MediaWiki  REL1_19
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00026 class ResourceLoaderFileModule extends ResourceLoaderModule {
00028         /* Protected Members */
00031         protected $localBasePath = '';
00033         protected $remoteBasePath = '';
00041         protected $scripts = array();
00049         protected $languageScripts = array();
00057         protected $skinScripts = array();
00065         protected $debugScripts = array();
00073         protected $loaderScripts = array();
00081         protected $styles = array();
00089         protected $skinStyles = array();
00097         protected $dependencies = array();
00105         protected $messages = array();
00107         protected $group;
00109         protected $position = 'bottom';
00111         protected $debugRaw = true;
00119         protected $modifiedTime = array();
00127         protected $localFileRefs = array();
00129         /* Methods */
00182         public function __construct( $options = array(), $localBasePath = null,
00183                 $remoteBasePath = null )
00184         {
00185                 global $IP, $wgScriptPath, $wgResourceBasePath;
00186                 $this->localBasePath = $localBasePath === null ? $IP : $localBasePath;
00187                 if ( $remoteBasePath !== null ) {
00188                         $this->remoteBasePath = $remoteBasePath;
00189                 } else {
00190                         $this->remoteBasePath = $wgResourceBasePath === null ? $wgScriptPath : $wgResourceBasePath;
00191                 }
00193                 if ( isset( $options['remoteExtPath'] ) ) {
00194                         global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
00195                         $this->remoteBasePath = $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/' . $options['remoteExtPath'];
00196                 }
00198                 foreach ( $options as $member => $option ) {
00199                         switch ( $member ) {
00200                                 // Lists of file paths
00201                                 case 'scripts':
00202                                 case 'debugScripts':
00203                                 case 'loaderScripts':
00204                                 case 'styles':
00205                                         $this->{$member} = (array) $option;
00206                                         break;
00207                                 // Collated lists of file paths
00208                                 case 'languageScripts':
00209                                 case 'skinScripts':
00210                                 case 'skinStyles':
00211                                         if ( !is_array( $option ) ) {
00212                                                 throw new MWException(
00213                                                         "Invalid collated file path list error. " .
00214                                                         "'$option' given, array expected."
00215                                                 );
00216                                         }
00217                                         foreach ( $option as $key => $value ) {
00218                                                 if ( !is_string( $key ) ) {
00219                                                         throw new MWException(
00220                                                                 "Invalid collated file path list key error. " .
00221                                                                 "'$key' given, string expected."
00222                                                         );
00223                                                 }
00224                                                 $this->{$member}[$key] = (array) $value;
00225                                         }
00226                                         break;
00227                                 // Lists of strings
00228                                 case 'dependencies':
00229                                 case 'messages':
00230                                         $this->{$member} = (array) $option;
00231                                         break;
00232                                 // Single strings
00233                                 case 'group':
00234                                 case 'position':
00235                                 case 'localBasePath':
00236                                 case 'remoteBasePath':
00237                                         $this->{$member} = (string) $option;
00238                                         break;
00239                                 // Single booleans
00240                                 case 'debugRaw':
00241                                         $this->{$member} = (bool) $option;
00242                                         break;
00243                         }
00244                 }
00245                 // Make sure the remote base path is a complete valid URL,
00246                 // but possibly protocol-relative to avoid cache pollution
00247                 $this->remoteBasePath = wfExpandUrl( $this->remoteBasePath, PROTO_RELATIVE );
00248         }
00256         public function getScript( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00257                 $files = $this->getScriptFiles( $context );
00258                 return $this->readScriptFiles( $files );
00259         }
00265         public function getScriptURLsForDebug( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00266                 $urls = array();
00267                 foreach ( $this->getScriptFiles( $context ) as $file ) {
00268                         $urls[] = $this->getRemotePath( $file );
00269                 }
00270                 return $urls;
00271         }
00276         public function supportsURLLoading() {
00277                 return $this->debugRaw;
00278         }
00285         public function getLoaderScript() {
00286                 if ( count( $this->loaderScripts ) == 0 ) {
00287                         return false;
00288                 }
00289                 return $this->readScriptFiles( $this->loaderScripts );
00290         }
00298         public function getStyles( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00299                 $styles = $this->readStyleFiles(
00300                         $this->getStyleFiles( $context ),
00301                         $this->getFlip( $context )
00302                 );
00303                 // Collect referenced files
00304                 $this->localFileRefs = array_unique( $this->localFileRefs );
00305                 // If the list has been modified since last time we cached it, update the cache
00306                 if ( $this->localFileRefs !== $this->getFileDependencies( $context->getSkin() ) && !wfReadOnly() ) {
00307                         $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
00308                         $dbw->replace( 'module_deps',
00309                                 array( array( 'md_module', 'md_skin' ) ), array(
00310                                         'md_module' => $this->getName(),
00311                                         'md_skin' => $context->getSkin(),
00312                                         'md_deps' => FormatJson::encode( $this->localFileRefs ),
00313                                 )
00314                         );
00315                 }
00316                 return $styles;
00317         }
00323         public function getStyleURLsForDebug( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00324                 $urls = array();
00325                 foreach ( $this->getStyleFiles( $context ) as $mediaType => $list ) {
00326                         $urls[$mediaType] = array();
00327                         foreach ( $list as $file ) {
00328                                 $urls[$mediaType][] = $this->getRemotePath( $file );
00329                         }
00330                 }
00331                 return $urls;
00332         }
00339         public function getMessages() {
00340                 return $this->messages;
00341         }
00348         public function getGroup() {
00349                 return $this->group;
00350         }
00355         public function getPosition() {
00356                 return $this->position;
00357         }
00364         public function getDependencies() {
00365                 return $this->dependencies;
00366         }
00382         public function getModifiedTime( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00383                 if ( isset( $this->modifiedTime[$context->getHash()] ) ) {
00384                         return $this->modifiedTime[$context->getHash()];
00385                 }
00386                 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
00388                 $files = array();
00390                 // Flatten style files into $files
00391                 $styles = self::collateFilePathListByOption( $this->styles, 'media', 'all' );
00392                 foreach ( $styles as $styleFiles ) {
00393                         $files = array_merge( $files, $styleFiles );
00394                 }
00395                 $skinFiles = self::tryForKey(
00396                         self::collateFilePathListByOption( $this->skinStyles, 'media', 'all' ),
00397                         $context->getSkin(),
00398                         'default'
00399                 );
00400                 foreach ( $skinFiles as $styleFiles ) {
00401                         $files = array_merge( $files, $styleFiles );
00402                 }
00404                 // Final merge, this should result in a master list of dependent files
00405                 $files = array_merge(
00406                         $files,
00407                         $this->scripts,
00408                         $context->getDebug() ? $this->debugScripts : array(),
00409                         self::tryForKey( $this->languageScripts, $context->getLanguage() ),
00410                         self::tryForKey( $this->skinScripts, $context->getSkin(), 'default' ),
00411                         $this->loaderScripts
00412                 );
00413                 $files = array_map( array( $this, 'getLocalPath' ), $files );
00414                 // File deps need to be treated separately because they're already prefixed
00415                 $files = array_merge( $files, $this->getFileDependencies( $context->getSkin() ) );
00417                 // If a module is nothing but a list of dependencies, we need to avoid
00418                 // giving max() an empty array
00419                 if ( count( $files ) === 0 ) {
00420                         wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00421                         return $this->modifiedTime[$context->getHash()] = 1;
00422                 }
00424                 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-filemtime' );
00425                 $filesMtime = max( array_map( array( __CLASS__, 'safeFilemtime' ), $files ) );
00426                 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-filemtime' );
00427                 $this->modifiedTime[$context->getHash()] = max(
00428                         $filesMtime,
00429                         $this->getMsgBlobMtime( $context->getLanguage() ) );
00431                 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00432                 return $this->modifiedTime[$context->getHash()];
00433         }
00435         /* Protected Methods */
00441         protected function getLocalPath( $path ) {
00442                 return "{$this->localBasePath}/$path";
00443         }
00449         protected function getRemotePath( $path ) {
00450                 return "{$this->remoteBasePath}/$path";
00451         }
00462         protected static function collateFilePathListByOption( array $list, $option, $default ) {
00463                 $collatedFiles = array();
00464                 foreach ( (array) $list as $key => $value ) {
00465                         if ( is_int( $key ) ) {
00466                                 // File name as the value
00467                                 if ( !isset( $collatedFiles[$default] ) ) {
00468                                         $collatedFiles[$default] = array();
00469                                 }
00470                                 $collatedFiles[$default][] = $value;
00471                         } elseif ( is_array( $value ) ) {
00472                                 // File name as the key, options array as the value
00473                                 $optionValue = isset( $value[$option] ) ? $value[$option] : $default;
00474                                 if ( !isset( $collatedFiles[$optionValue] ) ) {
00475                                         $collatedFiles[$optionValue] = array();
00476                                 }
00477                                 $collatedFiles[$optionValue][] = $key;
00478                         }
00479                 }
00480                 return $collatedFiles;
00481         }
00492         protected static function tryForKey( array $list, $key, $fallback = null ) {
00493                 if ( isset( $list[$key] ) && is_array( $list[$key] ) ) {
00494                         return $list[$key];
00495                 } elseif ( is_string( $fallback )
00496                         && isset( $list[$fallback] )
00497                         && is_array( $list[$fallback] ) )
00498                 {
00499                         return $list[$fallback];
00500                 }
00501                 return array();
00502         }
00510         protected function getScriptFiles( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00511                 $files = array_merge(
00512                         $this->scripts,
00513                         self::tryForKey( $this->languageScripts, $context->getLanguage() ),
00514                         self::tryForKey( $this->skinScripts, $context->getSkin(), 'default' )
00515                 );
00516                 if ( $context->getDebug() ) {
00517                         $files = array_merge( $files, $this->debugScripts );
00518                 }
00519                 return $files;
00520         }
00528         protected function getStyleFiles( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
00529                 return array_merge_recursive(
00530                         self::collateFilePathListByOption( $this->styles, 'media', 'all' ),
00531                         self::collateFilePathListByOption(
00532                                 self::tryForKey( $this->skinStyles, $context->getSkin(), 'default' ), 'media', 'all'
00533                         )
00534                 );
00535         }
00543         protected function readScriptFiles( array $scripts ) {
00544                 global $wgResourceLoaderValidateStaticJS;
00545                 if ( empty( $scripts ) ) {
00546                         return '';
00547                 }
00548                 $js = '';
00549                 foreach ( array_unique( $scripts ) as $fileName ) {
00550                         $localPath = $this->getLocalPath( $fileName );
00551                         if ( !file_exists( $localPath ) ) {
00552                                 throw new MWException( __METHOD__.": script file not found: \"$localPath\"" );
00553                         }
00554                         $contents = file_get_contents( $localPath );
00555                         if ( $wgResourceLoaderValidateStaticJS ) {
00556                                 // Static files don't really need to be checked as often; unlike
00557                                 // on-wiki module they shouldn't change unexpectedly without
00558                                 // admin interference.
00559                                 $contents = $this->validateScriptFile( $fileName, $contents );
00560                         }
00561                         $js .= $contents . "\n";
00562                 }
00563                 return $js;
00564         }
00577         protected function readStyleFiles( array $styles, $flip ) {
00578                 if ( empty( $styles ) ) {
00579                         return array();
00580                 }
00581                 foreach ( $styles as $media => $files ) {
00582                         $uniqueFiles = array_unique( $files );
00583                         $styles[$media] = implode(
00584                                 "\n",
00585                                 array_map(
00586                                         array( $this, 'readStyleFile' ),
00587                                         $uniqueFiles,
00588                                         array_fill( 0, count( $uniqueFiles ), $flip )
00589                                 )
00590                         );
00591                 }
00592                 return $styles;
00593         }
00606         protected function readStyleFile( $path, $flip ) {
00607                 $localPath = $this->getLocalPath( $path );
00608                 if ( !file_exists( $localPath ) ) {
00609                         throw new MWException( __METHOD__.": style file not found: \"$localPath\"" );
00610                 }
00611                 $style = file_get_contents( $localPath );
00612                 if ( $flip ) {
00613                         $style = CSSJanus::transform( $style, true, false );
00614                 }
00615                 $dirname = dirname( $path );
00616                 if ( $dirname == '.' ) {
00617                         // If $path doesn't have a directory component, don't prepend a dot
00618                         $dirname = '';
00619                 }
00620                 $dir = $this->getLocalPath( $dirname );
00621                 $remoteDir = $this->getRemotePath( $dirname );
00622                 // Get and register local file references
00623                 $this->localFileRefs = array_merge(
00624                         $this->localFileRefs,
00625                         CSSMin::getLocalFileReferences( $style, $dir ) );
00626                 return CSSMin::remap(
00627                         $style, $dir, $remoteDir, true
00628                 );
00629         }
00637         protected static function safeFilemtime( $filename ) {
00638                 if ( file_exists( $filename ) ) {
00639                         return filemtime( $filename );
00640                 } else {
00641                         // We only ever map this function on an array if we're gonna call max() after,
00642                         // so return our standard minimum timestamps here. This is 1, not 0, because
00643                         // wfTimestamp(0) == NOW
00644                         return 1;
00645                 }
00646         }
00653         public function getFlip( $context ) {
00654                 return $context->getDirection() === 'rtl';
00655         }
00656 }