login and logout pages 00071 'nav-login-createaccount' => '登入/創造帳戶', 00072 'userlogin' => '登入/創造帳戶', 00073 00074 # Edit pages 00075 'editing' => '正在編輯 $1', 00076 00077 # Revision deletion 00078 'rev-deleted-comment' => '(註釋已除)', 00079 'rev-deleted-event' => '(日誌已除)', 00080 'revdelete-suppress-text' => "壓制'''只'''應用於以下的情況: 00081 * 不合適的個人資料 00082 *: ''地址、電話號碼、身份證號碼等。''", 00083 00084 # Diffs 00085 'editundo' => '撤銷', 00086 00087 # Search results 00088 'search-mwsuggest-disabled' => '沒有意見', 00089 00090 # Preferences page 00091 'prefs-help-gender' => '可選:用於軟件中的性別指定。此項資料將會被公開。', 00092 00093 # Groups 00094 'group-bot' => '機械人', 00095 00096 'group-bot-member' => '機械人', 00097 00098 'grouppage-bot' => '{{ns:project}}:機械人', 00099 00100 # Recent changes 00101 'recentchanges-label-bot' => '這次編輯是由機械人進行', 00102 'rcshowhidebots' => '$1機械人的編輯', 00103 00104 # Special:ActiveUsers 00105 'activeusers-hidebots' => '隱藏機械人', 00106 00107 # Block/unblock 00108 'contribslink' => '貢獻', 00109 00110 # Tooltip help for the actions 00111 'tooltip-search' => '搜尋 {{SITENAME}}', 00112 'tooltip-search-go' => '若是真有其頁,則進入相同名字的頁面', 00113 'tooltip-search-fulltext' => '在此頁面內搜尋此文字', 00114 'tooltip-n-mainpage' => '回到首頁', 00115 'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => '回到首頁', 00116 'tooltip-n-randompage' => '跳到一個隨機抽取的頁面', 00117 'tooltip-t-print' => '這個頁面的可打印版本', 00118 00119 # Special:NewFiles 00120 'showhidebots' => '($1機械人)', 00121 00122 # Special:SpecialPages 00123 'specialpages' => '特殊頁面', 00124 00125 );