MediaWiki  REL1_19
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00029 class DisambiguationsPage extends PageQueryPage {
00031         function __construct( $name = 'Disambiguations' ) {
00032                 parent::__construct( $name );
00033         }
00035         function isExpensive() { return true; }
00036         function isSyndicated() { return false; }
00038         function getPageHeader() {
00039                 return $this->msg( 'disambiguations-text' )->parseAsBlock();
00040         }
00042         function getQueryInfo() {
00043                 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
00044                 $dMsgText = $this->msg( 'disambiguationspage' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
00045                 $linkBatch = new LinkBatch;
00047                 # If the text can be treated as a title, use it verbatim.
00048                 # Otherwise, pull the titles from the links table
00049                 $dp = Title::newFromText($dMsgText);
00050                 if( $dp ) {
00051                         if( $dp->getNamespace() != NS_TEMPLATE ) {
00052                                 # @todo FIXME: We assume the disambiguation message is a template but
00053                                 # the page can potentially be from another namespace :/
00054                                 wfDebug("Mediawiki:disambiguationspage message does not refer to a template!\n");
00055                         }
00056                         $linkBatch->addObj( $dp );
00057                 } else {
00058                                 # Get all the templates linked from the Mediawiki:Disambiguationspage
00059                                 $disPageObj = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, 'disambiguationspage' );
00060                                 $res = $dbr->select(
00061                                         array('pagelinks', 'page'),
00062                                         'pl_title',
00063                                         array('page_id = pl_from',
00064                                                 'pl_namespace' => NS_TEMPLATE,
00065                                                 'page_namespace' => $disPageObj->getNamespace(),
00066                                                 'page_title' => $disPageObj->getDBkey()),
00067                                         __METHOD__ );
00069                                 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
00070                                         $linkBatch->addObj( Title::makeTitle( NS_TEMPLATE, $row->pl_title ));
00071                                 }
00072                 }
00073                 $set = $linkBatch->constructSet( 'tl', $dbr );
00074                 if( $set === false ) {
00075                         # We must always return a valid SQL query, but this way
00076                         # the DB will always quickly return an empty result
00077                         $set = 'FALSE';
00078                         wfDebug("Mediawiki:disambiguationspage message does not link to any templates!\n");
00079                 }
00081                 // @todo FIXME: What are pagelinks and p2 doing here?
00082                 return array (
00083                         'tables' => array( 'templatelinks', 'p1' => 'page', 'pagelinks', 'p2' => 'page' ),
00084                         'fields' => array( 'p1.page_namespace AS namespace',
00085                                         'p1.page_title AS title',
00086                                         'pl_from AS value' ),
00087                         'conds' => array( $set,
00088                                         'p1.page_id = tl_from',
00089                                         'pl_namespace = p1.page_namespace',
00090                                         'pl_title = p1.page_title',
00091                                         'p2.page_id = pl_from',
00092                                         'p2.page_namespace' => MWNamespace::getContentNamespaces() )
00093                 );
00094         }
00096         function getOrderFields() {
00097                 return array( 'tl_namespace', 'tl_title', 'value' );
00098         }
00100         function sortDescending() {
00101                 return false;
00102         }
00110         function preprocessResults( $db, $res ) {
00111                 $batch = new LinkBatch;
00112                 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
00113                         $batch->add( $row->namespace, $row->title );
00114                 }
00115                 $batch->execute();
00117                 // Back to start for display
00118                 if ( $db->numRows( $res ) > 0 ) {
00119                         // If there are no rows we get an error seeking.
00120                         $db->dataSeek( $res, 0 );
00121                 }
00122         }
00124         function formatResult( $skin, $result ) {
00125                 $title = Title::newFromID( $result->value );
00126                 $dp = Title::makeTitle( $result->namespace, $result->title );
00128                 $from = Linker::link( $title );
00129                 $edit = Linker::link( $title, $this->msg( 'parentheses', $this->msg( 'editlink' )->text() )->escaped(),
00130                         array(), array( 'redirect' => 'no', 'action' => 'edit' ) );
00131                 $arr  = $this->getLanguage()->getArrow();
00132                 $to   = Linker::link( $dp );
00134                 return "$from $edit $arr $to";
00135         }
00136 }